
Hold the celebrations — the budget’s supposed focus on women is no game-changer

PM Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg, Treasurer; Picture Source: Twitter @JoshFrydenberg
PM Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg, Treasurer; Picture Source: Twitter @JoshFrydenberg

Elizabeth Hill, University of Sydney

One of the major planks of the budget was a pitch to women.

This included an 80-plus page women’s budget statement — the first since 2013 — with an overall figure of A$3.4 billion for women’s safety, economic security and health.

After the “hard hat” budget in October 2020 that was criticised for its “blokey” focus, the government was under pressure to deliver more for women.

This also comes as polling data show support for the Coalition among female voters is slipping, following months of scandals about the treatment of women in politics.

Now we have the detail, is this budget as “women friendly” as the Morrison government would like us to believe?

The short answer

This budget is not a game-changer for women’s economic security.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg included a section on women in his budget speech, but the highly targeted and modest nature of the relevant initiatives, combined with a lack of action in critical gender equality policy areas, has left women’s opportunities for economic security largely unchanged.

Let’s examine some of the specific policy areas.

The childcare subsidy

The $1.7 billion in extra funding for childcare subsidies was announced pre-budget and is a modest addition to the more than $10 billion spent each year on early childhood education and care. The new money is spread over three years and is tightly targeted, aimed at reducing the out of pocket expenses of families with two or more children under six years in approved services.

The government estimates the change will benefit around 250,000 or one quarter of families who use early childhood services, and is expected to have only a modest impact on women’s labour supply. Families with one child in a service are not eligible for the reduction.

Removal of the annual $10,560 cap on the total subsidy available to higher income families is forecast to benefit around 18,000 families and reduce the disincentive for women in these households to work an extra day or two.

These changes will be good for those who qualify, but they inexplicably don’t apply until July 2022. They also make an already complex system even more complex.

The highly-targeted measures do not move Australia closer to the universal system of low-cost or free high-quality childcare that will deliver maximum benefit to children, women’s labour force supply and economic prosperity.

There is also no change to the work test and the reduction in subsidised access for children from vulnerable families. Both of these are unfortunate features of the existing scheme and disadvantage children who need early learning and care the most.


Another key measure was the abolition of the $450 per month income threshold under which employers do not have to pay the superannuation guarantee. This is estimated to affect around 200,000 women, especially those holding multiple short hours and low paid jobs.

But while payment of the superannuation guarantee will boost retirement savings, it won’t make a substantial difference to women’s retirement income and security.

Superannuation is a workplace entitlement that directly reflects women’s employment history.

Women’s disproportionate employment in part-time, low wage and insecure work, compared with men, means the most direct way to fix inequalities in superannuation balances is to support men and women to share care responsibilities for young children, the ill, disabled and elderly family, while also bolstering the quality of essential care services.

This will reduce the time women spend out of the labour market doing unpaid care. Improving wages in feminised sectors and closing the gender pay gap across the economy is also critical to growing women’s retirement incomes.

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Missed opportunities

What is not in a budget can be as important as what is.

Failure to improve the national paid parental leave system — now ten years old — is a significant missed opportunity. Women’s economic security depends upon a robust system of properly funded, gender neutral paid parental leave. My recent research shows young Australian men want to share the care of children with their partner and value gender equality at home.

The current national system entitles the primary carer to 18 weeks of paid parental leave at the minimum wage. This needs to be expanded to at least 26 weeks, with the ability to share it easily between parents, paid at a rate closer to wage-replacement and include superannuation. This will support gender equality in the home and the workplace, and substantially improve women’s economic security in both the short and long term.

Lack of attention to improving wages for the mostly female care workforce is another missed opportunity.

The $17.7 billion allocated to the aged care sector includes money for workforce training and expansion. However, there are no measures to address the very low wages and insecure employment conditions of the predominantly women who work in the care economy. Until wages and conditions in the care sector are addressed, economic security for many Australian women will remain out of reach.

This isn’t the reform we need

The persistent gender inequalities embedded in Australia’s labour market, tax system and social policies were never going to be resolved in a single budget. And this budget is better than what was on offer last year.

But recognising women and providing a number of modest, worthy initiatives isn’t the same as delivering the structural reform in childcare, paid parental leave and insecure and low paid work that is urgently required to shift the dial on the gender pay gap and women’s economic security.

There is much work to be done to promote women’s economic security and deliver a prosperous and inclusive economy. We can’t afford to keep missing opportunities for change.

Elizabeth Hill, Associate professor, University of Sydney

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Indian Australians targeted by dumping beef on cricket pitch in a Hinduphobic racist attack

Image source: SA government website.

A group of Hindu community cricket players have been targeted by Hinduphobic racist thugs in South Australian capital Adelaide’s northern suburb Modbury Heights.

As per local media reports, the Hindu group used to play cricket at Hargrave Reserve Pitch every weekend which has upset some residents. These locals allegedly think the Indian community players have taken over the Reserve.

According to 7News, 2 kgs of minced beef was found dumped on the community cricket pitch on a weekend when Hindu cricket players came to start their match.

Representative image: mined beef

One of the cricket players Nupur Shah told 7NEWS that whosoever has done this knew that we as Hindus worship cow as mother.”

“I would describe it as a racist attack because we believe the cow is a motherly figure. So it’s like a holy thing for us.”

Image source: Nupur Shah – 7News – screengrab.

This sickening targeted attack has left local residents Modbury Heights disgusted.
Peter* who lives close to the reserve told The Australia Today, “We are ashamed of such an incident happened in our suburb, we welcome all communities and will not let these thugs destroy the fabric of being inclusive Australia.”

Rajendra Pandey is presiedent of Vishva Hindu Praishad in South Australia.

He told The Australia Today:

“The government of South Australia should intervene and investigate this Hinduphobic racist attack.”

We categorically condemn this Hinduphobic act (A hateful act against Hindus) of dumping Beef on a cricket pitch to ward off a group of Hindus from playing cricket, said Mr Pandey.

Cricketer Nupur Shah says, As per my understanding ripping off the cricket pitch will cost more than $20,000 and affect the local community.

“I think police need to intervene. If they found a responsible person I think a fine is an appropriate thing to be done.”

Image source: Tea Tree Gully Council Deputy Mayor Lucas Jones – Facebook.

In a statement, Tea Tree Gully Council Deputy Mayor Lucas Jones said:

“council strongly condemns all acts of racism and damage to public property, which are not only unacceptable but illegal.”

Chirag Trivedi is a member of the Hindu Council of Australia’s South Australia.
Mr Trivedi says the council’s decision to rip the pitch is also part of the racism problem with in the administration.

VHP’s Rajendra Pandey further added:

“When you thought it couldn’t get any worse, the council, rather than brokering a solution, responded by deciding to remove the pitch, which directly penalises the group which faced the attack.”

While most non-Hindu Australians are respectful towards our beliefs yet almost all Hindus have faced innuendos and offensive statements against our Gods, practices or traditions, Mr Pandey explained.

“It is important for all Hindu community groups to take responsibility of standing up to such attacks on our faith but also to respectfully engage with the local community and councils to resolve differences before it escalates to intolerable heights.”

Note: If you have any information like this to report please write to us on admin@theaustraliatoday.com.au

Give permanent residency to long-term migrants and over-stayers: 15,000 New Zealanders sign the petition

Image source: Wikipedia.

Two unions in New Zealand have given a representation with more than 15,000 signatures, collected both online and at community events, to two MPs – Labour’s MP Marja Lubeck and Green’s MP Ricardo Menéndez.

According to RNZ, Unite Union and the Migrant Workers Association are calling for the New Zealand government to give permanent residency to long-term migrant workers and over-stayers in the country.

Image source: Mike Treen, Advocate of the Unite Union – Twitter.

Mike Treen, Advocate of the Unite Union, told RNZ that the petition calls on the government to use the Covid-19 crisis as an opportunity to fix problems associated with the country’s migration system.

“Pre-Covid, New Zealand had over 300,000 people here on temporary work visas. But many of these visa holders had been sold a promise, that they would get residency eventually, that New Zealand had failed to follow through on. In fact, in the last three years it has been made much more difficult.”

Image source: Anu Kaloti, President of Migrant Workers Association

Anu Kaloti, President of the Migrant Workers Association, told RNZ that migrant workers’ visas should be detached from a single employer to prevent exploitation.

“We know that we have a government in place that has an international reputation and image of being very kind and compassionate, so we just request that the migrants are also given a small percentage of that compassion.”

Image source: Green MP and immigration spokesperson Ricardo Menéndez March – Parliament.nz

Green MP and immigration spokesperson Ricardo Menéndez March said that the immigration minister should take some immediate action.

“With the powers that the minister is being granted as a result of the immigration Covid-19 response Bill, he should recognise that the pandemic is still raging and our migrant communities need support to create a pathway to residency program, so our migrant communities can fully participate in society.”

Image source: Labour MP Marja Lubeck – Facebook.

While, Labour MP Marja Lubeck who also chairs the Education and Workforce Select Committee of Parliament was of the opinion that it was not an easy answer as whether to grant everyone residency.

“You really have to look across the board, and the context, to also acknowledge that there are so many issues that have arisen because of the fact that there was so much exploitation, so I do believe that there are multiple things that need to be considered.”

Federal Minister Jason Wood prays for India with hundreds of people Australia wide

Federal Assistant Minister for Multicultural Affairs Jason Wood; Picture Source The Australia Today
Federal Assistant Minister for Multicultural Affairs Jason Wood; Picture Source The Australia Today

Amid the devastating COVID19 situation in India, Australian people, business and governments are extending their support and prayers to the people of India.

Melbourne based advocacy organisation Federation of Indian Australians made a call to Australian communities to pray for India in this difficult time of the COVID19 crisis.

“India is facing one of the toughest battles with Covid19. We request everyone from all Faiths to “Pray for India” in their respective places of worship or at their homes on Saturday 8th May from 12 pm to 4 pm, and share the positivity with the people of India.”
“Let us make it Australia’s National Day of Prayers for India to help overcome the Covid19. Please Pray in your Temple, Church, Mosque, Gurudwara or at Home.”

The call was immediately responded to by multiple Hindu Temples under the Australian Hindu Temples council.

Federal Assistant Minister for Multicultural Affairs Jason Wood reached out to the Ganesh Temple based in the Victorian suburb of Basin to pray for India.

He posted a touching message on social media after attending the prayers.

Federal Assistant Minister for Multicutural Affairs Jason Wood; Picture Source: The Australia Today

Mr Wood said in the post, “It was a solemn moment as Temples, Mosques and Churches around Australia prayed together at the same time.”

“India, we are with you and always will be. Indian Australians in India of course we will bring you back, The Morrison government will never let you down. I say to all our Indian community we are with you and together we will win this battle.”

Muslim community under the Islamic Council of Victoria came forward to lend a supportive hand for collective prayers in the holy month of Ramjan.

Islamic Council of Victoria said in a statement, “We are reaching out to all communities and faiths to support this initiative and give comfort to all those in need.”

“As people of faith, our main hope is to reach out to Almighty God in prayer and seek his mercy and love to bring relief and ease the suffering of the people in India.”

Australian Sikh community is also anxiously worried about their loved ones in India.
Gurudwara Siri Guru Nanak Darbar based in suburb Officer also joined the collective prayers of India.

Gurpreet Singh Dhaliwal has family members in India who have tested positive of coronavirus.
He told The Australia today, “I attended the Sangat to pray for everyone else who is in the same situation as me.”

“Guru maharaj will bless us and give strength to over come this difficult time too.”

SMVS Swaminarayan Temple based at Tarneit did prayers in three languages Gujrati, Hindi and English.

Temple committee member Biren Joshi told The Australia Today, “Hundreds of devotees joined the prayers online. We shall be doing these special prayers through out the week for India.”

Sri Durga Temple based in the Victoria suburb of rock bank also participated in prayers for India.

Gary Verma, Vice President of the management committee said, ” Temple is committed to providing any support it can to its devotees in this testing time.”

Karthik Arasu is the President of the Federation of Indian Australians.
He said, “We want to have some positive energy for the people of India as well as those who are here and feel unable to help or support their loved ones back home. These prayers are not for one but it is the start of change which can be bought by collective spiritual power.”

“On behalf of Federation of Indian Australians, I thank all the faith communities and the religious places for standing with Indian Australian comunity.”

India to tour Sri Lanka for three ODIs and three T20Is without Virat and Rohit

Virat Kohli, Indian Cricket Captain; Picture Source: Twitter @BCCI
Virat Kohli, Indian Cricket Captain; Picture Source: Twitter @BCCI

India will be touring Sri Lanka in July for a white-ball series comprising of three ODIs and three T20Is.

Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) has proposed an itinerary to the BCCI and it sees both teams locking horns in three ODIs first and it is followed by the T20I matches, reported ESPNcricinfo. The three ODIs will be played on July 13, 16, 19 and it will be followed by the T20I series running from July 22-27.

Big names such as skipper Virat Kohli and vice-captain Rohit Sharma will not be part of the tour as they will be engaged in a marquee five-match Test series in England.

Saurav Ganguly, BCCI President; Picture Source: Twitter @BCCI

“We have planned a white ball series for the senior men’s team during the month of July where they will play T20 Internationals and ODIs in Sri Lanka,” BCCI president Saurav Ganguly told Indian media in an interaction.

As per the itinerary, India’s white-ball team will be arriving in Sri Lanka on July 5 and they will head back home on July 28. After arriving in Sri Lanka, the side will have to serve out a week-long quarantine which will be split into two sets, stated the report.
The first set will comprise of three days of hard quarantine inside their rooms and it will be followed by four days where the squad can train but their movement will be strictly restricted to just the hotel and the ground.

None of India’s players who are a part of the travelling group for the World Test Championship final and the England Test series will be part of the Sri Lanka series.
Virat Kohli and boys’ preparation for the upcoming World Test Championship final against New Zealand in the UK — from June 18 — will start on May 25 when they enter the bio-bubble created for them here in India itself. The 8-day bubble will be followed by another 10-day quarantine in the UK before the boys take on the Kiwis in Southampton.

Speaking to the media, a BCCI official in the know of the roadmap drawn for the WTC final and the five-match Test series against England had said that it will be a case of breaking the quarantine period into two parts so that players can start training once in the UK on June 2.

Picture Source: Twitter @BCCI

“You can expect the team to come into the bubble on May 25 as it will be an 8-day quarantine period which will not just involve testing against COVID-19, but also there will not be any movement as the boys prepare for the UK schedule.”

“Once in the UK on June 2, the boys will go for another 10-day quarantine. But this time the cricketers can train as they are moving from the bubble in India to the bubble in England in a charter plane. A bubble to bubble move lets them train even though there will be continuous testing at all times and no further movement,” the official explained.

Part of the legal challenge to the Australia-India travel ban has been comprehensively defeated — here’s why

Anne Twomey, University of Sydney

One part of a legal challenge to the Commonwealth’s India travel ban was comprehensively defeated in the Federal Court on Monday evening.

Justice Thawley rejected all the arguments made by the applicant, Gary Newman, a 73-year-old Australian citizen who has been in India since March 2020.

Newman’s challenge was divided into two stages.

The first stage was heard and dismissed by the Federal Court on Monday. This leaves open the possibility Newman will proceed with the second stage, which is a constitutional challenge. However, there may be no time to do so, assuming that the ban is lifted on Friday 15 May, as proposed.

What arguments did Newman make and on what grounds did the judge find that they failed?

Did the minister fail to satisfy the requirements of the Act?

Newman’s first argument was the health minister (in this case, Greg Hunt) had failed to satisfy the conditions imposed in section 477 of the Biosecurity Act on the exercise of his power. It was argued Hunt had failed to consider the impact of the potential spread of COVID throughout prisons if people breached the travel ban and returned from India with COVID and were immediately placed in prison, without bail or quarantine.

Symbolic picture of Airport

Justice Thawley was quite dismissive of this argument suggesting there was no serious possibility this would occur.

Newman also argued the minister had not considered other less intrusive and restrictive measures. However, Justice Thawley pointed out the minister had set out some exceptions to the ban in his determination, including for medical evacuation flights and for members of Australian medical assistance teams. The minister had therefore turned his mind to how he could reduce the intrusive effect of the ban.

Another technical argument was that the law was “extraterritorial” in its application because it operated outside Australia and this was not permitted under the Biosecurity Act. But Justice Thawley rejected this, noting no offence occurred under the minister’s determination until a person actually entered into Australian territory. So it was not extraterritorial in its application.

Was there a breach of a fundamental common law right?

The second main argument by Newman was that the right of an Australian citizen to enter Australia is a fundamental common law right. This was accepted by the Commonwealth government.

It was also accepted that fundamental common law rights cannot be limited by legislation unless the parliament does so with “irresistible clearness”. This is known as the “principle of legality”. It means parliament has to take full responsibility for any restriction on fundamental common law rights, and this can only be done if it acknowledges clearly in its legislation what it is doing.

While Justice Thawley agreed this was the relevant principle, he thought it was clear the Biosecurity Act was intended to permit the restriction of fundamental common law rights, including the movement of citizens in and out of Australia. He reached this conclusion by looking at various other provisions in the Act which showed an intention to limit the movement of people into and out of Australia.

India COVID Vaccine drive: Picture Source: Twitter @MHA

Justice Thawley also noted section 477 of the Act is deliberately drafted broadly because it was intended to deal with emergencies that could not be anticipated in their scale and effect. He noted that even though it gave very broad power to the health minister, it could only be exercised when certain conditions were satisfied.

First, there needed to be a “human biosecurity emergency” — which requires an assessment of a severe and immediate threat or harm to human health on a nationally significant scale.

Second, section 477 includes detailed matters of which the minister must be satisfied before making a determination. This includes that it is no more restrictive or intrusive than necessary. These limitations were included to ensure that the minister’s very broad power, which included the potential to limit fundamental common law rights, is not exercised in an abusive manner.

Newman’s argument therefore failed.

Australian Passport; Picture Source: Canva

What happens now?

The failure of Newman’s arguments means there are really only two practical courses left. First, there could be a separate hearing of the constitutional points. They are that (a) there is an implied constitutional right of a citizen to enter Australia; and (b) there was no constitutional power to enact section 477.

Second, there could be an appeal from Justice Thawley’s judgment on the first part of the case to the Full Federal Court.

Indian Passport and OCI Card, Picture Source: Canva

The difficulty, however, is timing. If the minister’s determination ceases to operate on May 15, as planned, then there would be no “matter” to be determined by a court, leaving the issue moot.

So it is unlikely, at this stage, that the proceedings will continue, unless the travel ban affecting citizens is extended, or a new travel ban is implemented.

Anne Twomey, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Sydney

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Ian Chappell questions India’s ability to host T20 World Cup

Image source: Former Australian skipper Ian Chappell - cricket.com.au

Former Australian skipper Ian Chappell has opined that the COVID-19 pandemic could cost India the upcoming T20 World Cup.

He believes that either the world event will be postponed or moved to another country.

Writing in his column at the ESPNcricinfo, Chappell said that the suspension of IPL 2021 due to the Coronavirus is a reminder of cricket’s vulnerability. 

“In the current disastrous climate, the suspension of the IPL could also produce a precedent. It may lead to the World T20 event, programmed for India later in the year, either being postponed or moved.”

Image source: @SGanguly99/Twitter/Cricket.COM.AU

BCCI and the IPL Governing Council postponed the IPL 2021 after various COVID-19 infiltrated the secure bio-bubble of various IPL teams.

“The suspension of the 2021 IPL tournament because of surging COVID infections and deaths among the public, and a number of participants testing positive, was a reminder of the game’s vulnerability.” 

Australian pacer Pat Cummins feels that the ICC T20 World Cup should be shifted to the UAE amid the COVID-19 crisis in India.

Picture Source: Twitter @Pat Cummins,
Picture Source: Twitter @Pat Cummins,

He told the Age that if conducting the T20 World Cup in India is going to “drain resources” or “not going to be safe” then the marquee event should be shifted to the United Arab Emirates. 

India has given me so much, hope COVID-19 situation improves soon, says Trent Boult

New Zealand pacer Trent Boult, Picture Source: Instagram
New Zealand pacer Trent Boult, Picture Source: Instagram

New Zealand pacer Trent Boult on Sunday said that India has given him so much both as a cricketer and a person, and it is sad to see India suffering so much due to the second Covid-19 wave.

