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What is carding and how hackers steal your bank balance?

Representative image: Carding (Source: CANVA)

By Irfan Attari Kashmiri

Carding is a term used to describe the fraudulent practice of using stolen or cloned credit card information to make unauthorized purchases. It is a criminal activity that has been around for years and has become more sophisticated over time. In this article, we will explore what carding is, how it works, and how to protect yourself from it.

What is carding?

Carding is a type of credit card fraud that involves the use of stolen credit card information to make unauthorized purchases. This information can be obtained through a variety of means, such as skimming, hacking, phishing, or purchasing it from online marketplaces. Once the card information has been obtained, it can be used to make purchases online or in-person.

How does carding work?

Carding works by using stolen credit card information to make purchases. The process usually involves several steps. First, the carder obtains the credit card information, usually by purchasing it from a marketplace or by stealing it through skimming or hacking. Once they have the information, they will use it to create a cloned credit card or make online purchases.

To make online purchases, carders will often use a process called “card verification” or “carding verification.” This involves testing the stolen credit card information by making small purchases to ensure that the information is valid. If the purchase goes through successfully, the carder knows that the credit card information is valid and can be used for larger purchases.

To avoid detection, carders often use a variety of techniques, such as using virtual private networks (VPNs) to hide their location and using different IP addresses for each transaction. They may also use fake identities or stolen personal information to make it more difficult to track them down.

How to protect yourself from carding?

Carding is a serious threat, and it’s important to take steps to protect yourself from becoming a victim. Here are some tips to help you stay safe:

Protect your credit card information: Be careful about sharing your credit card information online or over the phone. Only provide your credit card information to trusted sources and be wary of phishing scams or other attempts to steal your information.

Monitor your credit card activity: Regularly review your credit card statements for any unauthorized charges. If you notice any suspicious activity, report it to your credit card company immediately.

Use secure payment methods: When making purchases online, use secure payment methods such as PayPal or Apple Pay, which offer additional layers of protection.

Keep your software up-to-date: Make sure that your computer and mobile device software is up-to-date and that you have anti-virus and anti-malware software installed.

Be cautious of unsolicited emails or phone calls: Be wary of unsolicited emails or phone calls asking for your personal or financial information. Legitimate companies will not ask for this information in this way.

In conclusion, carding is a serious threat to individuals and businesses alike. It’s important to take steps to protect yourself from becoming a victim, such as protecting your credit card information, monitoring your credit card activity, using secure payment methods, keeping your software up-to-date, and being cautious of unsolicited emails or phone calls. By taking these precautions, you can help to protect yourself from the devastating effects of carding.

Contributing Author: Irfan Attari Kashmiri is a dedicated student of Cyber Security and is passionate about the field. He is also the President of Foundation for Youth, an organization that focuses on empowering young people and promoting their well-being. He has extensive knowledge of online security measures and has written several articles on Cyber Security, which have been published in leading publications. He believes that education is key to preventing cybercrime and is committed to raising awareness about online security issues.

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