Twenty top researchers have been recognised for their outstanding contributions to science by being elected Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science.
Among these Fellows are two Indian-Australian academics Prof. Brajesh Singh, a Soil Ecologist, and Prof. Pankaj Sah, a Neuroscientist.

In a statement, Prof. Brajesh Singh said: “Humbled, honoured & inspired for being named as a fellow of Australian Academy of Science. @Science_Academy fellows are among the nation’s most distinguished scientists, elected for ground-breaking research with clear impact,” Congrats to all! #FellowsAA“
Ecologist and Distinguished Prof. Singh has shown how the loss of microbial diversity in soils can reduce the functioning of ecosystems. His research has been translated into products and guidelines to improve soil health and led to changes in farm management practices in the agriculture sector. He has also conducted global studies that have demonstrated the central role of soil microbes in predicting, mitigating, and adapting to climate change.

Prof. Sah is the Executive Director of the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) at The University of Queensland. His research interest includes developing new treatments for anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and anorexia nervosa. He has published over 110 papers in international peer-reviewed journals.
Prof. Sah trained in medicine at The University of New South Wales and, after completing his internship, gained a PhD from the Australian National University. Following postdoctoral work at the University of California, San Francisco, and UQ, he established his own laboratory at the University of Newcastle in 1994. He then joined the John Curtin School of Medical Research at the Australian National University as a group leader in 1997. He was recruited to QBI as a founding member in 2003, and has been Director since July 2015.

President of the Australian Academy of Science Prof. Chennupati Jagadish, AC congratulated the new Fellows on their contributions to science.
“Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science are among the nation’s most distinguished scientists, elected by their peers for ground-breaking research and contributions that have had clear impact. There is no greater professional honour than being recognised by your own peers and the leaders within your own field of research for your achievements.”
This year’s new Fellows come from countries including Germany, China, India and Italy and all now call Australia home.

The Academy’s new Fellows for 2023 are:
- Professor Tim Brodribb FAA, Plant Evolutionary Physiologist, University of Tasmania
- Professor Liming Dai FAA, Materials Scientist, UNSW Sydney
- Professor Mariapia Degli-Esposti FAA, Immunologist, Monash University
- Professor Michael Fuhrer FAA, Materials Physicist, Monash University
- Professor Zaiping Guo, FAA, Materials Scientist, University of Adelaide
- Professor Elaine Holmes FAA, Computational Biologist, Murdoch University
- Professor David Keith FAA, Ecologist and Conservation Biologist, UNSW Sydney
- Professor David Komander FAA, Biochemist and Structural Biologist, WEHI (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research)
- Professor Sharon Lewin AO FAA FAAHMS, Infectious Diseases Physician and Virologist, University of Melbourne
- Professor jian li FAA, Antimicrobial Pharmacologist, Monash University
- Distinguished Professor Belinda Medlyn FAA, Ecologist, Western Sydney University
- Professor Louis Moresi FAA, Computational Geophysicist, The Australian National University
- Professor Richard Payne FAA, Chemical Biologist, University of Sydney
- Professor Shizhang Qiao FAA, Materials Scientist, University of Adelaide
- Professor Pankaj Sah FAA FAHMS Neuroscientist, UQ Queensland Brain Institute
- Distinguished Professor Brajesh Singh FAA, Soil Ecologist, Western Sydney University
- Professor Peter Taylor FAA, Applied Mathematician, University of Melbourne
- Professor Leslie Weston FAA, Plant Biologist and Biochemist, Charles Sturt University
- Professor Andrew Wilks FAA FTSE FAHMS, Molecular Biologist, SYNthesis med chem
- Distinguished Professor Xinghuo Yu FAA, Electrical Engineer, RMIT University
Corresponding Members
The Academy is also admitting two Corresponding Members for 2023:
- Professor Gareth McKinley FAA FRS, Mechanical Engineer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), United States
- Professor Linfa Wang FAA FTSE, Immunologist, Duke Global Health Institute, United States