On Tuesday, the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2021 season was suspended indefinitely due to a rising number of Covid-19 cases and now the Mumbai Indians pacer has returned home.

New Zealand pacer Trent Boult, Picture Source: Instagram

“My heart goes out to the people of India, while I am sad to be leaving the @mumbaiindians family and see the IPL come to an end, none of that compares to the suffering many people are going through right now. India is a place that has given me so much as a cricketer and person. I have always deeply appreciated the support that I’ve received from my Indian fans. This is a tragic time and I hope things can improve soon. I look forward to returning to this beautiful country when I can,” Boult wrote on Instagram.

“Thank you again to the @mumbaiindians for getting us all home and going above and beyond to ensure health and safety was the priority for all of the players and families. Please take care, look after one another and stay strong,” he added.

New Zealand pacer Trent Boult, Picture Source: Instagram

Chennai Super Kings (CSK) coach Stephen Fleming and Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) head coach Brendon McCullum was among the second lot of cricketers that arrived in New Zealand following the postponement of the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2021.

According to stuff.co.nz, McCullum and Fleming along with Lockie Ferguson, umpire Chris Gaffaney and commentators Simon Doull and Scott Styris, arrived in Auckland at around 6 pm on Sunday (local time).

The New Zealand contingent came via Tokyo after IPL 2021 was suspended on Tuesday amid the rising cases of COVID-19 in India. On Saturday, pacer Trent Boult, Adam Milne, Finn Allen, and Jimmy Neesham were part of the first lot of cricketers that arrived in New Zealand.

With 4,03,738 new COVID-19 cases in last 24 hours, India continued to report more than four lakh daily coronavirus infections for the fourth day on the trot. With this, the cumulative national tally of the infection went up to 2,22,96,414, the union health ministry informed on Sunday morning. 

Himanta Biswa Sarma to be next Assam CM, Cabinet to take oath at 12 noon on Monday 10 May

CM designate Himanta Biswa Sarma (left) and sarbananda sonowal outgoing CM of Assam, Picture Source: Twitter
CM designate Himanta Biswa Sarma (left) and sarbananda sonowal outgoing CM of Assam, Picture Source: Twitter

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Himanta Biswa Sarma was elected as the leader of its legislative party in the Indian state of Assam. The announcement came after a legislative party meeting held today to decide the next chief minister of the state.
Yesterday, a crucial meeting was chaired in Delhi by BJP national chief JP Nadda in this connection.

Himanta Biswa Sarma, said that the state’s new Cabinet will take oath at 12 noon on Monday 10 May.

Himanta Biswa Sarma to be next Assam CM; Picture Source: Twitter

Outgoing Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal on Sunday tendered his resignation to Assam Governor Jagdish Chandra Mukhi at the Raj Bhavan.
The BJP has stormed back to power in the crucial Northeastern state retaining its hold on the government.

However, it is understood that the party was facing issues over the selection of the Chief Minister. Sonowal is considered a leader with a clean image and belongs to Assam’s indigenous tribal community. However, a section of the party feels that Himanta would be a better choice considering his strong organisational skills and appeal to the masses.

BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) secured a comfortable majority in Assam winning 75 seats of the total 126 constituencies. While BJP secured 60 seats, about 33 per cent, its allies Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) and United People’s Party, Liberal (UPPL) bagged nine and six seats respectively
Its allies Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) and United People’s Party, Liberal (UPPL) bagged nine and six seats respectively. 

COVID-19 positive traveller who returned from India taken to a hospital in Perth

Image Source: Wikipedia.

The Perth Now has just reported that a traveller from India who tested positive for COVID-19 has been rushed to a hospital in Perth, Western Australia.

The man in his 30s has been isolating in hotel quarantine.

He was taken to the intensive care unit at Fiona Stanley Hospital today after his condition deteriorated.

The report states that the man is presently in a stable condition and is one of 22 active cases of COVID-19 in Western Australia.

‘Abandoned’ Australian permanent resident dies in India, daughter writes scathing open letter to PM

Image Source: Phadke09 - Wikipedia.

An Indian-origin Australian citizen, Sonali Ralhan, has written an open letter accusing the Australian government of “abandoning” a permanent resident to die of coronavirus in India.

Sonali’s father, 59, a permanent resident for more than 10 years, often travelled back to India where he managed a hotel in New Delhi. 

Sonali wrote in her open letter posted to Facebook on May 6:

“I write to you with so much anger brewing inside me. I am an Australian citizen and highly disappointed to be one today. What nation disowns their own citizens? (It) is a matter of wonder for the entire world.”

In her open letter to the Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Sonali said she contacted embassy officials in India.

She says her pleas for help were largely ignored and consular officials only called her mother periodically.

“My mum had talked to them a few times, to ask if there’s anything that they can do, because at one point my father really needed a ventilator and we couldn’t find it anywhere…We contacted the embassy in a desperate situation, but all they could say was ‘we’re really sorry, but we cannot do anything’. They just said they could keep checking on my mum and informing me.”

Image source: Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne – Twitter.

Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne has extended her sympathies to the family, who she did not identify. She told 2GB radio:

“Let me extend my sympathy, and that of the government, to the family of this person and to so many families that we know are dealing with what is an extraordinary challenge, with infection rates surging. There are very many families dealing with this challenge.”

Sonali says that she had “great hopes” that Australian officials would help her parents return safely home to Australia.

Instead, she was left divested with the news of her father’s death.

Image Source: HC Barry O’Farrell – Facebook.

Australia’s High Commissioner to India, Barry O’Farrell recently told a senate committee that DFAT was providing assistance to the family of a permanent resident who had died in India but had not yet confirmed the cause.

“The department’s aware and providing consular assistance in accordance with its charter to the family of an Australian permanent resident who reportedly has died in India, and I’m advised that owing to our privacy obligations we won’t be providing any further comment.”

Sonali Ralhan is now calling for the federal government to intervene and bring home her mother.

She says that her mother is dealing with her grief alone and completely isolated from her children and her community in Australia.

“All I have left is my mother, who has been abandoned by her own government of Australia, with no way to come back to her children. We all want to cry our hearts out, but we are saving them for when we are all together again. With your current actions, there is not much to expect, but all I ask is to bring my mother home and gather the broken pieces of our souls together.”

As a result of the escalating COVID19 cases in India, the Australian government has recently banned all flights from India .

Image source: Twitter.

The PM has even announced anyone – including citizens – who attempted to defy the new rules would be hit with fines of up to $66,600 or five years in prison, or both.

It is estimated that more than 9000 Australians are in India registered as wanting to return home.

“Let us bring back Aussies from India” appeals travel industry to PM Morrison as travel ban ends on 15 May

Indian Australians at airport, Picture Source: Gaura Travels
Indian Australians at airport, Picture Source: Gaura Travels

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has confirmed that the India travel ban will not be extended and the repatriation flights to bring back Australian citizens and permanent residents will start immediately as the ban ends on 15 May.

This announcement came after the national security meeting on Thursday and the national cabinet meeting on Friday morning. The first of the three repatriation flights planned is expected to carry up to 200 people stuck in India.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison

The Federal government has prepared Darwin’s Howard Springs facility to quarantine the returning travellers from India.
As per protocol laid all passengers from India will be required to take a rapid COVID-19 test, and a negative result will necessary to board the repatriation flight.

The Australia Today understands that before the end of the month at least six repatriation flights from India are set to arrive in Australia including three in Darwin and the other three at NSW, Victoria and Queensland airports as they have expressed they would be open to accepting additional flights.

While South Australia is actively considering accepting flights, the fate of a scheduled private chartered flight planned to arrive at Adelaide airport on May 15 is not clear. This flight has the potential to bring back 70 Australian citizens.

Ashwini Sonthalia is the Managing Director of Gaura Travels, headquartered in Melbourne.
He told The Australia today, “I welcome the announcement by PM Scott Morrison, but more should and can be done and done very quickly to help more people to return from India.”

There is a proven model of government and private travel agency partnership, which was utilised by the Indian government in the year 2020 to repatriate their citizens from Australia, said Mr Sonthalia.

“We helped the Indian government via 50 charter flights and repatriated 12,000 people to multiple cities of India.:

Right now, Gaura Travels have eight flights scheduled in the next thirty days but they need a green signal from state and federal governments.

Picture Source: Gaura Travels

These flights are scheduled on 15th May, 28th May, 4th June and 11th June, bound for Adelaide and Perth (Both South Australia and West Australia are yet to give permission for flights).

Ashwini Sonthalia says, “There is no issue about the number of flights available for bringing back passengers from India but the handicap is around the limitation of quarantine facilities in Australia.”

He appeals to the Prime Minister Morrison, “Please let us help in bringing back Aussies to the safety of their homes.”

Almost 9,000 Australian citizens or permanent residents are currently stranded in India and have registered to return home with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 

However, PM Morrison didn’t commit to a timeline for how quickly these Australians stuck in India would be able to return.

“People want to know those flights are still going to be there a month from now, two months from now, and that they can make those arrangements,” he said.

“That is why we are working hard to ensure we do it in a sustainable and safe way.” 

Are you looking for student accommodation? 2,000 newly built international student rooms lying empty in Melbourne

International students - ufv Image source: Wikipedia

A recent media report has revealed that more than 2,000 brand new student rooms are lying empty in Melbourne’s CBD.

Given the COVID19 travel ban from India and other countries, experts feel that there is no indication if these newly built rooms will be used.

Image source: Scape – website.

These rooms were built on a concept that has been spearheaded by New South Wales.

The purpose was to use these rooms as quarantine facility for international students.

Image Source: Scpae – website.

However, experts active in the international education industry told Sky News that they are disappointed as this concept is not at all being pursued in Victoria.

Scape, Australia’s largest student accommodation provider, was supposed to open its new Carlton facility for international students.

Image source: Scape – website.

The company then offered its newly built rooms to the Victorian government to help quarantine international students.

But Victorian government did not approve of the idea as it wants to quarantine international students in an approved COVID hotel.

Bollywood actor Anupam Kher bags Best Actor Award at New York City International Film Festival

Picture Sourece: Instagram Anupam Kher
Picture Sourece: Instagram Anupam Kher

Veteran Bollywood star Anupam Kher won the Best Actor award at the New York City International Film Festival for the short film titled ‘Happy Birthday.’ The film also bagged the Best Short Film award at the prestigious film festival.

‘Happy Birthday,’ was one of the highly anticipated short films of the year, starring actor Anupam and Aahana Kumra was directed by Prasad Kadam and produced by FNP Media.

Talking about this win, Anupam said, “Thank you New York City International Film Festival (NYCIFF) for this great honour. It’s humbling to be declared the Best Actor in this prestigious film festival. The credit goes to the whole young team of ‘Happy Birthday’ and my co-actor Aahana Kumra, thanks to the director Prasad Kadam, and rest team.”

Picture Source: Instagram Anupan Kher

The movie’s co-producer Girish Johar said, “It’s really overwhelming to receive these two awards at an International Film Festival!! Anupam Sir is a global icon, the more we say, it always falls short. He is pure GENIUS. Ahaana, a nominee for the best actress did exceptionally well.

He further continued, “Also Prasad is an extremely talented Director and was also nominated for best director! He knows his craft fully & has a great future. He has done wonders & will go places. So excited for receiving this honour with the well-knitted Happy Birthday team.”

“This has been a piece of overwhelming news for all of us at FNP Media. Winning 2 awards at a prestigious film festival is a milestone. This is due to the collective efforts of the whole team behind this film and indeed this film deserved the award. I am glad to be part of this and we hope to come up with more such films and better films soon. Congratulations to everyone involved.” said Ahmad Faraz, Content Head, FNP Media.

‘Happy Birthday’ marked Anupam and Aahana’s second collaboration after featuring in the 2019 critically acclaimed movie ‘The Accidental Prime Minister’.

Apart from ‘Happy Birthday’, Anupam has several other projects in the pipeline including ‘The Last Show’, ‘Mungilal Rocks’, and ‘The Kashmir Files’.

IPL 2021: Aussie cricket contingent reaches Maldives, Hussey in medical care in Chennai

Picture Source: Instagram: Neroli Meadows
Picture Source: Instagram: Neroli Meadows

Cricket Australia and the Australian Cricketers’ Association on Thursday confirmed that the Australian players, coaches, match officials and commentators have been safely transported from India to the Maldives.

The Australian players and support staff will remain in the Maldives until the conclusion of the travel pause pertaining to flights from India to Australia. As previously stated, CA and the ACA are not seeking an exemption from the Australian Government.

“CA and the ACA extend their sincere thanks to the Board of Control for Cricket in India for their responsiveness in moving the Australians from India to the Maldives less than two days after the decision to indefinitely postpone the Indian Premier League,” CA said in an official statement.

Mike Hussey remains in India having tested positive for COVID-19. Mike is experiencing mild symptoms and is in the care of his IPL franchise, the Chennai Super Kings. CA and the ACA will work closely with the BCCI to ensure Mike’s safe return to Australia when it is safe to do so.

The safety of every individual involved in the IPL was one of the major reasons for the BCCI and the IPL Governing Council to unanimously decide on the postponement of the league on Tuesday.

“The BCCI and the IPL GC have unanimously decided to postpone the 2021 season till further notice. We don’t wish to compromise the safety of the players, the people involved, the employees, the groundsmen, the match officials, every single person involved,” Jay Shah told Indian media.

On Tuesday, SunRisers Hyderabad wicket-keeper Wriddhiman Saha tested positive after there were COVID-19 cases in two franchises on Monday. While two of the members of the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) contingent tested positive, two Kolkata Knight Riders players tested positive — Varun Chakravarthy and Sandeep Warrier — forcing the BCCI to postpone the KKR-RCB game in Ahmedabad.

With Saha testing positive, the game on Tuesday evening between SRH and defending champions Mumbai Indians also needed to be postponed. This made matters worse as the game between RCB and KKR had already been postponed and the game between CSK and Rajasthan Royals was also set to be called off as the Chennai unit was in strict quarantine. This finally saw the BCCI postpone the IPL.

India reports the highest-ever single-day spike with 4,12,262 new COVID-19 cases, 3,980 deaths

COVID 19 India, Picture Source: Twitter @Amitsingh
COVID 19 India, Picture Source: Twitter @Amitsingh

India on Thursday reported 4,12,262 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, the highest single-day spike in COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began.

With this, the cumulative count of COVID-19 cases in the country has gone up to 2,10,77,410, informed the Union Health Ministry on Thursday. As many as 3,980 patients succumbed to the infection during the last 24 hours, taking the total COVID-related death toll to 2,30,168.

India registered a total of 3,29,113 recoveries in the last 24 hours. The total number of recoveries in the country now stands at 1,72,80,844.

At present, India has 35,66,398 active coronavirus cases.

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), as many as 29,67,75,209 samples have been tested for COVID-19 up to May 5. Of these 19,23,131 samples were tested on Wednesday.

The total number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered stands at 16,25,13,339, according to the Union Health Ministry.

India is currently dealing with a devastating second COVID-19 wave that has swept through the nation, straining the country’s health infrastructure and overburdening frontline medical workers.

Australian cricketer lashes out at PM Scott Morrison over India travel ban

Image source: Twitter

Australian cricketer turned commentator Michael Slater has yet again lashed out at Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison over his decision on a travel ban from India due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Image Source: Michael Slater – Screengrab – YouTube.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison had recently announced a ban on passenger flights from India till May 15.

Further, according to the Australian government no special privileges will be given to the Australian players playing in the IPL.

Michael Slater took to his Twitter handle and outlined the fear of the Australian contingent stranded in India following the suspension of the Indian Premier League. 

Slater asked PM Morrison to travel to India in his ‘private jet’ and observe the situation in order to understand the fear of Australians stranded in India is real.

He also hailed the people of India for being so welcoming every time he visited the country.

Image Source: Prime Minister Scott Morrison -Twitter

Meanwhile, Morrison had reacted to Michael Slater’s “Blood On Your Hands” comment.

He told Nine News that Slater’s comments were ‘absurd’ and said fining or jailing those who make their way back from India to Australia somehow was highly unlikely.

“This is about getting more people home safely, preventing the third wave here in Australia. I think the likelihood of any of that (jail term for those not abiding by the travel ban) occurring is pretty much zero.” 

Hindu community petition against Australian newspaper’s ‘blatant insult of Hindu God Ganesha’

Image source: Daily Telegraph cartoon, change.org

Hindu community in Australia has started a petition against the recent representation of Hindu God Ganesha in a cartoon that appeared in the Daily Telegraph on 4th May 2021.

According to the petition by Gaurav Chauhan, “Australia is a multi-cultural society, and no one has the right to disrespect any faith or religion.” 

It further says that “The Daily Telegraph have insulted Hindu God (Ganesha) which is utterly disrespectful to the faith of Hindus living in Australia and abroad. There are many ways to depict something but why insult someone’s faith?”

Image source: The Daily Telegraph.

This cartoon appears with an article titled ‘Get our friends home’ (and has been republished elsewhere as ‘The government is preventing its citizens escaping India’s hellhole‘) authored by Louise Roberts.

Image source: Louise Roberts – The Daily Telegraph – website.

The article highlights the plight of Indian-Australians stuck in India due to COVID19 pandemic.

“We need to stop the zero risk mentality. We are stuck on an elimination track, like a needle in the grove of an LP record.”

The petitioners have demanded an apology on the insensitive cartoon that accompanies this piece in the Daily Telegraph.

They have also requested all Australian media houses “to educate their staff about Hindu faith to avoid such things in the future.”

They have also request the Australian Press Council to intervene that such cartoons and articles are not published in future.

The petitioners feel that the APC needs to “et clear guidelines to ban the publishing of Hindu God/Goddess imagery in the wrong way which is insulting to the Hindus around the globe.”

The petition has set a target of 1,500 signatures and has reached 1,014.

Adelaide based Rajendra Pandey is the President of Vishva Hindu Parishad in South Australia.

He told The Australia Today, “While the article written by Louise Roberts is by itself fine the editor who put it together with the crass sense of humour has hurt the sentiments of close to a million people in Australia who pray to Bhagwan Ganesha.”

Screenshot VHP Facebook page

Government is willing to jail people coming from India, the media is calling India Hell and showing our most important god being whacked on the head – I wonder what’s next, said Mr Pandey

This is a great example of how lack of cultural awareness of Hindu beliefs can hurt the sentiments of our community, I am offering our services to Daily Telegraph in giving them free cultural awareness training to educate their journalists about the Hindu perspective and beliefs.”

People have reacted strongly to this cartoon and commented the following:

The petitioners have requested the Indian community in Australia to sign and forward the petition to local MPs for immediate action.

Australian Hindu Temples Council’s convenor Karthik Arasu says this cartoon is the best example of Hinduphobic, ignorant and culturally insensitive Australian media.

Karthik Arasu, Convenor, Australian Hindu Temples Council

“It’s deeply disturbing to see time and again Hindu God Ganesha being mocked or used in a derogatory manner. This can’t be brushed under as humour or ignorance, we condemn this very strongly and call upon the Author and the Newspaper to immediately withdraw from all platforms its posted this article and apologise to the community.”

Mr Arasu further explained, “This Hinduphobia or Hindu bashing cannot continue, we request the Press Council to intervene and impose mandatory training programs to understand cultural and religious sensitivities.”

Yadu Singh is the President of the Federation of Indian Associations of NSW.
He took it to social media to express his displeasure with the cartoon.

“The cartoon, depicted in your article, is about Hiundus’ revered deity Ganesh. It appears to be inappropriate, insensitive, hurtful & out of place under the current distressful situation in India, which also affects the Indian Australian community”

Delhi civic bodies approve cow dung for cremation amid increase in Covid deaths

Image Source: Wikipedia.

With an increase in the number of Covid-19 deaths, Delhi is seeing a shortage of wood that is used in cremation.

Image Source: Wikipedia.

To tackle this problem, the Times of India reports, two civic bodies have given its approval to the use of cow dung and stubble mixture for cremation of bodies.

Image Source: North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) mayor, Jai Prakash – Facebook.

North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) mayor, Jai Prakash has said via a circular that all cow sheds under NDMC’s jurisdiction have been asked to install machines, using CSR funds, that will convert cow dung into dung cakes. 

Image Source: National Innovation Foundation.

A circular said that cow dung should be supplemented to fuel wood for cremation of dead bodies in various cremation grounds under its jurisdiction.

