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Sydney’s Khalistan Referendum propaganda event cancelled by Blacktown City Council

Sydney's Khalistan propaganda referendum cancelled by Blacktown City Council; Image Source: The Australia Today

Sydney's Khalistan propaganda referendum cancelled by Blacktown City Council; Image Source: The Australia Today

By Jai Bharadwaj and Amit Sarwal

After hundreds of complaints about threats by Sikhs For Justice’s propaganda referendum event proposed in Sydney, the Blacktown City Council has decided to cancel the event.

This propaganda event was scheduled to be organised at Blacktown Leisure Centre Stanhope, however in new development, this booking is cancelled after security agencies advise.

A Blacktown City Council spokesperson has told The Australia Today,

Council has, this morning, cancelled this booking as it is in conflict with adopted Council policy and due to risks to Council staff, Council assets and members of the public which cannot be practicably mitigated.

“Council’s decision is in no way an endorsement of, or criticism of, any political position relating to the internal affairs of India or Pakistan and must not be represented as support for any particular political position,” he added.

Arvind Gaur is one of the people who complained about terrorists being praised via posters and banners by the Sikhs For Justice propaganda event.

Mr Gaur told The Australia Today that he has received a reply from the council CEO Kerry Robinson explaining that the unauthorised banners and posters are being removed by Council officials and they have sought advice from the NSW Police.

Ms Robbinson says, “We are removing the banners and posters around the City placed on public property as these have been erected without our approval.”

“We have asked NSW Police to undertake a risk assessment of an event proposed to be held at Blacktown Leisure Centre Stanhope on 4 June by a Victorian-based organisation called Sikhs for Justice Pty Ltd.”

The Australia Today understands NSW Police, ASIO, AFP and DFAT were involved while taking a decision to withdraw permission for the Khalistan propaganda event.

The Australia Today is also given to understand that an investigation is underway about “Sikhs For Justice Pty Ltd” which is registered in Victoria.

An official close to the matter told The Australia Today, “An connection to unaccounted money trail is what we are looking into.

The Australia Today has contacted Sikhs For Justice Pty Ltd, however, we have not got any response as yet.

Earlier this week The Australia Today reported about a vicious anti-Hindu vandalism attack on BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir Rosehill by Khalistan supporters.

Hindu, Islamic and Sikh religious leaders condemned the attack and called on authorities to take strict action against perpetrators.


Local Member of Parliament for Parramatta Andrew Charlton reached the BAPS Temple as soon as he was informed of the Hindu-Hate incident.

Member of Parliament for Parramatta Andrew Charlton reached the BAPS Temple; Image Source: Supplied

Mr Charlton also helped in removing anti-Hindu graffiti from the Temples walls.

A number of other political leaders including Federal Communication Minister Michelle Rowland came forward to condemn the anti-Hindu attack by Khalistan supporters.

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