“The Public Health Department has been getting suggestion through various public representatives and members of Deliberative Wing for use of fuel manufactured from cultivation refuse that will reduce the consumption of wood resulting into lesser cutting of trees and finally will protect environment. Further , promotion of use of Parali will motivate the farmers to not burn it and instead sell it to cremation ground.”

East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) mayor Nirmal Jain also said they have approved the proposal seven-eight days ago.

Image Source: East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) mayor Nirmal Jain – Facebook.

On April 28, NDMC Mayor Jai Prakash had urged Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to direct the forest department to ensure smooth supply of firewood to these facilities.

Image Source: chief minister Arvind Kejriwal – YouTube screnshot.

Delhi’s government has requested that the Indian army should help run Covid care facilities and intensive care units in the state.

Image Source: Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia – Twitter.

Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia told media that with healthcare “overwhelmed.”

“It will be a timely help to the people of Delhi if the Ministry of Defence, with the considerable resources at its command, is tasked with the responsibility to provide and man the additional Covid health facilities”.

According to a bulletin issued by the Delhi health department on Monday, Delhi logged a record 448 COVID-19 deaths in a day and 18,043 cases, the lowest since April 15, with a positivity rate of 29.56 percent.

Australia sends 1000 ventilators and Oxygen concentrators as first package of support to India

Australia Support Package to India; Picture Source- Facebook @ScottMorrison
Australia Support Package to India; Picture Source- Facebook @ScottMorrison

Australian Prime Minister took it to social media to inform about countries efforts to help India amid the COVID crisis.
Mr Morrison said Australia is stepping up to support our good friends in India as they manage a difficult COVID-19 outbreak and growing humanitarian crisis.

On Wednesday morning a Boeing 787 Dreamliner took off from Sydney Airport carrying medical supplies, including over 1000 non-invasive ventilators, oxygen concentrators and other supplies. This supply is sent in consultation with the Indian Government as per their needs.

Australia Support Package to India; Picture Source- Facebook @ScottMorrison

“This is just the first package of support Australia will provide and we are working as quickly as possible in partnership with India to meet urgent needs. This is a difficult time for our friends in India and Australians still in India or with loved ones over there. We will stand with our Indian friends providing medical supplies and needed assistance,” explained PM Morrison.

He further talked about the India travel ban and its necessity for Australia to prepare for receiving its citizens from India.

Mr Morrison said, “Our temporary pause on Australians returning from India is only until 15 May. This pause is just temporary while we get other measures in place to support those coming from India to be able to travel safely home and to ensure they can be accommodated here in Australia.”

Australia Support Package to India; Picture Source- Facebook @ScottMorrison
Australia Support Package to India; Picture Source- Facebook @ScottMorrison

“We will restore our repatriation flights from India and bring Australians, who are in India now, home but we must do it safely. That’s why we have put this temporary pause in place so we can get the extra measures in place so we don’t end up with the third wave of COVID in Australia,” said Mr Morrison

It has been outlined that all passengers on future flights from India will be required to have both a negative COVID-19 PCR test result and a negative Rapid Antigen test result prior to departure.
Australian government via its High Commission in the Indian capital New Delhi and Consulates in Mumbai, Calcutta and Chennai is putting those arrangements in place.

Australia Support Package to India; Picture Source- Facebook @ScottMorrison

PM Morrison ended by saying, “I want to thank everyone for your patience and your understanding. This is a raging global pandemic and we are determined to do everything we can to keep Australians and their families safe.”

IPL 2021: Former Australian cricketer Mike Hussey tests COVID-19 positive in India

Michael Hussey; Picture Source: Twitter
Michael Hussey; Picture Source: Twitter

While the 14th edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) has been postponed, Chennai Super Kings (CSK) batting coach Michael Hussey has now tested positive for COVID-19. This after bowling coach L Balaji tested positive on Monday.

Speaking with the media, a senior CSK official said that the sample has gone for a re-test. “His sample came positive and has gone for a retest and we can know only confirm after that report comes,” the official said.

Asked about the other players, the official said they have started heading out with Balaji in isolation as he tested positive.

“The players have started moving with Balaji staying in isolation as he tested positive. The foreign players are awaiting confirmation from BCCI on the route of travel while the Indian players are heading home.”

On Monday, Balaji and a bus cleaner had tested positive for Covid-19.

The Indian Premier League Governing Council (GC) and the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Tuesday, in an emergency meeting unanimously decided to postpone IPL 2021 season, with immediate effect.
The BCCI also said that it will do everything in its powers to arrange for the secure and safe passage of all the participants in IPL 2021.

The BCCI also thanked all the healthcare workers, state associations, players, support staff, franchisees, sponsors, partners, and all the service providers who have tried their best to organise IPL 2021 even in these extremely difficult times.

There are close to 40 Australians currently inside the IPL bio-secure bubble spread over multiple cities.

Picture Source: Twitter @CricketAustralia

As per the reports of ESPNcricinfo, more than 30 Australian players and support staff will head to the Maldives where they are set to remain for 14 days following the Australian government’s refusal to allow our own citizens to enter the country’s borders for being in India.
Cricket Australia also released its official statement and assured the players, support staff of working closely with BCCI to get them back to their home. However, they also stated that it will not seek travel exemption for players repatriation.

Don’t forget to mention your language and cultural background in Australia’s census, find out why it’s important

Image Source: ABS.

Australia’s census night is on Tuesday 10 August 2021.

It will tell us about the latest economic, social and cultural make-up of Australia.

Image Source: Andrew Henderson, Census Executive Director and National Spokesperson, ABS.

Andrew Henderson, Census Executive Director and National Spokesperson said:

“With exactly 100 days to go it’s a good time to reflect on the enormous value the Census provides. It’s not just about counting people and households.”

Every census tells a story about Australia – its past, present and future.

The census stats show various communities growth and things that are needed to help them continue to grow.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has been preparing to deliver a Census that helps ensure everyone in Australia has an opportunity to participate.

Image Source: ABS.

ABS is providing more options for people to complete their Census this year.

People will be able to fill in their forms online, on phone, tablet, or laptop, or use the traditional paper form if they prefer.

This will provide the much needed flexibility to understand and fill a form at a time that best suits a person.

Mr Henderson adds:

“We also have a lot of support in place to provide people with any extra help they need. This includes our Census field staff, phone and online services, Census information hubs in public places to answer peoples’ questions and translated material.”

The Census is obviously a very big job for ABS and they are as always ready for it.

Two Brisbane train cleaners fired after CCTV catches them doing nothing

Image Source: TransLink.

Two Brisbane train cleaners have been stood down after being caught on CCTV not doing their duties.

This was revealed by Transport Minister Mark Bailey.  

Image Source: Transport Minister Mark Bailey – Twitter.

Two workers employed by a subcontractor to rail company Alstom could be seen slacking off.

Alstom is the contractor who manages the TransLink rail network.

Mr Bailey told media:

“The conduct is obviously disappointing, and the contractor – Alstom – is investigating.”

Mr Bailey further added that after Alstom reviewed CCTV footage, they identified seven instances of staff not performing the cleaning as required.

“To be very clear — the majority of the workers as we understand are doing the right thing and working very well.”

Image Source: Matt Longland – TansLink Facebook.

Matt Longland of TransLink told media that Alstom is still investigating to make sure there were not any other cases.

“Hopefully this is an isolated instance of a few workers not having their minds on the job.” 

These actions – inadequate cleaning – were serious given that due to COVID19, frontline cleaning persons have the extra responsibility and part in ensuring fellow Australians are safe.

First Australia-India-France trilateral ministerial dialogue discusses the Indo-Pacific strategic landscape

G7 Ministers meet, London; Picture Source: Twitter @JY_LeDrian
G7 Ministers meet, London; Picture Source: Twitter @JY_LeDrian

Foreign Minister Marise Payne on Tuesday held discussions with her Indian and French counterparts S Jaishankar and Jean-Yves Le Drian respectively and also discussed the Indo-Pacific strategic landscape.

After the meeting Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar tweeted, “Substantive discussions with my colleagues FM @JY_LeDrian and FM @MarisePayne at the first India-France-Australia Trilateral Ministerial Dialogue. Thanked them both for their strong support in meeting the Covid challenge.”

“Discussed the Indo-Pacific strategic landscape and agreed on the importance of enhancing our cooperation,” added Mr Jaishankar.

These discussions took place at the first India-France-Australia Trilateral Ministerial Dialogue, held on the sidelines of the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting.

Marise Payne and S Jaishankar are currently in the UK for the G7 Foreign and Development Ministers Meeting on the invitation of UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab.

IPL 2021 suspended for this season by BCCI after many players test positive

Picture Source: Twitter @IPL
Picture Source: Twitter @IPL

BCCI Vice President Rajeev Shukla has told Indian media that the Indian Premier League’s this years season is suspended with immediate effect.
With Chennai Super Kings bowling coach L Balaji once again testing positive for COVID-19, the team is set to isolate and Wednesday’s game between CSK and Rajasthan Royals is set to be postponed in the national capital. As for the Indian Premier League itself, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is awaiting permission from the government to move the league to Mumbai.

Speaking to ANI, a BCCI official in the know of developments said while the CSK-RR game is under the cloud with Balaji testing positive for COVID-19, the board is also looking to move base to Mumbai keeping in mind the COVID-19 situation in Kolkata and Bengaluru — the next stop.

“As of now, the Delhi game between Mumbai Indians and Sunrisers Hyderabad is on. But tomorrow’s game is likely to get postponed as Balaji has again tested positive for COVID-19. So we have two teams down, Kolkata Knight Riders and CSK.

“Coming to the league itself, we are looking at moving base to Mumbai, but are awaiting clearance from the Maharashtra government and once that is done, we will be good to go. Should take us another couple of days to get the clearance,” the official explained.

Explaining the reason behind not going ahead with the Kolkata and Bengaluru leg, the official said: “It is better to avoid a situation than to think of a substitute once you land in a problem is all I will say.”

Earlier on Monday, there were COVID-19 cases in two franchises. While two of the members of the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) contingent tested positive, two Kolkata Knight Riders players tested positive — Varun Chakaravarthy and Sandeep Warrier — forcing the BCCI to postpone the KKR-RCB game in Ahmedabad.

Speaking to ANI, a BCCI official confirmed the development in the CSK camp and said: “The contingent has two COVID-19 positive cases. A support staff member has tested positive and a bus cleaner. Cannot give you the name of the support staff. The team’s training session has been cancelled as a precautionary measure,” the official said.

CSK last played a game on Saturday against Mumbai Indians at the Arun Jaitley Stadium in Delhi. The side was slated to square off against Rajasthan Royals on Wednesday.

The BCCI issued a release on the twin cases in KKR and said: “Varun Chakravarthy and Sandeep Warrier were found to be positive in the third round of testing in the last four days. All other team members have tested negative for COVID-19.”

Both the players have isolated themselves from the rest of the squad. The medical team is in continuous touch with the duo and are monitoring their health. Meanwhile, the Kolkata Knight Riders have now moved towards a daily testing routine to identify any other possible cases and treat them at the earliest.”

Guru Nanak Dev University launches online courses for the worldwide Punjabi diaspora

Piture Source: Canva Pictures
Piture Source: Canva Pictures

Indian State of Punjab’s Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Monday digitally launched online language programmes started by Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU) Amritsar for the Punjabi diaspora settled across the globe.

Reviewing the functioning of the Higher Education and Languages department, the Chief Minister also ordered the immediate release of Rs 5 crore for establishing a language award to promote Punjabi.
He said the online courses would go a long way in helping youngsters learn the Punjabi language, and imbue them with the spirit of Punjab, Punjabi and Punjabiyat.

Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh, Picture Source: Twitter

“This endeavour would also keep Punjabi youth abreast of Punjab’s rich and glorious cultural heritage, thus connecting them with their ancestral roots.”

GNDU Vice-Chancellor Dr Jaspal Singh Sandhu said that University Grants Commission (UGC) had granted permission to start courses to 37 Universities out of the 981 Universities of the country.

The GNDU is the only State Public University in Punjab to have been given this honour by UGC, to cater to the constant demand of the Punjabi Diaspora in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and parts of Africa, and Europe, to provide the education of Punjabi language to the younger generation, he said.

Guru Nanak Dev University launches online courses for the worldwide Punjabi diaspora

Crude bombs hurdled, poll office, shops vandalised- burned and 9 including a woman lynched in Bengal allegedly by ‘TMC miscreants’

Bengal violence Picture Source: Twitter @@srinikethan_
Bengal violence Picture Source: Twitter @@srinikethan_

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) office and some shops in the Indian state of West Bengal were allegedly vandalised by miscreants and at least 13 crude bombs were hurled in the area on Monday.

The shopkeepers alleged that Trinamool Congress (TMC) is behind the attack as the area is known to be of BJP supporters. However, local TMC leader denied the allegations and said BJP’s insiders were behind the incident.
BJP office and some shops in Ghoshpara road of Bhatpara were vandalized by unidentified people, earlier today. Bombs were also hurled in the area.
“TMC miscreants looted my shop. At least 10 bombs were hurled here,” says a local.

Bengal violence Picture Source: Twitter @@srinikethan_

The TMC goons vandalised the BJP office. They ransacked my shop and looted the cash and the articles. 12-13 crude bombs were hurdled. Two live bombs were also there that damaged many motorcycles,” Rahul Kumar Shaw, a shopkeeper told ANI.

“They destroyed my house, right in presence of Narkeldanga police officials. They thrashed my innocent puppies to death. Aara ki Manush? (Are they even humans?) Why are they committing atrocities on me?” said BJP’s worker Avijit Sarkar before he was thrashed to death by alleged TMC goons

“A bomb was hurdled on the roof of my house. we were sleeping. I anyhow ran out to save the kids. Three bombs were hurdled on our lane.” a resident Shakeel Ahmed told ANI.

“A bomb was hurled in front of our house. We are scared. we do not know who they were as they were masked,” a resident Manju Devi said.

BJP, ABVP offices in Bengal allegedly vandalised by TMC workers

Meanwhile, BJP National General Secretary Kailash Vijayvargiya said that BJP offices were vandalised in Howrah.

“TMC goons and workers have vandalised BJP offices in Howrah. The goods have been stolen from there. BJP workers are being beaten into their homes,” tweeted Kailash Vijayvargiya in Hindi.
“After Mamata ji’s victory, her workers are celebrating and vandalising the houses of BJP workers. More than nine BJP workers have been killed so far,” he said.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) office in Asansol was also allegedly vandalised by the Trinamool Congress (TMC) workers.
The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) alleged that 15-20 party goons of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee attacked ABVP West Bengal’s Kolkata office and engaged in an altercation with the activists, assaulted them and vandalised the organization’s state office. They further alleged that TMC party goons deliberately vandalised the idols of Hindu deities and freedom fighters.

“Mamata Banerjee’s defeat in Nandigram had made the TMC cadres very resentful of those responsible for her loss and that such ‘traitors’ would not be allowed to live in Bengal for long,” ABVP said.

BJP announces nationwide dharna on May 5 against alleged violence by ‘TMC workers’, BJP National President JP Nadda to visit Bengal

Meanwhile, the BJP announced the party will also hold a nationwide dharna (Sit-in protest) on May 5 against the widespread violence unleashed by TMC workers post declaration of the West Bengal Assembly Elections results. The protest will be held following all COVID protocols across all organisational mandals of the BJP.

BJP president JP Nadda will be on a two-day visit to West Bengal starting from Tuesday to hold a protest against the alleged atrocities on party workers in the state by the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) government.

BJP MP Babul Supriyo posted a video on social media where allegedly TMC workers can be seen throughing crude bombs, looting the shops.

He wrote, ” More from @MamataOfficial & @AITCofficial ‘s VictoryCelebrations or #TMC PostPollViolence, as u may choose to call it. Lets see Didi’s VIP friends condemn this cowardly act. Sadly, 4 @BJP4Bengal members have lost their lives to Didi’s celebrations #ShameOnTMC

Mr Nadda will meet the BJP workers and their families affected by the violence and will hold protests in a democratic manner.

“Within 24 hours of election results, many BJP workers have been murdered. Many workers are seriously injured. The house and shops of many party workers have also been burnt. After Mamata Banerjee’s defeat and Trinamool Congress’ victory in the election results yesterday, the TMC hooligans started celebrating the victory with violence and blood. BJP condemns this,” BJP statement said.

Bengal Governor raises concern over post-poll violence, summons top police officials of the state

In wake of rising post-poll incidents of arson, looting and violence in West Bengal, Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar on Monday summoned the state Director of General Police (DGP) and Kolkata Police Commissioner to discuss the law and order situation.
“DGP, West Bengal and Kolkata Police Commissioner summoned by me in the wake of continually rising post-poll incidents of arson, looting and violence as also killings in the State were indicated of alarming scenario. Called upon them to take all steps to restore law and order,” tweeted the Governor’s office.

The Governor further said it is sad that nine persons have lost their lives and many injured in post-poll political violence.
“Sad also to gather that nine persons have lost their lives and many injured in post-poll political violence. Such political violence and lawlessness cannot be overlooked as this taints the essence of the democratic fabric. Call upon people to maintain calm and peace and promote harmony,” he said.

Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress won 213 seats in the just concluded West Bengal assembly elections. The Bharatiya Janata Party garnered 77 seats in the 294-seat state assembly. However, elections for two seats in Murshidabad are postponed due to the demise of candidates due to COVID.

Covid-19: Cricket Australia donates $50,000 to help India fight pandemic

India COVID-19 Crisis Appeal
India COVID-19 Crisis Appeal

Australian Cricket will be throwing its support behind the India COVID-19 Crisis Appeal, with Cricket Australia, the Australian Cricketers’ Association and UNICEF Australia partnering to raise much-needed funds.

Australian Cricket has been deeply saddened by the devastation caused by this second coronavirus wave to hit India, a country with which Australians share a strong friendship and connection. UNICEF Australia’s India COVID-19 Crisis Appeal is procuring and installing oxygen generation plants in hospitals to treat seriously ill patients, providing testing equipment in heavily impacted districts, and supporting the acceleration of the COVID-19 vaccination rollout.

Cricket Australia will make an initial donation of $50,000 and encourage Australians everywhere to give generously at this critical time in India’s COVID-19 response.
“Australians and Indians share a special bond and, for many, our mutual love of cricket is central to that friendship. It has been distressing and saddening to learn of the suffering of so many of our Indian sisters and brothers during the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic and our hearts go out to everyone impacted,” Nick Hockley, Cricket Australia’s Interim CEO said in an official statement.

“We were all deeply moved by the sentiments expressed and donations given by Pat Cummins and Brett Lee over the past week. In that same spirit, we are proud to partner with UNICEF Australia to raise funds that will help the people of India by providing the health system with much-needed oxygen, testing equipment and vaccines,” he added.
Earlier, Pat Cummins and Brett Lee had also donated their share to help India fight the pandemic.

In welcoming the partnership with Australian Cricket, UNICEF Australia CEO Tony Stuart said he was heartened that a major sport such as cricket, and its players, who have had a long relationship with India, and its people, recognised this urgent need to act now.
“We know that sport has the power to bring people together and there has never been a more important time,” Stuart said.

“UNICEF has been working tirelessly throughout the pandemic and as the world’s largest children’s charity we know the devastating and life-long consequences this emergency will have, in particular, on children and young people,” he added.

The COVID-19 pandemic has gripped India and the country has been reporting more than 3,00,000 new cases every day. This is the most number of cases being reported since the pandemic broke out in 2020. 

India travel ban is ‘not racist’: FM Marise Payne, but do you agree?

Picture Source: Facebook page Sydney Airport
Picture Source: Facebook page Sydney Airport

Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne has categorically denied that the decision on a travel ban from Inda was racist, but many human rights activists and legal experts are still raising their concerns over fine and jail terms for returning Australians.

Talking to the media on Sunday Ms Payne said, “The decision which has been made under the biosecurity act on the basis of the advice of the Chief Medical Officer is a temporary pause on returns. And is entirely founded on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer.”

When asked if the decision is immoral or even racist, Ms Payne said, “Absolutely not in any way.”
“What is most important is that it is temporary. We absolutely recognised the very, very difficult circumstances occurring in India right now. Absolutely recognise that She further explained.

Molina Swaroop Asthana is Principal at Swaroop Asthana Lawyers and Co-Founder and Convenor of the Asian Australian Alliance, National Vice President of the Asian Australian Lawyers Association and Vice President of the Law Institute of Victoria.

Ms Asthana told The Australia Today, “The unjustified and harsh penalties imposed on the return of Australians from India is an unprecedented Act to target particular communities and is racial in nature. No such ban, let alone penalties were imposed on returning Australians from any other country. This is nothing new. Systemic racism has been the fabric of Australia.”
However, Ms Payne claimed the COVID19 positivity rate of arrivals from India was 57 per cent, which was placing a significant burden on health and medical services in the states and territories and through the quarantine program.

“So it is a very targeted temporary period of time, it will be reviewed on 15 May and In fact, we had eight flights booked to return Australians from India. That has been a very important part of returning Australian process. Once the 15 May review occurs, we will then plan what the resumption of those flights looks like and if we are able to increase them.”

Molina Swaroop Asthana, Co-Founder and Convenor of the Asian Australian Alliance

Molina Swaroop Asthana refutes, “The ban and the penalties must also satisfy section 477 of the Biosecurity Act under which the ban has been enacted. The section states that the measure has to be ‘appropriate’ and ‘no more restrictive or instructive than is required in the circumstances. The current ban is neither appropriate nor required in the circumstances.”

Dr Vyom Sharma is a GP in Melbourne.
He called these travel ban from India as disproportionate, hurtful and unethical.

“The Chief Medical Officer will provide us with updated advice and the government will review that in accordance with the commitment that we’ve made, Said Ms Payne.

Australia did not put such ban and threats to jail on the UK, US and South African travellers when the infection rate of returning travellers from these countries was more than 20-30 per cent. Some health experts also suggest that the South African variant, UK variant, the Brazilian variant are all incredibly infectious arguably more than the Indian variant.

Well, 57 per cent of the infections in quarantine had come from returned travellers from India. In contrast to just the month before, 10 per cent of infections. The burden that has placed on the health systems in the states and territories, including through particularly Howard Springs, is a very significant one. And the decision to place a temporary pause, a temporary review on returning travellers from India has been to enable our systems to deal with that and then once we review that on May 15, we’ll make further decisions, said Ms Payne.

Ms Asthana says We have started an online petition to urge the Federal government to withdraw the arbitrary decision to impose penalties on Australians returning from India.

Minister Payne refused to concede that the governement is not confident of it’s hotel quarintine arrangements.

“I think that the hotel quarantine arrangements as the Prime Minister said the other day has been operating at around 99 per cent efficacy. It absolutely does not prove that we are not confident about the hotel quarantine arrangements, She replied.”

“Let me say, again, that the burden that such a high infection rate was placing on the states and territories’ medical systems and health system tolls address such a high positivity rate was one which had become difficult for them to deal with. So pausing the returns process allows the system to manage those infections. To reduce those numbers and then we can review the process again on May 15.”

Ms Payne specifically clarified that the federal government is not considering using the Christmas Island detention facility as a quarantine centre for returned travellers from India.

IPL 2021: Dhawan’s composure guides DC to a seven-wicket win over Punjab Kings

Picture Source: Twitter @IPL
Picture Source: Twitter @IPL

 Shikhar Dhawan played a knock of 69 runs as Delhi Capitals defeated Punjab Kings by seven wickets in an Indian Premier League (IPL) encounter here at the Narendra Modi Stadium on Sunday.

Along with Dhawan, Prithvi Shaw also played a quickfire knock of 39 runs. For Punjab Kings, Chris Jordon, Harpreet Brar, and Riley Meredith returned with one wicket each. With this win, Delhi Capitals has moved to the first spot in the points table with 12 points from 8 games while Punjab Kings remain in sixth place with six points. Chasing 167, Delhi Capitals got off to a flying start as openers Prithvi Shaw and Shikhar Dhawan put on 63 runs inside the first six overs. The introduction of Harpreet Brar paid off immediately as he clean bowled Prithvi (39) in the seventh over of the innings.

Steve Smith then joined Dhawan in the middle and the duo put on 47 runs for the second wicket but with just 50 runs away from the target, Delhi ended up losing the wicket of Smith (24) in the 13th over. Rishabh Pant then came to the middle and he played a useful 14-run cameo. In the end, Dhawan along with Shimron Hetmyer (16*) took Delhi over the line with seven wickets in hand and 14 balls to spare.

Earlier, Mayank Agarwal played an unbeaten knock of 99 runs as Punjab Kings posted a score of 166/6 in the allotted twenty overs. Along with Agarwal, Dawid Malan also chipped in with a knock of 26 runs. For Delhi Capitals, Kagiso Rabada returned with three wickets.
Asked to bat first, Punjab Kings got off to a bad start as the side lost Prabhsimran Singh (12) and Chris Gayle (13) inside the first six overs and the side’s powerplay score read 39/2. Kagiso Rabada took the first two wickets for the Delhi Capitals.

Shikhar Dhawan, Picture Source: Twitter @IPL

Dawid Malan then joined Mayank Agarwal in the middle and the duo mixed caution with aggression to revive the innings for Punjab. Both batsmen put on 52 runs for the third wicket, but as soon as Punjab started to gain an upper hand, Delhi stormed right back as Axar Patel bowled Malan (26). In the very next over, Deepak Hooda (1) was run-out and as a result, Punjab was reduced to 88/4 in the 14th over.

After Hooda’s dismissal, Mayank took on the mantle of being the aggressor and he even dispatched Ishant Sharma for 15 runs in the 16th over. Shahrukh Khan (4) and Chris Jordon (2) disappointed with the bat, but Mayank ensured that Punjab posts a score of more than the 160-run mark.

Brief Scores: Punjab Kings 166/6 (Mayank Agarwal 99*, Dawid Malan 26, Kagiso Rabada 3-36) vs Delhi Capitals 167/3 (Shikhar Dhawan 69*, Prithvi Shaw 39, Harpreet Brar 1-19).

Trinamool scores hat-trick in Bengal, BJP retains Assam, LDF Kerala; DMK in Tamil Nadu

TMC celebration after massive victory, Picture Source: Twitter @AITCofficial
TMC celebration after massive victory, Picture Source: Twitter @AITCofficial

The ruling Trinamool Congress scored an emphatic victory in West Bengal in the face of the stiff challenge posed by BJP with the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee leading the party to its third successive victory in assembly polls.

While the BJP-led NDA retained Assam, the ruling LDF created history by retaining Kerala. DMK is poised to oust AIADMK in Tamil Nadu and in Puducherry, where Congress chief minister V Naryanasamy had resigned earlier this year, NR Congress-led NDA came to power. The counting was held amid COVID-19 protocols. With a surge in cases in the country, no victory processions were allowed.

In West Bengal, TMC has already won 198 seats and is leading on another 16 out of the total 292 seats for which elections were held. The party is poised to improve its 2016 tally of 2011 seats.

Mamta Benerjee, CM Bengal, Picture Source: Twitter @TMC

‘Khela shesh’ for Mamata in Nandigram, Suvendu Adhikari wins by margin of 1,956 votes

Mamata Banerjee was defeated in Nandigram by her former ministerial colleague and BJP candidate Suvendu Adhikari. Adhikari, who was once a close aide of Banerjee, joined the BJP just a few months ahead of the state assembly elections. As per the Election Commission of India (ECI), Adhikari won with a margin of 1,956 votes in Nandigram.
BJP, which had only three MLAs in the outgoing assembly, has won 48 seats and is leading on eight more. The party has major inroads in the state.
One Independent candidate has also won in West Bengal while Rashtriya Secular Majlis Party is leading on one seat.

Left-Congress alliance fails to win a single seat in WB
The Samyukta alliance comprising Congress, Left parties and ISF failed to open its account.

In the 126-member Assam assembly, BJP has won 47 seats and is leading on 12. Its alliance partner AGP has won nine seats and UPPL six seats.

Assam CM Sarbananda Sonowal 

In the Mahajot alliance, Congress won 21 seats and is leading on eight, AIUDF won ten seats and is leading on six, CPI-M won one seat and BPF won three seats and is leading on one. Independents won one seat and are leading on another.

PM Modi thanks the people of Puducherry for blessing NDA
In the 30-member Puducherry assembly, NR Congress won 10 seats and BJP six. DMK has won five seats and is leading on one, Congress won two seats and independents six seats. AIADMK failed to open its account.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Minister Amit Shah among other leaders thanked the people of Puducherry after the NR Congress, BJP and AIADMK alliance headed for a majority in assembly elections.

“I thank the people of Puducherry for blessing NDA. We are humbled to serve the people and fulfill their dreams. Our Karyakartas made outstanding efforts to work among the people and elaborate on our agenda of good governance,” tweeted PM Modi.

The DMK-led alliance scored an emphatic win in Tamil Nadu.
According to the latest trends from the Election Commission, DMK has already won 62 seats and is leading on 71 in the 234-member assembly.

DMK chief MK Stalin on Sunday thanked the people of Tamil Nadu after his party-led alliance emerged victorious in the Assembly polls and informed his swearing-in ceremony would be organised in a simple way due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
“I would like to express my gratitude to the people of Tamil Nadu for giving the coalition a huge victory in the election. We will gradually fulfill our specific election promises,” Stalin said.

DMK chief MK Stalin, To be CM Tamil Nadu

Congress, which is an ally of DMK has won 3 seats and is leading on 13 more. DMK’s other allies CPI and CPI (M) have won one seat each and is leading on one seat each and Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi (VCK) has won two and is leading on two more.
AIADMK also won 26 seats and is leading on 43 while its ally BJP won on one seat and is leading on three seats. Paattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) has won one seat and is leading on three others.

Kamal Hasaan loses Coimbatore South seat to BJP candidate
Makkal Needhi Maiam (MNM) chief Kamal Haasan who was contesting from the Coimbatore (South) constituency in the Tamil Nadu Assembly elections lost the seat in a close fight with BJP candidate Vanathi Srinivasan on Sunday.
Early trends had shown the Haasan leading from the constituency, but the BJP candidate won pulled ahead with a margin of 1,540 votes.
Taking to Twitter, the actor-turned-politician thanked all the people who voted and said that he would continue to protect the state’s soil, land, and people.

MNM Chief Kamal Haasan

He also congratulated DMK chief MK Stalin for his victory in the polls.
“Heartfelt congratulations to the big success MK Stalin. You are taking charge as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu in this time of crisis. My congratulations to perform well and taking Tamil Nadu on the path of development,” Haasan tweeted.

In Kerala, all results have been declared with CPI-M winning 62 seats.
Among the other constituents of LDF, CPI has won 17 seats, Kerala Congress (M) has won five seats, NCP and Janata Dal (Secular) both won two seats each, and Janadhipathya Kerala Congress also won one seat.

Pinarai Vijyan CPM leader, CM Kerala

LDF allies Loktantrik Janata Dal (LJD), Indian National League (INL), and Kerala Congress (B) also won one seat each.
In the UDF’s pavilion, Congress has won 21 seats, IUML won 15, and Kerala Congress (Jacob) one seat.
West Bengal saw eight-phase polling, Assam went for a three-phased election while Kerala, Puducherry, and Tamil Nadu went for a single-phase election on April 6.

Angry and dismayed Australians urge PM Morrison to remove criminalisation clause from India travel ban

Indian Australians at a citizenship ceremony
Indian Australians at a citizenship ceremony

As soon as the details of India travel ban and order saying “anyone who tries to enter Australia from India will be fined and/or jailed for up to 5 years” reached Australian community social media is abuz with angry posts.

Not only social commentators, politicians, and community leaders but also the Indian Australian community, in general, have expressed their displeasure about the tone and tanner of the Federal government’s order.

Yadu Singh is the President of the Federation of Indian Associations of NSW.
He told The Australia Today, “Indian Australian community is unsure how anybody from India will be able to come to Australia presently when there is no flight to Australia from India either directly or via a 3rd country. Our community is unable to see the logic behind this announcement.”

“We urge the government to put extra efforts to repatriate 9000 stranded Australians in India when it is safe to do so. They are our people. Extra quarantine facilities may need to be created to bring these stranded Australians home. Australia has a moral obligation to look after these stranded Australians in every way possible,” Mr. Singh further explained.

Picture Source: The Australia Today

Melbourne has the largest number of Indian Australians living in any city of Australia.

Melbourne-based Karthik Arasu, President of Federation of Indian Australians says, “I have written a letter to the Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt and Assistant Minister of Multicultural Affairs Jason Wood requesting them to address the community concerns over the criminalisation of India travel ban.”

“While we do understand the temporary pause in travel from India to Australia, making it a criminal offense is deeply concerning.”

He told The Australia Today, “Indian Australians have been contributing in numerous ways to support the Government efforts with their fight against Covid19. This order has brought in great anguish and frustration amongst community members.”

“We hope the Hon Minister will consider other measures such as imposing strict guidelines for an airline not to board anyone with departure stamp originating from India within 15 days or more, having extended quarantine with costs charged to the person traveling, offshore quarantine, etc.”

Ravi Kant Bhatnagar is an IT consultant in Melbourne.

He told The Australia Today, “This order by Health Minister has created a lot of anguish and panic among the Indian Australian community. A lot of people feel this is discrimination against the community, as it was never done before in the history of Australia.”

Australian Human Rights Commission has also released a statement saying India travel ban raises serious human rights concerns.

“The need for such restrictions must be publicly justified. The Government must show that these measures are not discriminatory and the only suitable way of dealing with the threat to public health.”

The Commission also urged Parliament’s Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 to review these new restrictions immediately.

Picture Source: Twitter @AustralianHumanRightsCommission

Nick Talley, is Editor-in-Chief, Medical Journal Australia.
He wrote on social media, “A travel ban for Australian citizens from India will come into effect with criminal sanctions. I read this was based on “expert medical advice”. If so, I’d like to see the advice and evidence that justifies placing these Australians in harms way. And what about the rest of the world?”

Osman Faruqi is Melbourne based social comentrator.
He say, “The path to this India travel ban insanity was paved by the same people who are now losing their minds about it imo. You can’t spend a year celebrating the government’s border policies, staying quiet on how they’ve been racially based, and then yell out about at the very end.”

IPL 2021: Pollard blitz takes game away from CSK as MI register memorable win

Rohit Sharma and MS Dhoni, Picture Source: Twitter @IPL
Rohit Sharma and MS Dhoni, Picture Source: Twitter @IPL

Kieron Pollard played one of the most memorable innings in the history of the Indian Premier League (IPL) as Mumbai Indians (MI) defeated Chennai Super Kings (CSK) by four wickets here at the Arun Jaitley Stadium on Saturday.

Pollard remained unbeaten on 87 off just 34 balls as Mumbai gained a four-wicket victory. With this win, MI remains at the fourth spot with 8 points. On the other hand, CSK also remains static at the first spot with 10 points. Chasing 219, MI got off to a steady start as openers Rohit Sharma and Quinton de Kock put on 58 runs inside the first six overs. The 71-run opening stand finally came to an end in the 8th over as Shardul Thakur dismissed Rohit (35). In the very next over, Ravindra Jadeja removed Suryakumar Yadav (3), reducing Mumbai Indians to 77/2.

Kieron Pollard, Picture Source: Twitter @IPL

Mumbai fell further into a slump in the 10th over as Moeen Ali sent de Kock (38) back to the pavilion and as a result, CSK marched ahead in the match. Krunal Pandya and Kieron Pollard next joined forces in the middle and the duo kept Mumbai in the match with their partnership. Pollard took the role of being the aggressor and he dispatched sixes with ease.
Pollard continued on with his carnage and he brought up his fifty off just 17 balls. With 49 needed more for the win, Mumbai ended up losing the wicket of Krunal (32) and this put an end to the 89-run stand for the fourth wicket. With 31 runs needed off the final two overs, Pollard (87*) and Hardik Pandya (16) did not mess around and they guided Mumbai to a memorable victory.

Picture Source: Twitter @IPL

Earlier, Moeen Ali and Faf du Plessis played quickfire knocks of 58 and 50 as CSK posted a score of 218/4 in the allotted twenty overs. Along with Faf and Moeen, Ambati Rayudu provided the much-needed boost to the CSK lineup as he played a quickfire knock of 72 runs off just 27 balls. Ravindra Jadeja also chipped in with an innings of 22 runs. For Mumbai, Kieron Pollard returned with two wickets.
Asked to bat first, CSK got off to the worst start possible as the side lost its in-form opener Ruturaj Gaikwad (4) in the very first over as he was sent back to the pavilion by Trent Boult. Moeen then joined du Plessis in the middle and the duo took CSK’s score to 49/1 at the end of the sixth over. Moeen and Faf put together 108 runs for the second wicket and this stand saw CSK scoring runs at a brisk pace. The left-handed Moeen (58) was finally sent back to the pavilion by Jasprit Bumrah in the 11th over. In the very next over bowled by Pollard, CSK lost the wickets of du Plessis (50) and Suresh Raina (2), and the side was reduced to 116/4.

Rayudu and Jadeja joined forces in the middle and the duo did not let the momentum drop for CSK. The right-handed Rayudu took on the mantle of being aggressive and he kept dispatching Mumbai bowlers for constant boundaries and sixes. Both batsmen formed an unbeaten stand of 102 runs for the fifth wicket, and this also saw Bumrah conceding the most runs in his four-over spell in the IPL. Bumrah went for 56 runs in his four overs. In the end, CSK posted a score of more than the 210-run mark. Rayudu’s innings was studded with 4 fours and seven 6s.

Brief Scores: CSK 218/4 (Ambati Rayudu 72*, Moeen Ali 58, Kieron Pollard 2-12) vs Mumbai Indians 219/6 (Kieron Pollard 87*, Quinton de Kock 38, Sam Curran 3-34). 

Australia returned business graduate becomes successful actor in Indian Films and TV

Image Source: Amit Sial, Twitter.

Recently, Amit Sial, who can be seen in Sony LIV’s new show Kathmandu Connection shared his story with Humans of Bombay.

Amit Sial grew up in a middle class family in Kanpur. His dad manufactured shoes and mother was a librarian.

Image Source: Amit Sial – Twitter.

Being born into middle-class increased Amit’s desire to perform well in school.

“I tried to do my best in school; in the 5th grade, I acted in a play for the first time. The applause I got was something else; so I continued acting in plays. Once our teacher Mishraji even pushed for me to get the lead role! I wanted to pursue acting, but giving up my studies wasn’t an option. So I went to Delhi for my B.Com.”

Image Source: Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, Wikipedia.

At Delhi University, while studying at Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, Amit came across an ad for an English musical.

“I auditioned and got a role; I was 18. But my parents weren’t confident I could make it as an actor. Mom said, ‘Have a backup plan.’”

Soon, his parents started discussing the option of further studies. They took out a loan to send him to Australia.

Image Source: Swinburne University of Technology, Website.

Amit landed in Melbourne to obtain his Post-Graduation diploma in International Business from Swinburne University of Technology. 

“I was studying and working two jobs to make ends meet. Despite that, on the weekends, I did theatre.”

After graduation, when Amit came back to India he began working with his uncle in Delhi on a decent salary.

Soon after, he bumped into someone from his theatre days.

“It felt like a sign, you know? So I got back to acting. With each performance, something in me kept shifting – it was as if my heart was filling up. So I decided to act full time.”

Amit was then 29 yo and his parents “freaked out” at his decison to change career.

“I told them, ‘Aap itni chinta kyun kar rahe ho? Aap ko kya darr hai?’ I was done being afraid of the uncertainty.”

In 2003, Randeep Hooda who was working on a Ram Gopal Verma film, called and advised Amit to audition for a role.

“I came to Bombay. Even though I didn’t get that role, I stayed back. Then began the rigmarole of auditions.”

For one such audition, Amit even reached 20 minutes late.

“Everyone was furious. But before I left, they said, ‘Thoda weight kam kar lena.’ I was confused, but later I found out that I’d got the role!”

Amit got Rs 50,000 for that film and by the time the shooting finished he thought that this was it!”

“I’d made it. Maybe it was ego, but I kept rejecting all the supporting role offers I got – mujhe hero banna tha!”

Image Source: Amit Sial – Twitter.

But unfortunately that film didn’t release for 4 years and soon the supporting role also stopped coming.

“So I started from scratch – I did theatre, small roles…I destroyed my ego. That’s when web series like A Simple Murder, Kathmandu Connection and Maharani, came my way. It took years, but I found my place in OTT. I realised ki hero nahi banna, stardom bhi nahi chahiye, bas acting karni hai.”

Image Source: Amit Sial in Mirzapur, Screenshot.

Today, Amit Sial is a successful actor in Indian film and TV industry. His parents are also happy with his decision to change his career.

“I’ve made them retire in Goa! So now, every time a role comes my way, I’m thankful. I’ve realised that when you find your purpose in life, you can’t let your ego get the better of you. You only get so many chances to turn your dreams into reality– so when you get that chance, grab onto it and…don’t let go.”

Amit has appeared in films and series such as Jamtara, Mirzapur, Sonchiriya, Bombairiya, Titli, and Love Sex aur Dhokha.

Image Source: Amit Sial in Jamtara, Netflix, screenshot.

Morrison government will ‘jail’ people who enter the country from India

Image Source: AFP.

The Morrison government has issued an order saying anyone who tries to enter Australia from India will be fined and/or jailed for up to 5 years.

Picture Source: Twitter @Greg Hunt

This is happening first time in the history of Australia that it has made it a criminal offense to come back home for Australian citizens. The government claims this action is based on medical advice, however, a number of commentators say this due to the “fear factor” that India’s COVID-19 crisis is getting worse day by day.

The statement by Health Minister Greg Hunt says, “The risk assessment that informed the decision was based on the proportion of overseas travellers in quarantine in Australia who have acquired a COVID-19 infection in India.”

Failure to comply with an emergency determination under the Biosecurity Act 2015 may incur a civil penalty of 300 penalty units, five years’ imprisonment, or both.

Image Source: UNICEF – Facebook.

“The temporary pause will be reconsidered on 15 May by the Government following advice from the Chief Medical Officer (CMO). The CMO will consider the epidemiology in India and likely impacts on Australia’s quarantine capacity, and provide a further expert assessment of the public health risk to Australia to inform a proportionate response,” explains the statement.

Mr. Hunt further said, “The Government does not make these decisions lightly. However, it is critical the integrity of the Australian public health and quarantine systems is protected and the number of COVID-19 cases in quarantine facilities is reduced to a manageable level.”

Australian government’s travel ban will come into effect at 12.01am on Monday, 3 May 2021.

There are at least 9,000 Australian citizens and permanent residents stuck in India.

Image Source: Scott Morrison, Twitter.

India has been reporting more than 300,000 new cases of COVID-19 every day for the past week. The total number of cases in India is now close to 19 million and more than 200,000 people have died.

Image Source: Health Minister Greg Hunt, Twitter.

The government statement says, “Our hearts go out to the people of India – and our Indian-Australian community. The friends and family of those in Australia are at extreme risk. Tragically, many are contracting COVID-19 and many, sadly, are dying every day.”

Image Source: Priyanka Chaturvedi, Twitter.

Member of Indian Parliament and Shiv Sena leader Priyanka Chaturvedi has tweeted to the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, PMO India, and Scott Morrison to urgently look into this matter.

Constitutional law expert George Williams told SMH that the move was “very likely to be constitutional”.

“The only impediment would be if the High Court discovered some form of constitutional protection for returning citizens, but that would be a long shot.”

Image Source: Bill Shorten, personal website.

In an exclusive interview to the Australia Today, Labor leader Bill Shorten said:

“We should treat people the same whatever country they come from.”

Image Source: Adam Zampa and Kane Richardson, CricketInfo.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said that such measures and restrictions are to deter people from exploiting the system.

Recently, Australian cricketers Adam Zampa and Kane Richardson took advantage of a loophole and came back to Australia via commercial flights from a non-restricted country.

The government has also said that they would explore all options of bringing back stranded citizens in India and other countries, on which it has imposed a travel ban.

Indian-Australians start petition urging Australian Government to stand by its “friend India”

Indian-Australians have started a petition urging the Australian Government and Hon Prime Minister Scott Morrison “to stand by its strategic partner and friend India in this hour of desperate need and provide urgent relief.” 

Image Source: Prime Minister Scott Morrison -Twitter

The petitioners argue that “India is in crisis, the situation on the ground is dire and her health system has collapsed under the weight of an unprecedented surge in COVID-19 case numbers. The mutant, more virulent form of the virus is causing havoc. Hospitals have run out of beds, oxygen, other basic equipment and they haven’t peaked in terms of case numbers yet. The furnaces in crematoriums are melting and the images of mass funerals are heart breaking. It is estimated that up to 4 million people could die in a worst case scenario by August this year. A country of 1.3 billion people caught between the conundrum of “lives versus livelihoods” can only do so much on her own.”

Image Source: Twitter.

The petition further says that “Indian diaspora in Australia and in many other countries are distraught and are doing their best to help their homeland.”

This change.org petition titled “Australia – it is time to stand up for India, your friend in need” by Kiren Sekhar has received more than 11,000 signatures from the targeted 15,000 signatures.

India tells its diplomats – counter ‘one-sided’ world media narrative

In a virtual meeting with Indian ambassadors and high commissioners posted across the world, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar conveyed the message that the “one-sided” narrative in international media must be countered.

Image Source: External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar – Twitter.

Officials present told the Indian Express that two themes were discussed.

One was about efforts being made to procure all the material that India needs to overcome the surge and second was taking control of the international media narrative.

This meeting was important keeping in mind the recent rebuttal written by the Deputy High Commissioner to Australia in response to ‘The Australian’ report.

The editorials, commentary and reports in some newspapers and on TV channels have blamed the Modi government for India’s COVID plight.

They are of the opinion that Modi ignored all warning signs, holding an extended election in West Bengal.

Screenshot The Australian Newspaper
Screenshot The Australian Newspaper

To prove this they have been running visuals of ambulances, patients sitting outside hospitals, and Hindu cremation ceremonies.

Image Source: Wikipedia.

While India’s efforts to mobilise resources, such as oxygen container, concentrators, ventilators, drugs and vaccines, from friendly countries that been largely overlooked.

On this, Jaishankar was clear that envoys should not to get overpowered by the “negative” media reports in biased media outlets but to take charge and project the government’s work.

Image Source: PMO India, Twitter.

Is Australia’s India flight ban based on ‘fear factor’?

Image Source: Prime Minister Scott Morrison -Twitter

With the suspension of direct flights from India – until at least 15 May – all Australian citizens have essentially been banned from entering their own country for the first time.

Image Source: Australian Government.

A Guardian analysis has revealed that India has fewer coronavirus cases per capita than either the United States or the United Kingdom during their respective Covid peaks.

This has given rise to epidemiologists questioning of why Australia has banned all flights from India?

Image Source: Wikipedia.

The experts are pointing out that Australian government did not suspend flights from the UK and USA when they were going through their worst phase.

According to data released by the New South Wales health department, the UK and US were responsible for a greater share of overseas acquired cases in Australia.

The Guardian observes that epidemiology experts think that the ‘Indian variant’ of coronavirus has not yet been deemed as concerning as the ‘UK strain’.

Image Source: Prof. Peter Collignon, ANU

Prof. Peter Collignon of the Australian National University told the Guardian that Australia “needs to rethink blanket bans”.

“I look at the numbers and I’m not sure the rates are higher in India, that the risk is all that different. We need to rethink blanket bans because I’m not sure it’s being done on a consistent basis.” 

Image Source: Prof. Mary-Louise McLaws, UNSW

Further, a comparison of infection data has led Prof. Mary-Louise McLaws at the University of New South Wales to argue the government’s ban on flights from India is likely “an act out of fear”.

According to data released by the New South Wales health department, in the four-week period ending 24 April 2021, 46% (63/137) of overseas acquired cases have been identified as having COVID-19 variants of concern (B.1.1.7, B.1.351 and P1).

Prof. McLaws has also questioned why a flight ban was not put in place when larger spikes were recorded in other countries.

“As a multicultural country that loves their multicultural community, it is beholden to the authorities to care for that multicultural community that needs to come home and for them to come home safely.” 

Meanwhile, Melbourne’s Indian community gathered at Federation Square to hold a candlelight vigil.

Image Source: The Australia Today.

Indians from all faiths gathered to pray for India and safe return of Australian permanent residents and citizens from India.

IPL 2021: Shaw, Dhawan shine as DC gain comprehensive seven-wicket over KKR

DK tries a reverse sweep but is hit on the pad. Picture Source: Twitter @IPL
DK tries a reverse sweep but is hit on the pad. Picture Source: Twitter @IPL

Prithvi Shaw and Shikhar Dhawan starred with the bat as Delhi Capitals defeated Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) by seven wickets in an Indian Premier League (IPL) encounter here at the Narendra Modi Stadium on Thursday.

Shaw and Dhawan played knocks of 82 and 46 respectively as Delhi Capitals registered a win with 21 balls to spare. With this win, Delhi has moved to the second spot in the points table with 10 points. Chasing 155, Delhi Capitals got off to a flying start as Prithvi Shaw smashed six boundaries in the very first over bowled by Shivam Mavi. Shaw along with Dhawan continued the carnage and Delhi’s score read 67/0 after the end of the sixth over.

Dhawan and Shaw continued with their momentum and KKR had no answers on how to stop both the batters. With just 23 runs needed for the win, KKR finally managed to get a breakthrough as Pat Cummins had Dhawan (46) adjudged leg-before wicket, ending the first-wicket partnership of 132 runs.
Cummins also removed Shaw (82) and Rishabh Pant (16) in the 16th over, but in the end, Delhi Capitals registered an easy victory to move to second place in the points table.

Earlier, Axar Patel and Lalit Yadav scalped two wickets each as Delhi Capitals restricted KKR to a score of 154/6 in the allotted 20 overs. For KKR, Shubman Gill got going with the bat as he played a knock of 43 runs. Andre Russell and Pat Cummins also played useful knocks of 45 and 11 respectively but KKR had to settle with a below-par score.

Asked to bat first, KKR did not get off to an ideal start as the side lost its opener Nitish Rana (15) in the fourth over. Patel had the left-handed batsman stumped and this brought Rahul Tripathi to the middle. Tripathi and Gill took KKR’s score to 45/1 after the end of the sixth over. Tripathi and Gill stitched together a 44-run partnership for the second wicket, but as soon as KKR started to dominate, Delhi Capitals stormed right back as Marcus Stoinis dismissed Tripathi (19). Skipper Eoin Morgan (0) and Sunil Narine (0) disappointed with the bat and as a result, KKR was reduced to 74/4 in the 11th over.

KKR’s innings fell further into a slump in the 13th over as the set batsman Gill (43) handed a simple catch to Steve Smith at wide long-on off the bowling of Avesh Khan, reducing the side to 82/5. Dinesh Karthik next joined Andre Russell in the middle and the duo put on 27 runs for the sixth wicket. However, in trying to increase the tempo of run-scoring, Karthik (14) ended up losing his wicket to Patel in the 17th over. In the final two overs, Russell and Cummins managed to add 31 more runs to the total, and as a result, KKR posted a score of more than the 150-run mark.

Brief scores: KKR 154/6 (Shubman Gill 43, Andre Russell 45*, Lalit Yadav 2-13) vs Delhi Capitals 156/3 (Prithvi Shaw 82, Shikhar Dhawan 46, Pat Cummins 3-24). 

India: Exit polls predict tight contest in Bengal, but Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Assam, and Puducherry could see a clear majority

Indian Voter posing after casting ballot, Picture Source: Twitter
Indian Voter posing after casting ballot, Picture Source: Twitter

The exit polls of this round of assembly polls on Thursday predicted a clear victory for DMK-led alliance in Tamil Nadu, LDF retaining power in Kerala and BJP-led NDA in Assam, and a tight contest in Bengal with several surveys giving an edge to the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC). In Puducherry, the polls predicted victory for NDA.
In West Bengal, all exit polls predicted BJP making major inroads and a few also said that the party will emerge victoriously. Times Now-C voter exit poll predicted 158 seats for TMC, 115 for BJP, and 19 for others. ABP-C Voter predicted TMC to get 152-164 seats, BJP 109-121 seats, and Left-Congress alliance 14-25 seats.
According to the Republic-CNX exit poll, BJP with 138-148 seats has an edge over TMC which is predicted to get 128-138 seats.

As per India TV- People’s Pulse, BJP is expected to get 173-192 seats while TMC will be reduced to 64-88 sets and the Left-Congress alliance will get 7-12 seats.
Axis My India predicted a hung assembly in Bengal with the ruling TMC expected to get 130-156 seats and BJP 134-160 seats.

In Assam, India Today-Axis My India exit poll said the BJP-led NDA is likely to get 75-85 seats out of 126 seats. The BJP may get 61-65 seats, AGP 9-13, and UPPL 5-7. The Congress-led ‘Mahajath’ is expected to garner 40-50 seats and others may get 1-4 seats. Congress may get 24-30 seats, AIUDF 13-16, and BPF 3-4.
ABP News-CVoter exit poll said that BJP-led NDA is predicted to get 58-71 seats and Congress-led ‘Mahajath’ 53-66 seats and others 0-3 seats.

Republic-CNX exit poll predicted 74-84 seats for BJP+, 40-50 for Congress+, and 1-2 for others.
According to Today’s Chanakya, BJP+ is expected to win 61-79 seats, Congress+ 47-65, and others 0-3 seats.
In Tamil Nadu, Today’s Chanakya predicted 164-186 seats for DMK and 46-68 for the ruling AIADMK-led alliance. According to the ABP-CVoter exit poll, AIADMK is expected to get 58-70 seats, DMK 160-172 seats, and others 0-7. Republic-CNX poll said that DMK is expected to win 160-170 seats whereas AIADMK may get 58-68 seats.
In Kerala, the ABP-CVoter exit poll predicted LDF to get 71-77 seats, UDF 62-68 seats, and BJP 0-2 seats. India Today-Axis My India exit poll said LDF is predicted to get 104-120 seats, UDF 20-36 seats, BJP+ 0-2 seats, and others 0-2 seats.
According to Today’s Chanakya, LDF is likely to win 93-111 seats, UDF 26-44 seats, BJP+ 0-6 seats, and others 0-3 seats.
Republic-CNX predicted LDF to win 72-80 seats, UDF 58-64 seats, BJP+ 1-5 seats. Jan Ki Baat’s exit poll predicted 64-76 seats for LDF, 61-71 for BJP+, and 2-4 for others.
In the Puducherry, ABP-CVoter exit poll predicted NDA to win 19-23 seats, UPA 6-10 seats, and others 1-2 seats. As per the India Today-Axis My India exit poll, NDA is expected to garner 20-24 seats, UPA 6-10 seats, and others 0-1 seats. Jan Ki Baat exit polls predicted 19-24 seats for NDA and 6-11 seats for UPA. Republic-CNX exit poll predicted 16-20 seats for the NDA and 11-13 seats for the UPA. 

The crisis in India is an example of why we need a better way to get Australians home

Liz Hicks, The University of Melbourne

The federal government’s suspension of flights from India leaves some 9,000 Australian citizens stranded, 650 of whom are registered as financially or medically vulnerable. They are trapped in a country where hospitals are running out of oxygen, and where the number of new infections is more than 300,000 per day.

Along with the unfolding humanitarian disaster, the suspension of flights is yet another example of the ongoing dysfunction of Australia’s repatriation system.

As I have explained in my recent research, the pandemic has created a temporary, but desperate minority in Australia. These are the roughly 34,000 citizens abroad who are currently registered with the Department of Foreign Affairs as wanting help to get home, though the true number is likely far higher.

Australia continues to have a large diaspora living and working abroad, who cannot register with the government until they have attempted to return home of their own accord.

Indian Covid, Picture Source: Twitter MHA
Indian Covid, Picture Source: Twitter MHA

So how did we end up here?

A consistent theme of Australia’s response to COVID-19 — including leaks in hotel quarantine — has been to blame individuals (be they guards or travellers), rather than the way the system is designed.

At the time of writing, Australia’s hotel quarantine programs have “leaked” 16 times. Many have come from poor ventilation and inadequate protocol for personal protective equipment. Experts say more must be done to prevent aerosol transmission of the virus.

When leaks have occurred, the political instinct of Australian governments has been to reduce the caps on overseas arrivals and — increasingly — point the finger at members of the public who have left Australia on federal government-approved exemptions.

The West Australian government’s response to its most recent leak is a useful case study. Despite warnings in March the Mercure hotel was “high risk”, it was not pulled from operation. Amid Premier Mark McGowan’s criticism of people travelling to India for family events, Western Australia has now halved its cap.

But a defective system not designed to accommodate aerosol transmission will continue to leak even with the reduced cap. It will merely do so at a lower rate.

Banning flights from India follows this logic. Australian governments have argued it is necessary to reduce the number of positive cases in quarantine. This implicitly acknowledges fundamental flaws in Australia’s hotel quarantine programs.

No constitutional right to return

Australians abroad have limited protection in this situation.

Australia is one of the only liberal democracies in the world without a bill of rights. Minority rights were explicitly rejected during the constitutional conventions during the 1890s, with a view that minorities

must trust to the sense of justice of the majority.

The lack of a rights framework creates particular problems during crises, when popular responses emerge in an atmosphere of fear and urgency. For a majority unaffected by travel bans, halving caps and suspending flights is an easy solution in the face of government failures. It also appeals to Australia’s cultural and historical reflexes regarding border control.

It also means Australia doesn’t necessarily prioritise its citizens or residents amongst arrivals. In February, only 44% of Australian arrivals were citizens. Victoria has now proposed introducing a separate stream for “economic cohorts”, even as it insists members of the public should only be allowed to leave and return for “genuinely urgent or compassionate reasons”.

Picture Source: Twitter @DFET

Quarantine confusion

To make matters more complicated (and tougher for Australians trying to get home), we have a federal framework for quarantine. Quarantine is a “concurrent legislative power”. This means the federal government may assume responsibility for running quarantine, or it may leave it to the states. Ideally, the federal and state governments would work together and pool resources based on their respective strengths to maximise capacity and safety.

At an initial National Cabinet meeting, it was agreed the states would assume responsibility for running quarantine. The public has no insight into the reason for this decision, with National Cabinet deliberations remaining secret. It is likely the Commonwealth lacked short-term capacity, having dismantled quarantine infrastructure over many decades.

But with little public understanding of the complexities of federalism, governments of all levels have deflected responsibility to one another. Labor governments and oppositions at state and federal level claim quarantine is a “federal constitutional responsibility”. The federal Coalition claims responsibility lies with the states.

A need for leadership

As we move into the second year of travel bans, there are real questions about Australia’s longer-term strategy for facilitating essential travel in and out of the country — particularly for the 30% of Australians born overseas with family and significant ties elsewhere.

Within this are questions about how sustainable flight suspensions will be over coming years, with many developing countries unlikely to be vaccinated until 2024.

As the situation in India shows, there is a desperate need for leadership at both state and federal level to design systems that can facilitate essential travel until borders can safely reopen.

Unfortunately, this is unlikely to occur until voters insist political leaders step up.

Liz Hicks, PhD / Dr. iur. candidate, The University of Melbourne

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

IPL 2021: Gaikwad, Du Plessis shine in CSK’s seven-wicket win over SRH

Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Picture Source: Twitter @IPL
Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Picture Source: Twitter @IPL

Ruturaj Gaikwad’s blistering 75-run knock and a fifty from Faf du Plessis helped Chennai Super Kings (CSK) to defeat SunRisers Hyderabad (SRH) by seven-wicket here at the Arun Jaitley Stadium on Wednesday.

With this win, CSK moved at the top of the table with its fifth consecutive wins. Chasing 172, Gaikwad and Du Plessis gave a flying start to CSK. The openers showed their intentions from the beginning of the run-chase.
Both the openers started taking on SRH bowlers and smashed them all around the park. The duo added 54 runs in the Powerplay overs. The openers continued the carnage and went on to take the side to the three-figure mark in the 11th over.

Meanwhile, Du Plessis completed his fifty off 32 balls. In the 12th over, Gaikwad also smashed his fifth IPL half-century. The 129-run opening partnership was put to an end by Rashid Khan in the 13th over as he dismissed bowled out Gaikwad after scoring 75 off 44. His knock was studded with 12 fours.
Rashid in his last over gave a double blow to CSK as he picked Du Plessis (56) and Moeen Ali (15) on successive balls. Ravindra Jadeja and Suresh Raina remained unbeaten on seven and 17 runs respectively as CSK won the game with nine balls to spare.

For SRH, Rashid returned with the figures of 3-36 in his four overs.
Earlier, a late onslaught from Kane Williamson and fifties from Manish Pandey and skipper David Warner guided SRH to 171/3 in their allotted 20 overs.
Opting to bat first, openers failed to give the side the desired start as Jonny Bairstow (7) was picked by pacer Sam Curran in the fourth over.

Manish Pandey, brought in the playing XI, joined Warner in the middle. The duo after setting their eyes on the ball played furiously and increased the run-rate as they smashed boundaries at regular intervals.
Pandey and Warner knitted a 106-run partnership off 87 balls. Meanwhile, Pandey completed his half-century in 35 balls. Warner also completed his fifty in the 16th over.

Warner smashed his 50th fifty and 200 sixes in the IPL. He also completed 10,000 runs in T20 cricket.
In the 18th over, Lungi Ngidi bagged both Warner (57) and Pandey (61) and left the side reeling at 134/3.
Williamson and Kedar Jadhav took the charge of moving the scoreboard. Williamson’s hitting enables SRH to accumulated 20 runs from Shardul Thakur’s 19th over. In the last over, the duo added 13 runs and took the total to 171/3 in 20 overs.

Williamson’s 26-run knock was studded with a six and four 4s while Jadhav scored 12 off four balls.
For CSK, Ngidi bagged two scalps while Chahar took one wicket.

Brief Scores: SRH 171/3 in 20 overs (Manish Pandey 61, David Warner 57, Kane Williamson 26*; Ngidi 2-35); CSK 173/3 in 18.3 overs (Ruturaj Gaikwad 75, Faf du Plessis 56; Rashid Khan 3-36).

Indian community demands apology from Australian newspaper for calling India “hell”

Indian Corona Wariors, Picture Source: Twitter
Indian Corona Wariors, Picture Source: Twitter

Indian community in Australia has demanded apology from the West Australian for calling India a “hell” in their latest piece titled “Ban on trips from Indian hell.”

Image Source: The West Australian.

The letter written by President of the Indian Society of Western Australia (ISWA), a peak body that represents more than 80 Indian origin associations with 30,000 members says that the community is “disappointed with the style of journalism that is devoid of ethics and humanity.”

Supriya Guha, President of ISWA, further adds that the published article is “full of sensational and biased language – describing India and ‘Indians’ – in the utmost derogatory and discriminatory fashion.”

Recently, many Indian community members have voiced their concerns in relation to the coverage of events in newspapers abroad that may give rise to racism and Hinduphobia.

Prominent members of Indian diaspora in Australia have also tweeted against the West Australian’s coverage at a time when diaspora is worried about the safety of their loved ones in India.

The Indian diaspora in Australia is ware of the seriousness of the situation in India and has requested all local newspapers to show some compassion to a country that went out of its way to help 95 countries with timely supply of COVID vaccine.

Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned media against jumping to conclusions about the new coronavirus variant discovered in India, saying it had not yet classified it as worrying.

WHO believes it is possible that the British coronavirus variant may have affected India’s epidemiological situation.

The British, South African and Brazilian variants of Covid-19 have all been classified by the WHO as “variants of concern.”

Australia, India and Japan launch Supply Chain Resilience Initiative

Image Source: Shipping - Wikipedia.

The Trade Ministers of Australia, India and Japan have formally launched the Supply Chain Resilience initiative.

“The SCRI aims to create a virtuous cycle of enhancing supply chain resilience with a view to eventually attaining strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth in the region. The Ministers consented that expansion of the SCRI may be considered based on consensus, if needed, in due course.”

This was launched in a Trilateral Ministerial Meeting held virtually on 27 April 2021 between Mr. Dan Tehan, Australia’s Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, Mr. Piyush Goyal, India’s Minister for Commerce and Industry, and Mr. Kajiyama Hiroshi, Japan’s Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry.

Image Source: Mr. Dan Tehan, Australia’s Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment – Wikipedia.

The Ministers acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic was having an unprecedented impact, in terms of “lives lost, livelihoods and economies affected.”

They also agreed that “the pandemic had revealed supply chain vulnerabilities globally and in the region.”

Images Source: Mr. Piyush Goyal, India’s Minister for Commerce and Industry – Twitter.

The Ministers also noted that some supply chains have been left vulnerable due to a range of factors.

Image Source: Mr. Kajiyama Hiroshi, Japan’s Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry – Wikipedia.

The Ministers also noted the importance of risk management and continuity plans.

This is much needed initiative in order to avoid supply chain disruptions and affirmed their commitment to strengthen resilient supply chains.

Ministers noted that the possible policy measures may include: (i) supporting the enhanced utilization of digital technology; and (ii) supporting trade and investment diversification.

Image Source: Shipping – Wikipedia.

The Ministers have now instructed their officials to implement the following as initial projects of SCRI and further develop the Initiative: (i) sharing of best practices on supply chain resilience; and (ii) holding investment promotion events and buyer-seller matching events to provide opportunities for stakeholders to explore the possibility of diversification of their supply chains.

In addition, the Ministers have decided to convene at least once a year to provide guidance to the implementation of the SCRI as well as to consult on how to develop the Initiative.

With an eye on China, the Ministers directed their officials to meet as often as required to take the Initiative forward.

Watch the ad that allegedly mocks Rahul, Sonia Gandhi, Congress workers vandalised Storia Foods office

Storia Foods ad irkes Congress workers, company pulls down ad
Storia Foods ad irkes Congress workers, company pulls down ad

Congress workers held a protest and “ransacked” the office of Storia Foods in Mumbai on Tuesday over the company’s recent advertisement allegedly mocking Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi.

The Congress workers, who were not wearing masks in accordance with the COVID-19 protocols, raised the ‘Rahul Gandhi zindabad’, ‘Sonia Gandhi zindabad’ slogans. They were carrying also party flags when the Police reached the spot.

BJP leader Kirit Somaiya told ANI that Congress members can take legal action over their objections but they should not have “threatened people”.
He asked if Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray will take action against Congress workers for flouting COVID-19 guidelines and demanded their immediate arrest.

“There is no problem with the objection concerning Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi in the advertisement. Take legal action. But how can you beat and threaten people? This is not done. There is a lockdown. Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray uses foul language for the Opposition. Now, will he take action on it?” Somaiya asked.

He alleged that Shiv Sena workers had earlier beaten a retired Navy officer for sharing a cartoon.
“Since the Thackeray government came to power, there has been anarchy. Now the Mumbai Congress President has said he is proud of his party workers for burning the materials and records of an advertisement company. I would like to ask Chief Minister Thackeray and Home Minister Dilip Walse Patil why action has not been taken? They should be arrested immediately,” added Somaiya.

BJP MP Manoj Kotak told ANI that if Congress has objections they can seek withdrawal of advertisement through proper mechanism. He accused Congress of intolerance.

“If you have objections, you can demand that the company withdraw the advertisement. There are mechanisms for that. But ransacking the office and causing violence is not acceptable. Congress does not have any tolerance. When Congress uses bad language against the top BJP leadership including the Prime Minister they do not think twice.”

Australian architects to design biggest Hindu temple in Sydney

Early watercolour renderings of the Hindu Temple to be built in Kemps Creek, prepared by local architect Geoff Ferris Smith.

Emu Plains business, DDC Architecture and Interior Design have been revealed as the Australian architects for a new Hindu Temple.

This $41 million Hindu Temple will be built by Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Sanstha (BAPS) in Adlington Road, Kemps Creek, New South Wales. 

Image Source: Penrith city council – Wikipedia.

According to Penrith City Council, this temple was approved last month by the Sydney Western City Planning Panel.

The development will include a 25-metre tall temple, two two-storey community buildings, a carpark and extensive gardens. 

Director of DDC Architecture + Interior Design Geoff Ferris-Smith said: 

“They wanted to use a local architect to support the community they are coming into. We stood out because our core work has been designing Churches and bible colleges, and we also have experience in building large scale workforce accommodation communities for the resources sector.” 

After initial discussions, BAPS Sydney which is based in Rosehill, also sent Mr Ferris-Smith to India. 

“I travelled to India to get a better understanding of the Hindu faith, which was a huge privilege. I spent two weeks living in a Monastery with the Monks and travelled to five different Temples throughout the state of Gujarat in the west of India.” 

Following his trip, it took three years from first pencil to final approval of the design. 

Mr Ferris-Smith worked closely with Penrith Council to ensure that the design was compliant with Australian safety and accessibility standards.

Image Source: BAPS

This new Hindu temple may take up to nine years to construct and the first stage of the development will be complete in 2023. 

According to Penrith City Council, this stage will involve moving 400,000 cubic metres of earth to accommodate a carpark, gardens and the two community buildings, which will include a 2,000 seat auditorium, kitchens and a 1,000 seat dining room along with teaching spaces. 

Mr Ferris-Smith said that the Hindu temple’s gardens will be open to the Australian public. 

“The idea is that you come in through the gardens to calm your mind and help stop the ‘monkey chatter’ of the mind and the everyday world before you enter the Temple.” 

Further, the construction of the Hindu temple will create local jobs and create multicultural community in the Penrith area.

COVID19: Morrison Government providing 3,000 ventilators and more to help India

Picture Source: Twitter@Scott Morrison-Marise Payne
Picture Source: Twitter@Scott Morrison-Marise Payne

Australian Government has agreed on a number of new measures to protect Australians from the increased risk of the COVID-19 outbreak in India, while also providing significant new support to assist the Indian Government in its humanitarian response.

In a statement, Prime Minister Scott Morrison recognised the challenging COVID-19 crisis that India is currently battling and committed to stand ready to provide more support to friends in India and Indian Australians during this difficult time.

“On advice from the Chief Medical Officer, India has been determined to be a high-risk country for the purposes of travel arrangements,” said the statement

Earlier on Tuesday, PM Morrison announced, “Australia will implement a temporary pause on direct passenger flights between India and Australia for two weeks, with consideration of further flights to be made by 15 May 2021.”

Passengers on all future flights will be required to have both a negative COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test result and a negative Rapid Antigen test result prior to taking off.

Once flights restart, the Federal Government will prioritise the return of vulnerable Australians. Already almost 20,000 registered Australians have returned from India since the pandemic began.

Australia has placed restrictions on outbound travel exemptions to high-risk countries to strictly essential travel only which includes three criteria…

1- National interest
2- Medical exemption
3- COVID-19 purposes

For indirect flights through Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), the Federal Government notified that flights to and from these transit points and India have been paused by respective governments.

As a close friend and comprehensive strategic partner, Australia stands with India as it battles a surge in COVID-19 cases, said Mr. Morrison

Following consultation with the Indian Government, Australia will provide emergency medical supplies.

The initial package of support includes rapid deployment of 500 non-invasive ventilators, with the capacity to deploy up to a total of 3,000 ventilators.

Federal Government is also supplying a significant package of personal protective equipment (PPE), including one million surgical masks, 500,000 P2/N95 masks, 100,000 surgical gowns, 100,000 goggles, 100,000 pairs of gloves and 20,000 face shields.

Besides, the government has agreed to commence procurement of 100 oxygen concentrators, along with tanks and consumables.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade will manage the movement of PPE and equipment over the next week.

PM Morrison says, “My government is standing with Australians in India and we recognise the difficulties they face. The Hardship Program and Consular Support continues to be available to Australians in India.”

The current restrictions will be under regular review, as we look to find a solution for those seeking to return to Australia.

Australian cricketer Brett Lee donates Rs 41 Lakhs to India’s COVID fight

Image Source: Brett Lee - Twitter

Following the footsteps of Australian pacer Pat Cummins, former fast bowler-turned commentator Brett Lee has come forward to help India in its battle against COVID-19.

Picture Source: Twitter @Pat Cummins,
Picture Source: Twitter @Pat Cummins

The 44-year-old represented Australia in 76 Tests, 221 ODIs and 25 T20Is during his successful international career.

Brett Lee is in India right now as a part of Star Sports’ commentary team for the IPL.

Image Source: Wisden.

In his heartwarming gesture, Brett Lee has said that he would donate 1 Bitcoin (valued more than Rs 40 lakhs) to Crypto Relief to aid Indian hospitals to procure oxygen supplies amid the scarcity.

Image Source: Wikipedia

Taking to Twitter, Brett Lee thanked Pat Cummins for taking the step as he announced his contribution.

Image Source: Brett Lee – Twitter

Earlier, Pat Cummins has donated $50,000 to Narendra Modi’s PM Cares Fund.

He also urged other IPL players to help India tackle the current situation with their donations. 

Brett Lee’s full statement:

Image Source: Brett Lee – Twitter

Brett Lee has always considered India as his ‘second home.’ 

In 2015, he has also starred in an Indian-Australian film ”unINDIAN” – a cross-cultural comedy directed by Indian-origin Sydney-based filmmaker Anupam Sharma.

Image Source: unIndian – Screengrab

Although, Bitcoin is not considered a legal tender in India but Brett Lee’s gesture is a helping hand that India especially its all the frontline workers need right now.

COVID19: Australia will send medical supplies to India, and ban all flights till 15 May

Indian Covid, Picture Source: Twitter MHA
Indian Covid, Picture Source: Twitter MHA

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Australia would send a range of goods to India to help as it struggles with a critical shortage of medical supplies.

Australia will send 500 ventilators, as well as 1 million surgical masks, 500,000 P2 and N95 masks, 100,000 goggles, 100,000 pairs of gloves, and 20,000 face shields.

“I stress this is an initial package, there’ll be more to follow,” Mr Morrison said.

PM Morrison also announced a total ban on flights to and from India until May 15 amid the second wave of coronavirus.
“We recognise that this has been a very significant outbreak in India,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison said.

This comes after three Australian cricketers pulled out of IPL 2021 amid the COVID-19 crisis in India.

India seeks divine intervention to fight COVID19

Hanuman Jyanti, Picture Source: Twitter @Oye_Jahazi
Hanuman Jyanti, Picture Source: Twitter @Oye_Jahazi

Lord Hanuman, the God of Strength, is known to be one of the biggest devotees of Lord Ram.

Image Source: Wikipedia.

His birthday, known as Hanuman Jayanti, is usually celebrated on full moon day during Hindu Chaitra month.

On this Hanuman Jayanti, Indian politicians and netizens are praying to seek some protection and relief from COVID19.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has invoked Lord Hanuman’s blessings, hoping it would help the country in the “continuing fight” against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Image Source: Narendra Modi – Twitter

Greeting the nation on Hanuman Jayanti, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor wrote on Twitter:

Image Source: Shashi Tharoor – Twitter

Greeting the people on Hanuman Jayanti, AAP leader and Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal tweeted:

Image Source: Arvind Kejriwal – Twitter

WATCH VIDEO: Hanuman Chalisa Full | Shekhar Ravjiani 

“Best wishes to all of you on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti. You may get rid of every crisis in your life and be healthy and safe, this is my prayer to Lord Hanuman,” said Defence Minister.

“Happy Hanuman Jayanti to all!” tweeted Congress leader Rahul Gandhi.

Union Minister Piyush Goyal wished all the countrymen on the birth anniversary and wished health, happiness, and prosperity to everyone’s life.

“My best wishes to all the countrymen on the birth anniversary of Sankat Mochan Sri Hanuman. Lord Hanuman, an ardent devotee of Lord Shri Ram, brings health, happiness, and prosperity to everyone’s life, and keep his blessings on everyone,” Piyush Goyal said in a tweet.

In a phone call with PM Modi, President Biden pledges US ‘steadfast support’ for India amid COVID-19 surge

Photo Source: Indian Air force
Photo Source: Indian Air force

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden had a telephonic conversation on Monday night wherein the latter pledged America’s “steadfast support” for the people of India who have been impacted by the recent surge in COVID-19 cases.
The phone call comes a day after the United States announced that it will send the raw material required for the Indian manufacture of the Covishield vaccine, in a bid to support India’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a tweet, PM Modi said, “Had a fruitful conversation with US President Joe Biden today. We discussed the evolving COVID situation in both countries in detail. I thanked President Biden for the support being provided by the United States to India.”
The Prime Minister further said that their discussion also underlined the importance of smooth and efficient supply chains of vaccine raw materials and medicines. “India-US healthcare partnership can address the global challenge of COVID-19,” he added.

According to a press statement by the White House, the two leaders resolved that the United States and India will continue to stand “shoulder-to-shoulder” in the effort to protect “our citizens and the health of our communities”.
“President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today with Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, committing that the United States and India will work closely together in the fight against COVID-19. The President pledged America’s steadfast support for the people of India who have been impacted by the recent surge in COVID-19 cases,” the statement read.

“In response, the United States is providing a range of emergency assistance, including oxygen-related supplies, vaccine materials, and therapeutics. Prime Minister Modi expressed appreciation for the strong cooperation between both countries,” the statement further noted.

India is reeling under the impact of the second wave of coronavirus. The country has been reported over 3 lakh daily cases in the last few days.
India on Monday reported 3.52 lakh fresh coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours. This is the highest single-day spike registered since the onset of the pandemic.

On Sunday, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan spoke on the phone with Indian counterpart Ajit Doval, expressing deep sympathy for the people of India following the recent spike in COVID-19 cases.
The White House had said that to help treat COVID-19 patients and protect front-line health workers in India, the United States has identified supplies of therapeutics, rapid diagnostic test kits, ventilators, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that will immediately be made available for India.

Later on Sunday, Biden said that the United States is determined to “help” India as it faces an unprecedented COVID-19 crisis.
“Just as India sent assistance to the United States as our hospitals were strained early in the pandemic, we are determined to help India in its time of need,” Biden tweeted.

IPL 2021: Captain’s knock helps KKR to defeat Punjab Kings by five wickets

Eoin Morgan, Picture Source: Twitter @IPL
Eoin Morgan, Picture Source: Twitter @IPL

Spirited performance from Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) helped them to beat Punjab Kings by five wickets in the Indian Premier League match here at the Narendra Modi Stadium on Monday evening.
With this win, KKR finally registered a second win of the season after four successive defeats. A spirited bowling performance from KKR restricted Punjab Kings to 123/9 in their allotted 20 overs. In reply, skipper Eoin Morgan and Rahul Tripathi led the run-chase and scored unbeaten 47 and 41 runs respectively to put the side over the line with 20 balls to spare.
Chasing 124, KKR had a wobbly start as they three wickets inside the first three overs. Nitish Rana (0), Shubman Gill (9) and Sunil Narine (0) departed cheaply as Punjab bowlers gave their all to defend the low score.
But the 66-run stand between Morgan and Tripathi for the fourth wicket depleted any chances of a turn-around in the encounter. The duo added runs quickly and took charge on Punjab bowlers. Deepak Hooda bagged Tripathi in the 11th over after he had scored 41 runs studded with seven fours.

Andre Russell joined Morgan in the middle after Tripathi’s dismissal. Russell’s nine-run stint ended in the 15th over as a sharp throw from Arshdeep Singh hit the base of the stumps and found him short of the crease.
Dinesh Karthik came in to bat at number seven. Karthik and Morgan then stitched an unbeaten 28-run match-winning stand. Karthik remained unbeaten on 12 runs while Morgan scored not out 47 off 40 including two sixes and four 4s.
For KKR, Mohammed Shami, Moises Henriques, Arshdeep, and Hooda picked one wicket each.

Source: Twitter @IPL

Earlier, KKR bowlers backed their skipper Eoin Morgan’s decision of bowling after winning the toss as they bowled on tight lengths and did not give any loose balls to Punjab batters to score freely.
Apart from openers KL Rahul and Mayank Agarwal, no other batsman was able to stitch a decent partnership. Rahul and Mayank gave a slow start to the side and added 36-run for the opening wicket. Pat Cummins bagged the first wicket for his side as he dismissed Rahul (19) in the sixth over.
Chris Gayle could not live up to the expectation as he was sent back to the pavilion on a golden duck by Shivam Mavi.
Things did not turn good for Punjab as Deepak Hooda (1) too departed cheaply in the eighth over. Nicholas Pooran and Mayank build an 18-run brief stand for the fourth wicket but Narine broke the partnership. Mayank departed after scoring 31 runs studded with two sixes.

Punjab kept on losing wickets at regular intervals. Moises Henriques (2), Pooran (19), Shahrukh Khan (13), and Ravi Bishnoi (1) failed to leave their mark on the scoreboard.
In the death overs, Chris Jordan’s 30-run knock-off 18 balls guided the side to a respectable total in the end.
For KKR, Krishna returned with the figures of 3-30 in his four overs while Cummins and Narine scalped two wickets each.

Brief Scores: Punjab Kings 123/9 in 20 overs (Mayank Agarwal 31, Chris Jordan 30; Prasidh Krishna 3-30, Sunil Narine 2-22, Pat Cummins 2-31); KKR 126/5 in 16.4 overs (Eoin Morgan 47*, Rahul Tripathi 41; Shami 25-1). 

High Commission of India refutes ‘baseless’ article published by Australian newspaper

Screenshot The Australian Newspaper
Screenshot The Australian Newspaper

High Commission of India in Canberra has issued a rebuttal to an article published in newspaper The Australian.

The letter undersigned by P. S. Karthigeyan, Deputy High Commissioner of India, stated, “It appears that the article has been written only with the objective of undermining the universally acclaimed approach taken by the Government of India to fight against the deadly global pandemic, at this decisive moment.”

Source: Twitter Screenshot : Letter by Indian HighCommission of India, Canberra

The article by Philip Sherwell was first published in The Times titled ‘Modi leads India out of lockdown and into a Covid apocalypse’. It was reproduced in the Australian paper Sunday with the title — ‘Modi leads India into a viral apocalypse’. 

The Australian tweeted on 25 April, “Arrogance, hyper-nationalism and bureaucratic incompetence have combined to create a crisis of epic proportions in India, with its crowd-loving PM basking while citizens suffocate. This is the story of how it all went so terribly wrong.” 

Screenshot from Twitter @The Australian Newspaper

The High Commission of India’s rebuttal accuses The Australian’s coverage of India’s Covid crisis “motivated and malicious reports” helping in “spreading falsehoods.”

The High Commission of India has urged the Christopher Dore, editor of the Australian newspaper, to “refrain” from publishing “such baseless” articles.

Letter by Indian HighCommission of India, Canberra

The High Commission of India in Canberra has also urged the newspaper to publish a rejoinder.

The letter points to “all possible measures” that “are being taken on a war footing by authorities to tackle the recent surge in Covid-19 cases”.

Australian Cricketer Pat Cummins donates to ‘PM Cares Fund’ to help hospitals in India

Picture Source: Twitter @Pat Cummins,
Picture Source: Twitter @Pat Cummins,

As India is struggling to counter massive second coronavirus wave, daily case numbers are making new infamous records. However, amid this time of crisis Indian Premier league cricket tournament has come under critcism by some.

Do we need to continue with this tournament when India is suffering? Maybe yes.
But how can we say that? Aren’t we sensitive about the situation? Yes, we are.

A country that is as passionate about cricket as India can definitely be helped by few hours of smiles.

Australian cricket star Pat Cummins who is playing the IPL in India says that he has been advised that this tournament is providing joy and respite to millions of people in lockdown.

Pat Cummins released a statement on social media site Twitter saying, “I have made a contribution to the “PM Cares Fund,” specifically to purchase oxygen supplies for India’s Hospitals.”

Last week, the Indian Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said in line with PM Narendra Modi’s direction of boosting the availability of oxygen to hospitals, the PM CARES Fund has given in-principle approval for allocation of funds for the installation of 551 dedicated Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Medical Oxygen Generation Plants inside public health facilities across the country.
Cummins encouraged his fellow IPL players and anyone around the world who has been touched by India’s passion and generosity to contribute.

Mr Cummins said, I will kick it off with $50,000.”

He says, I know my donation isn’t much in the grand scheme of things, but I hope it will make a difference to someone.”
Earlier few social commentators have questioned the continuance of the IPL tournament while India is gripped in the second wave of coronavirus.

Picture Source: Twitter @Pat Cummins,

“At times like this, it is easy to feel helpless. I’ve certainly felt that of late. But I hope by making this public appeal we can all channel our emotions into action that will bring light into people’s lives,” said Cummins.

This comes after several Australian cricketers opted out of the ongoing IPL. Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) on Monday confirmed that two Australian players — Adam Zampa and Kane Richardson — will be heading back for personal reasons.
Rajasthan Royals pacer Andrew Tye opted out of the ongoing tournament on Sunday. India and Delhi Capitals spinner Ravichandran Ashwin has also announced that he would be taking a break from the ongoing IPL season as he wants to extend support to his family who is currently battling Covid-19. 

Social Scientist Anita Singh Guha says, “It’s important to keep the spirits high in a time of crisis like this. Mental health should also be considered as a vital factor while dealing with the current situation.”

She says, “Seeing from outside it could look like IPL should be stoped but when you monitor closely it might have more benefits than distractions as claimed by some.”

Indian diaspora start funding page in UK to help with oxygen supply

Image Source: Wikipedia

A GoFundMe appeal set up by Amit Kachroo with Satyam Singh, Gaurav Mahna to supply India with oxygen concentrators has now reached £205,076 with 3.8k donors.

The appeal from UK read:

“Since lack of oxygen supply has been a limiting factor, we would like to contribute as many Oxygen concentrators as we can procure from various sellers and send it to India to aid in recovery and ease the burden on already stretched resources. Oxygen concentrators need just a 220V power supply  to purify oxygen from ambient air by filtering out nitrogen. Every contribution no matter how big or small counts. Time is of essence and we would like to raise these funds by Monday morning UK time to ensure that we can get hold of all supplies that are available.”

The British Asian Trust  launched an ‘India Covid-19 emergency appeal’ on Virgin Money and JustGiving websites which had raised £1,500 in 24 hours.

Lord Gadhia, a trustee of the Trust, said:

“We are getting a lot of enquiries from the UK Indian diaspora about how they can help in the current situation. The British Asian Trust works with some long-standing and highly reputable delivery partners like Jan Sahas and Goonj to reach the frontline. In the last campaign during the first lockdown in India we raised £1 million in our Covid-19 emergency appeal. This time around, we will assess the most pressing requirements and act accordingly.”

Another petition on change.org started by British Indian Rohit Kotecha, addressed to Boris Johnson, had garnered just under 2,000 signatures.

“I would urge the UK government to, as a matter of urgency, procure and send life-saving oxygen along with any other equipment/expertise that is available to assist in the current emergency, regardless of whether a formal request has been made.”

Various other charities run by Indian diaspora have also launched emergency appeals to help India.

The BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in London too has launched The BAPS India Covid Emergency to provide critical health care and support to the vulnerable.

Delhi government had major role in current Oxygen crisis, reveals sources

Image Source: Screengrab, YouTube

According to a report by NDTV, the Arvind Kejriwal government is responsible for Delhi’s current oxygen crisis.

Their sources have revealed that the Delhi government had not done its homework on the proposed oxygen plants in 4 hospitals.

These plants were to be supported by the PM-Cares fund.

Other sources in the Railway Ministry said that the Delhi government has not yet provided cryogenic tankers for the ‘Oxygen Express’.

Image Source: Indian Railways, Twitter.

The Delhi government has brushed aside these “outrightly false statements” given by the centre to “hide its abject failure in setting up of PSA oxygen plants in Delhi”.

According to the Delhi government 4 plants at Deen Dayal Upadhya Hospital, Lok Nayak Hospital, Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital Rohini, and Deep Chand Bandhu Hospital will be ready by the end of April 2021.

Although the plans for these 4 plants were drawn in October 2020, according to NDTV’s sources the site readiness was delayed by the Delhi government.

Image Source: YouTube.

Responding to these allegations, the Delhi government said in a statement:

“We are shocked to learn that central government is now making the excuse of site certificate not being available from the Delhi government as a reason for delay in plants. This has never been brought to Delhi government’s notice and is an outright lie.”

Narendra Modi led government has accused Arvind Kejriwal of mismanaging oxygen distribution and sensationalising the issue.

Image Source: Screengrab, YouTube.

Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, who represents the centre, has even said:

“Let’s try and not be a cry baby”.

IPL 2021: Jadeja’s all-round performance against RCB puts CSK on top of the table

Ravinder Jadeja Photo: Twitter @IPL
Ravinder Jadeja Photo: Twitter @IPL

Ravindra Jadeja whacked 37 runs in the final over of Chennai Super Kings (CSK) innings before the all-rounder came back to pick three wickets as MS Dhoni-led side thrashed Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) by 69 runs in the Indian Premier League (IPL) here at the Wankhede Stadium on Sunday evening.
A business end master-class from Jadeja had powered CSK to 191/4 in their 20 overs. In response, RCB could only manage 122/9, thanks to Jadeja and Imran Tahir’s impeccable bowling performances. A three-for, a wicket-maiden, and a direct hit with the ball aided by Tahir’s tight bowling helped CSK move to the top of the points table as they toppled RCB on Sunday.

Chasing 192 runs, RCB got off to a flying start with the side scoring 44 runs in the first three overs. However, things soon went downhill as Sam Curran dismissed skipper Virat Kohli on the first ball of the fourth over.
Devdutt Padikkal showed a glimmer of hope with his firing knock of 34 runs off 15 balls but was not able to convert it into a big score. Shardul Thakur removed him in the fifth over to reduce RCB to 54/2.
RCB kept losing wickets at regular intervals and was soon found reeling at 89/7 in the 12th over. While Glenn Maxwell tried to smack boundaries, AB de Villiers, Washington Sundar, and Daniel Christian went without scoring in the double-digit.

Jadeja dismissed Sundar, Maxwell, de Villiers and ran Christian out as RCB was left gasping for breath. Imran Tahir too joined the party picking two wickets and resulting in a run out as RCB suffered a horrific collapse.
In the end, the Kohli-led side was only able to score xxx runs, as CSK broke RCB’s unbeaten streak in the ongoing tournament.
Earlier, opting to bat first, CSK got off to a good start with openers Ruturaj Gaikwad and Faf du Plessis scripting another fifty-plus partnership in the powerplay.
Yuzvendra Chahal removed Gaikwad in the tenth over but Suresh Raina and du Plessis continued ticking the scoreboard.

The duo took CSK over the 100-run mark in the 13th over. But RCB bounced back in the game as Harshal Patel dismissed both Raina and du Plessis in consecutive balls to reduce CSK to 113/3 in the 14th over.
Ambati Rayudu and Jadeja then carried CSK innings as they both added 31 runs in 22 balls. But Harshal picked up his third wicket of the match when he dismissed Rayudu in the 18th over
In the final overs, CSK scored at a sluggish rate courtesy of some fine bowling by RCB before Jadeja bludgeoned the bowling attack as he smacked five sixes in the last six legal deliveries to take his side close to 200.

Brief scores: CSK 191/4 (Faf du Plessis 50, Ravindra Jadeja 62*; Harshal Patel 3-51); RCB 122/9 (Devdutt Padikkal 34, Glenn Maxwell 22; Ravindra Jadeja 3-13)

India’s Covid crisis: Australia, US, UK, EU, France, and Germany lend support

PICTURE: Twitter @IAF_MCC #IndiaFightsCorona
PICTURE: Twitter @IAF_MCC #IndiaFightsCorona

As India fights against the unprecedented health crisis of COVID-19, global support in the form of oxygen supplies, ventilators, raw material for vaccines, PPT kits and oxygen concentrators have started pouring in.

On Sunday, the United States agreed to send essential raw material to India required for manufacturing vaccines. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan dialled up his India’s counterpart Ajit Doval and offered to send resources and supplies to the Serum Institute of India (SII) to increase production of the vaccine against COVID-19.
The United States earlier was dilly-dallying on the issue of supplying raw material to the SII. Former President Donald Trump had invoked the defence protection act, which in a way prohibits the US to export essential material for vaccines. His successor President Joe Biden has continued with it and has been following the policy to vaccinate Americans first.

In fact, Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar also took up the issue during his talks with his US counterpart Antony Blinken during their recent conversation.
India has been reeling under the deadly second wave of COVID-19. The country recorded 3,49,691 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday, the highest single-day spike since the pandemic broke out last year. According to the Union Health Ministry, the country has recorded 2,767 new deaths due to COVID-19 in the last 24 hours.
Meanwhile, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Sunday that “vital medical equipment, including hundreds of oxygen concentrators and ventilators, is now on its way from the UK to India to support efforts to prevent the tragic loss of life from this terrible virus.”

Shipment is expected to reach India by Tuesday, Johnson recently cancelled his India visit due to a surge in the cases of coronavirus.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel also lends support to India amid the health crisis. Merkel said Sunday that her government was preparing emergency aid for India as the country grapples with a devastating surge in coronavirus infections.

“To the people of India, I want to express my sympathy on the terrible suffering that COVID-19 has again brought over your communities,” Merkel said in a message shared on Twitter by her spokesman Steffen Seibert.
European Union (EU) has also stepped in to support India.
The European Commission has activated its EU Civil Protection Mechanism and is seeking to send oxygen and medicine to India after receiving a request from Delhi.

“Alarmed by the epidemiological situation in India. We are ready to support,” Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wrote on Twitter on Sunday.

“The EU executive is already coordinating with EU countries that are ready to provide urgently needed oxygen and medicine rapidly,” European Commission for humanitarian aid Janez Lenarcic wrote on Twitter.

Earlier, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison expressed solidarity with India.

Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Trust to set up two oxygen plants in Ayodhya

Image Source: Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Trust, YouTube.

Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra tweeted, “Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra has decided to provide funds for the installation of 2 oxygen plants in Dashrath Medical College, Ayodhya in order to fulfil the requirement of Oxygen gas in the hospital”. 

Image Source: Sriram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust, Twitter.

Sriram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust (SRJBTK) works for the construction of the grand temple of Lord Shri Ram in Ayodhya and for the development of the Ayodhya region.

It has now come out to help the COVID infected patients by setting up two oxygen plant at a cost of Rs 55 lakh.  

The plant will be set up at Dasharatha Medical College, Ayodhya.

Image Source: Dasharatha Medical College, Ayodhya, YouTube.

IPL 2021: Rahul, Gayle guide Punjab to a nine-wicket win over Mumbai Indians

Cris Gayle-IPL2021, Source: Twitter @IPL
Cris Gayle-IPL2021, Source: Twitter @IPL

KL Rahul and Chris Gayle guided Punjab Kings to a comfortable nine-wicket win over Mumbai Indians at the MA Chidambaram Stadium here on Friday.
A spirited bowling performance restricted Mumbai Indians to 131/6 in their allotted 20 overs despite skipper Rohit Sharma’s 63-run knock. In reply, a half-century from Rahul and Gayle’s 43-run knock helped Punjab Kings to win the game with 14 balls to spare. Chasing 132, openers Rahul and Mayank Agarwal gave a flying start to the side as they amassed 45 runs in the first six overs.

Mumbai finally got the much-needed scalp in the eighth over as spinner Rahul Chahar ended Mayank’s (25) innings and broke the 53-run stand.
Chris Gayle joined Rahul in the middle after Mayank’s departure. Rahul and Gayle kept scoring runs at a decent pace on the slow Chepauk wicket. In the 17th over, Rahul completed his gritty fifty.
Rahul and Gayle were in no mood of taking the game to the last over and they charged Trent Boult’s 18th over and took the side over the line.

Rahul remained unbeaten on 60 off 52 while Gayle amassed 43 including two sixes and five fours.
Earlier, after being asked to bat, Mumbai lost opener Quinton de Kock (3) early as Deepak Hooda picked him in the second over. Ishan Kishan came in to join Rohit in the middle. The duo stitched a brief partnership of 19 runs for the second wicket. Leg-spinner Ravi Bishnoi ended Kishan’s (6) stint at the crease.
Suryakumar Yadav came into bat at number four. He along with Rohit built the innings for Mumbai as they accumulated 79 runs for the third wicket. The duo added runs at a quick pace and Rohit smashed hit first fifty of the season.
And, it was Bishnoi again who gave the breakthrough to the side as he removed Suryakumar (33) in the 17th over. After the fall of the third wicket, Kieron Pollard joined Rohit in the middle.

In the next over, pacer Mohammed Shami sent Rohit back to the pavilion after he had scored 63 runs. Hardik Pandya (1) failed to leave his mark on the scoreboard as he was dismissed by Arshdeep Singh in the penultimate over.
In the last five over, Punjab just gave 34 runs and picked four wickets to restrict Mumbai Indians to 131/6. Pollard remained unbeaten on 16 runs.
For Punjab, Bishnoi and Shami picked two scalps each.

Brief Scores: Mumbai Indians 131/6 in 20 overs (Rohit Sharma 63, Suryakumar Yadav 33; Ravi Bishnoi 2-21, Mohammed Shami 2-21); Punjab Kings 132/1 in 17.4 overs ( KL Rahul 60*, Chris Gayle 43*, Rahul Chahar 1-19).

“Good Thief” regrets and returns stolen COVID19 vaccine in India

Image Source: Republic World

According to a report in the Republic World, a thief who had stolen almost 1,710 doses of COVID-19 vaccine from a PPC Centre in Haryana returned the doses.

He left them outside the Jind Civil Lines Police Station.

Image Source: ANI.

As per ANI, the matter came to light when a sanitation worker found the locks of the store and deep freezer broken. 

The thieves broke open four locks of the storeroom and the deep freezer. 

Image Source: ANI.

The PPC officials sounded an alarm after 1,270 of Covishield and 440 of Covaxin doses were allegedly stolen from the centre.

The officials told Republic World that some important files were also stolen. 

“1,270 of Covishield and 440 of Covaxin are stolen from PPC centre. Few important files have also been stolen. I will check the main sources as well that keeps entire the area’s supply. I’ll also inform officials.”

Later, vials of Covishield Vaccine and dosages of Covaxin were left by a thief at a tea stall outside the police station. 

Image Source: Republic World.

Apart from this packet, the thief also left an apology note:

“Sorry- I did not know it was Coronavirus Vaccine inside.”

As per the police, certain clues about the identity of the thief have also become ascertained from the incident.

The police has registered a case against the unknown person under IPC 457 and 380.

According to the police, the thief may have been attempting to get his hands on valuable Remdesivir injections.

IPL 2021: Padikkal’s century and Kohli’s firework helps RCB demolish Rajasthan Royals

Kohli-Devdutt IPL 2021 Picture: Twitter @IPL
Kohli-Devdutt IPL 2021 Picture: Twitter @IPL

Devdutt Padikkal’s unbeaten 101 and skipper Virat Kohli’s 72 not out helped Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) registered a thumping 10-wicket win over Rajasthan Royals in their Indian Premier League (IPL) match here at the Wankhede Stadium on Thursday evening.

Chasing 178, Padikkal and Kohli displayed an amazing show with the bat as both the openers took RCB across the line in 16.3 overs. Padikkal scored his 101 runs in just 52 balls with the help of 6 sixes and 11 fours while Kohli played the second fiddle and smashed 3 sixes and 7 fours in his 47-ball knock. The India captain also became the first batsman to complete 6,000 runs in the IPL.
Earlier, Shivam Dube and Rahul Tewatia played knocks of 46 and 40 runs respectively to steer Rajasthan Royals to 177/9 in their allotted 20 overs.

Devdutt IPL 2021 Picture: Twitter @IPL

Put in to bat first, Rajasthan didn’t have a great start as they lost both openers Jos Buttler (8) and Manan Vohra (7) within the first four overs.
The fall of wickets did not stop as David Miller too departed on a two-ball duck. Pacer Mohammed Siraj picked his second scalp of the day as he caught Miller in front of the wickets.

Skipper Sanju Samson and Dube tried to pull together the innings and added some quick runs for the fourth wicket. The duo added 25 runs before Kane Richardson removed Samson (21) and broke the partnership in the eighth over.
Riyan Parag then joined Dube and the duo added 66 runs off 39 balls for the fifth wicket. Dube looked in great touch and Parag supported him nicely in the partnership. Parag’s 25-run stint was ended by Harshal Patel in the 14th over.
Rahul Tewatia came in to bat at number seven and along with Dube added 24 runs together before the latter was sent back to the pavillion by Richardson in the 16th over. He played a knock of 46 off 32 balls.

Chris Morris and Tewatia steered the side to the 150-run mark. Tewatia’s wicket was bagged by Siraj in the 19th over. He played a knock of 40 off 23 including two sixes.
In the last over, Rajasthan lost Morris (10) and Chetan Sakariya (0) but Shreyas Gopal added seven runs off four balls.

For RCB, Siraj and Harshal Patel bagged three wickets each.
With the win, RCB have moved to the top of the points table with four wins in four games.

Brief Scores: Rajasthan Royals 177/9 in 20 overs (Shivam Dube 46, Rahul Tewatia 40; Siraj 3-27, Harshal Patel 3-47) vs RCB 181/0 in 16.3 overs (Devdutt Padikkal 101*, Virat Kohli 72*). (

Swami Nithyananda bans Indians from entering ‘Kailasa’ over Covid surge

Image Source: @SriNithyananda – Twitter.
Image Source: @SriNithyananda – Twitter.

Due to the ongoing Covid pandemic, fugitive godman Swami Nithyananda has banned Indians from entering ‘Kailasa’.

‘Kailasa’ is his island ‘nation’ often described by his followers as a “the Good God Country” or “Hindu sovereign nation”.

About the island, the website says, “Kailaasa is a nation without borders created by dispossessed Hindus from around the world who lost the right to practice Hinduism authentically in their own countries.”

Image Source: Videograb – YouTube.

‘Kailaasa’ has its own “passport” with the symbols on the passport include the flag of Kailaasa, called Rishabha Dhvaja, and features Nithyananda along with Nandi, Lord Shiva’s mount.

Nithyananda has also banned travellers from Brazil, European Union, and Malaysia.

His ‘Presidential Mandate’, a statement, was released on Twitter:

Image Source: @SriNithyananda – Twitter.

The tweet accompanying the statement read, “KAILASA’s #PresidentialMandate Executive order directly from the #SPH for all the embassies of #KAILASA across the globe. #COVID19 #COVIDSecondWaveInIndia #CoronaSecondWave #Nithyananda #Kailaasa #ExecutiveOrder.”

In December 2020, Nithyananda had made headlines when he announced a 3-day visa to ‘Kailaasa’ off the coast of Ecuador in South America. 

Image Source: Videograb – YouTube.

He has even launched his very own ‘Reserve Bank of Kailasa’ with an official currency of the island – ‘Kailashian dollars’. 

He has even appealed to the United Nations to declare the ‘Kailasa’ island as a separate country.

A media report said that Nithyananda had recently said that those who made fun of him for going into self-isolation are scrambling to find a place where they can quarantine themselves.

High Commission of India in Australia streamlines re-issuance of OCI Cards

The High Commission of India in Canberra, Australia has issued a press release covering the re-issuance of OCI Cards.

Australian Federal Police uncover more than 10 million dollars scam

Six people allegedly involved in a Western Sydney crime syndicate have been arrested by the Australian Federal Police.

These arrests were made over a multi-million dollar fraud against the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). 

Source: AFP.

This was updated in a joint media release between the Australian Federal Police (AFP), the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), AUSTRAC and Services Australia.

According the AFP, the value of the fraudulent claims are alleged to be in the millions.

“It will be alleged the syndicate has claimed more than $10 million since 2017 in NDIS funding. Police inquiries identified a syndicate allegedly operating across three companies to defraud the NDIS.”

More than 100 AFP investigators, forensic specialists and more than 50 partner agency members conducted operational activity across Sydney.

A 34-year-old man and 30-year-old woman from Lidcombe and a 32-year-old Monterey man are alleged to be the company operators.

Police said the first two engaged a 22-year-old Merrylands man to withdraw cash from approved claims on their behalf.

A fifth member, 24-year-old man from Granville, was paid at least $40,000 to set up a bank account in his name to facilitate one company’s claims.

The group allegedly obtained NDIS funding for people who do not have a genuine disability.

During 11 search warrants, police seized flashy cars, cash, jewellery, cryptocurrency and 8kgs of gold bullion worth approximately $600,000. 

Source: AFP.

The cars include a BMW M3, Audi Q7 and Porsche Cayenne.

The police also found “a significant amount of jewellery.”

Source: AFP.

AFP investigators and forensic specialists are continuing to examine the evidence and work closely with the NDIA to identify any further alleged offending.

NDIA Chief Risk Officer Mel Woodburn said:

“Fraud is a crime, and the agency will not tolerate the misuse of funds. One dollar fraudulently obtained is one dollar that isn’t received by those for whom it was intended – our participants.”

Source: AFP.

Investigations to date uncovered allegations that the criminal syndicate:

  • obtained NDIS funding for people who do not have a genuine disability (false entitlement);
  • skimmed NDIS funding from genuine NDIS participants without their knowledge (false invoices for services not provided);
  • conspired with NDIS participants or their families/nominees and other ‘sub-contracted’ NDIS service providers, to obtain NDIS funds that they are not entitled to receive;
  • conspired with NDIS participants or their families/nominees to monetarise their genuine disability; and
  • over-claimed for services provided to genuine NDIS participants.
Source: AFP.

AFP Commander Kirsty Schofield alleged they were driven by money and anticipates more arrests.

Anyone with information about suspected fraud involving the National Disability Insurance Scheme should contact the Fraud Reporting Hotline on 1800 650 717.

IPL 2021: CSK survive Cummins scare to register 18-run win over KKR

Pat Cummins, IPL 0221, Source: IPL Twitter
Pat Cummins, IPL 0221, Source: IPL Twitter

A late onslaught from Pat Cummins (66*) and Andre Russell (54) went in vain as Chennai Super Kings registered a thrilling 18-run win against Kolkata Knight Riders in their Indian Premier League (IPL) match here at the Wankhede Stadium on Wednesday evening.

Batting first, CSK posted 220/3 in their allotted 20 overs riding on a brilliant 95 not out from Faf du Plessis and a well-compiled 64-run knock from Ruturaj Gaikwad. In response, knocks from Cummins and Russell kept the KKR alive till the last over of the match but the Kolkata-based franchise failed to cross the line. Chasing a mammoth target of 221, KKR had a horrible start as both the openers Shubman Gill (0) and Nitish Rana (9) went back to the dressing room inside the first three overs. Deepak Chahar bagged both the wickets for CSK with the new ball.
Skipper Eoin Morgan and Rahul Tripathi also couldn’t stay long in the middle. Chahar first removed Morgan (7) and then Sunil Narine (4) in the fifth over to leave KKR reeling at 31/4.

Things turned from bad to worse very rapidly for KKR as Tripathi (8) was picked by Lungi Ngidi in the last over of the powerplay.
After Tripathi’s dismissal, Russell joined forces with Dinesh Karthik and took on the CSK bowlers. He scored 54 off 22 balls with the help of 6 sixes and three fours.
Russell and Karthik accumulated 81 runs off just 39 balls for the sixth wicket. The partnership kept KKR’s hope alive in the encounter but just when things seemed to go in favour of Morgan and boys, Sam Curran clean bowled Russell in the 12th over.

Pat Cummins joined Karthik in the middle and kept the run-rate at par with the required rate. The duo added 34 runs for the seventh wicket before Ngidi scalped the wicket of Karthik (40) in the 15th over.
The match was all but gone for KKR. However, Cummins had other plans. He kept on smashing boundaries and was in no mood of giving up on the total. He scored 30 runs off Curran in the 16th over.
In the last two overs, KKR needed 28 runs.

In the penultimate, Curran gave eight runs and took a wicket but Cummins kept the strike with him on the last ball of the 19th over. In the final over, Prasidh Krishna got run out as KKR got bundled out for 202 in 19.1 overs. Cummins remained unbeaten on 66 off 34, smashing six sixes and four fours.
For CSK, Chahar bagged four wickets while Ngidi grabbed three scalps.
Earlier, after being asked to bat first, Gaikwad and du Plessis provided a solid foundation to CSK. The openers gave a flying start to the side and played their shots freely all-around the park.
They added 115 runs before spinner Varun Chakravarthy dismissed Gaikwad at his individual score of 64. The right-handed batsman smashed four sixes and six fours.

After Gaikwad’s dismissal, Moeen Ali joined the party and kept the scoring rate ticking. Moeen scored 25 off 12 and stitched a 50-run partnership with du Plessis. The England international became Narine’s victim in the 17th over.
CSK skipper MS Dhoni, who promoted himself up in the order, played a quickfire knock of 17 off seven balls before he was sent back to the pavilion by Russell in the 19th over.
Ravindra Jadeja scored a six off the one ball he faced as CSK’s inning came to an end at 220/3. For KKR, Narine, Russell, and Chakravarthy bagged one wicket each.

Brief scores: CSK 220/3 (Faf du Plessis 95*, Ruturaj Gaikwad 64; Sunil Narine 1-34); KKR 202/10 in 19.1 overs (Pat Cummins 66*, Andre Russell 54; Deepak Chahar 4-29).

Adding solar panels at Perth Airport could power a whole Australian city, says experts

Solar Panels in Atacama Desert, Wikkipidia
Solar Panels in Atacama Desert, Wikkipidia

A recent study by RMIT University researchers have calculated the potential production of solar power at Australia’s twenty-one leased federal airports.

Picture Source: RMIT

In Australia, right now only four leased federal airports use electricity from solar farms: Brisbane, Darwin, Alice Springs and Tennant Creek.

The researchers have found Western Australia’s Perth and Jandakot airports have the highest and fourth-highest potential in generating power through solar energy.

Picture Source: wikipedia

In fact, Perth would equal the combined production of Adelaide, Sydney, Moorabbin and Townsville airports.

This was closely followed by Melbourne and Brisbane coming second and third respectively.

Picture Source: wikipedia

The RMIT study, lead by Athenee Teofilo, showed potential electricity production in each airport was affected by panel arrangement and tilt.

Picture Source: RMIT – Athenee Teofilo

Researchers have determined that panels installed across all 21 sites would generate enough electricity to power 136,000 homes.

This is about a third of the central Perth sub-region, a rural town or powering 71,000 cars.

Picture Source: RMIT – Dr Chayn Sun

Dr Chayn Sun told the Age that airports were ideal for solar panels as they were not shaded by tall buildings or trees.

“Airports with decent solar systems could not only be self-sufficient but would generate enough electricity to send the excess back into the grid.”

Dr Sun adds that Australia also has more than 150 privately owned airfields where such solar panels could be installed.

Picture Source: wikipedia

Australia cancels Belt and Road deals; China warns of further damage to ties

China-Australia Flag, Canva creatives
China-Australia Flag, Canva creatives

Australia has cancelled the controversial Belt and Road (BRI) agreement with China saying it goes against its national interest, in a decision that will further increase tensions between Canberra and Beijing.

In an official order issued on Wednesday, the Scott Morrison government scrapped the agreement signed between the state government of Victoria and the National Development and Reform Commission of China, which was signed on October 8, 2018. It also cancelled a framework agreement signed between the two sides on October 23, 2019. Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne said that the BRI deal has been cancelled under the Commonwealth’s new foreign veto laws. This scheme requires the federal government to cancel agreements that states, territories, local governments, and universities enter into with an overseas government if they contradict the country’s national interest, The Sydney Morning Herald reported.

China-Australia Flag, Canva creatives

Initiated in 2013, the BRI is Xi Jinping’s grand plan to connect Asia with Africa and Europe via land and maritime trade networks to create new routes for China.
The Australian Foreign Minister said she considered the agreements to be “inconsistent with Australia’s foreign policy or adverse to our foreign relations”.
The Sydney Morning report said that the Morrison government and national security experts were concerned that China was using the agreement with Victoria as a propaganda win to claim the that state government had broken ranks with Australia’s China policy.

Moreover, they are also worried that China was using the BRI to load up poorer countries with debt and reduce Australia’s influence in the region.
Sino-Australian relations have been in a downward spiral since April last year when Canberra infuriated Beijing by proposing an independent international inquiry into the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Canberra has been locked in an ongoing trade war with Beijing for several months, which has seen China slap sanctions on various Australian products.

China-Australia Flag, Canva creatives

Beijing has slapped several restrictions amounting to billions of dollars of Australian exports, including beef, barley, and wine, citing dumping and other trade violations that analysts widely view as pretexts to inflict economic retaliation.
China has unofficially banned Australian imports of coal, sugar, barley, lobsters, wine, copper, and log timber since November 2020. It has also imposed anti-dumping duties on barley.

Pregnant Indian police officer stands in heat for hours to ensure public follows COVID-19 protocol

Picture Source; Twitter -Dipanshu Kabra, IPS
Picture Source; Twitter -Dipanshu Kabra, IPS

The photographs of a dedicated female Indian police officer, a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), has gone viral on social media platforms.

A 5-months pregnant DSP Shilpa Sahu was spotted on duty ensuring the COVID-19 mask and lockdown adherence on the streets.

“Shilpa Sahu, DSP of Dantewada, who is also 5 months pregnant, in the scorching sun and amidst the second wave of Corona, has come on the streets explaining to those who are needlessly leaving the houses, that we are on the streets so that you can Stay Safe in the houses.”

Picture Source; Twitter -Dipanshu Kabra, IPS

She stood there despite the high temperature for over several hours.

She was seen performing her duties as a frontline worker in the Maoist-infested town, Dantewada of Bastar division in Chhattisgarh.

DSP Sahu ensured that the traffic rules are followed and civilians move safely despite her health condition. 

DSP Sahu’s photo was circulated on Twitter as people called her a living inspiration and acknowledged her ‘Nation before self’ spirit’.

Police smash international drugs and weapons smuggling ring, 25 people charged

Canadian police has smashed an all Punjabis drugs and weapons syndicate, with ties to the U.S. and India.

This according to insauga has led to charges against 25 people in Ontario.

These people belong to South Asian dominated suburb of Brampton.

Picture Source; Twitter -York Regional Police

According to reports, the police found some of the drugs hidden at kids indoor playground.

York Regional Police and other law enforcement agencies started “Project Cheetah” a year ago.

This investigation began following a large network of drug trade that involved importing cocaine, heroin, opium and ketamine into Canada.

According to the police, the drugs were distributed across the country through a sophisticated system run by the traffickers.

On April 8, police in Ontario, British Columbia and California executed more than 50 search warrants, resulting in 33 people charged in total with more than 130 criminal offences.

Picture Source; Twitter -York Regional Police

Officers seized approximately $2.3 million worth of drugs including: Ten kilograms of cocaine, eight kilograms of ketamine, three kilograms of heroin and 2.5 kilograms of opium. Investigators also seized 48 firearms and $730,000 in Canadian currency.

York police Inspector Ryan Hogan said in a statement:

“Of particular concern when we look at heroin, a very insidious drug causing great harm to our community, a number of kilograms are alleged to be seized from a playland in Brampton. This puts children at risk.”

Police further added that the guns were lawfully possessed by a person who now faces charges.

“They have been seized as a result of a serious threat to public safety under provisions that are afforded to us by the Criminal Code.”

Most of the people charged are from the GTA:

  • Rupinder Sharma, 25, of Vaughan;
  • Prabhsimaran Kaur, 25, of Vaughan;
  • Parshotem Malhi, 54, of Brampton;
  • Rupinder Dhillon, 37, of Brampton;
  • Sanveer Singh, 25, of Brampton;
  • Haripal Nagra, 45, of Brampton;
  • Hassam Syed, 30, of Brampton;
  • Pritpal Singh, 56, of Brampton;
  • Harkiran Singh, 33, of Brampton;
  • Lakhpreet Brar, 29, of Brampton;
  • Didy Adansi, 52, of Toronto;
  • Sarbjit Singh, 43, of Woodstock;
  • Balwinder Dhaliwal, 60, of Brampton;
  • Rupinder Dhaliwal, 39, of Toronto;
  • Ranjit Singh, 40, of Toronto;
  • Sukhmanpreet Singh, 23, of Brampton;
  • Khushal Bhinder, 36, of Brampton;
  • Prabhjeet Mundian, 34, of Brampton;
  • Vansh Aurora, 24, of Brampton;
  • Simranjeet Narang, 28, of Brampton;
  • Harjinder Jhaj, 28, of Caledon;
  • Gaganpreet Gill, 28, of Brampton;
  • Sukjit Dhaliwal, 47, of Brampton;
  • Imran Khan, 33, of Toronto;
  • Chinedu Ajoku, 51, of Brampton;
  • Harjot Singh, 31, of Brampton; and
  • Sukhjit Dhugga, 35, of Brampton.

Police are also searching for one other man, Gurbinder Sooch, 41.

Police say the investigation is ongoing and anyone with information is asked to contact the York Regional Police Organized Crime and Intelligence Services at 1-866-876-5423 ext. 7818, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-tips.

Muslim boy starts funding page to study Sanskrit

Farhan Naeem, a fourth-year college student majoring in Mandarin Chinese and pursuing further studies in Computational Linguistics in the US, has started a GoFundMe page to enroll in Sanskrit programme at a US university.

He, who grew up in a Muslim household, says he was reading the Quran from the age of eight.

Farhan adds that he felt “a certain discomfort” in “rejecting the narrative about spirituality” that he was expected to adhere to.

“I have no one in my family that understands what I went through, and the trauma I still carry.”

During his college, Farhan was exposed to ancient Chinese history.

“I was surprised to see just what a profound effect ancient India had on China, especially with the influence of the Sanskrit Language.”

He soon realised that words like 茉莉/mòlì came from मल्लि/malli (Jasmine); 剎那/chànà came from क्षण/kshana (Moment).

“a lot of which were absorbed into the Chinese language along with the migration of Dharmic ideas.” 

So, Farhan started doing his own own research and found out that well-known Sanskrit Grammarian Panini came from what is now modern-day Pakistan.

Farhan’s family from his father’s side is from Pakistan.

“I bought a copy of the Ashtadhyayi, and I realized just how sophisticated the Sanskrit Language is. I realized that learning this language would not just give me personal satisfaction, but it might have applications in my future career in Computational Linguistics.”

A scene on campus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on July 10, 2014, in Madison, Wis. Bascom Hall is seen with a statue of President Abraham Lincoln in front of the building.(AP Photo/Jon Elswick)

Recently, Farhan was accepted into the University of Wisconsin’s South Asia Summer Language Institute to study Sanskrit.

According to his fund page, this intensive program will last about 8-weeks, with four hours of instruction each day.

“We will also be translating a portion of the Bhagavad Gita as a final project.”

However, due to the pandemic, Farhan lost his job and currently does not have the means to pay in full for this summer program.

To pursue his dream course, Farhan started a GoFundMe page to meet a target of $4,800.

“I wanted to see if I could find anyone to support me through this journey.”

Indian origin Raja Chari could be the first person of colour to land on moon

NASA will land the first person of color in addition to the first woman on the moon with the Artemis program, NASA’s Acting Administrator Steve Jurczyk announced. 

American President Joe Biden’s administration in a new budget proposal increased funding that will support Mars sample return, research, climate science, and more at NASA.
Mr. Jurczyk responded to the news in a NASA statement and additionally revealed that the agency will be landing the first person of color on the moon with the Artemis program, which aims to return humans to the lunar surface

This funding request “keeps NASA on the path to landing the first woman and the first person of color on the moon under the Artemis program. This goal aligns with President Biden’s commitment to pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all,” the NASA statement reads

The statement marks the first time that the agency has specified it will land a person of color on the moon; previous comments about Artemis have only referred to landing the “next man and the first woman” on the moon.

Under the administration of President Donald Trump, NASA was aiming to complete the first Artemis lunar landing by 2024, but the Biden administration has not yet commented on whether it will keep NASA to this ambitious timeline.

“This $24.7 billion funding request demonstrates the Biden administration’s commitment to NASA and its partners who have worked so hard this past year under difficult circumstances and achieved unprecedented success.

“The president’s discretionary request increases NASA’s ability to better understand Earth and further monitor and predict the impacts of climate change. It also gives us the necessary resources to continue advancing America’s bipartisan moon to Mars space exploration plan, including landing the first woman and first person of color on the moon under the Artemis program.

“We know this funding increase comes at a time of constrained resources, and we owe it to the president and the American people to be good and responsible stewards of every tax dollar invested in NASA. The NASA workforce and the American people should be encouraged by what they see in this funding request. It is an investment in our future, and it shows confidence in what this agency has to offer.”

The ambitious mission is being regarded as a forward step for diversity. The ‘Artemis’ program is so named after the Greek goddess of the Moon and the twin sister of Apollo, the inspiration behind Nasa’s first moon landing mission. Last year in November, Nasa had introduced the 18 astronauts who will staff the human spaceflight mission. The group includes nine women and several people of colour, but it is not yet known who the actual “first woman” or the “first person of colour” to touch the lunar surface will be. The initial group of Artemis astronauts also includes Indian American Raja Chari.

The statement from NASA goes on to include details about the discretionary funding request, including the fact that it supports STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) engagement and “strengthens NASA’s ability to better understand Earth and how it works as an integrated system, from our oceans to our atmosphere, how it all impacts our daily lives, and how it all is impacted by climate change,” the statement reads. 

Following this funding request, we will learn more about the administration’s overall goals with regard to space, science and NASA programs. Within the upcoming months, President Biden is expected to release a complete budget that will include a more detailed plan for that spending. However, budgets for NASA and the rest of the federal government are ultimately determined by Congress.

World’s most powerful passports revealed but no sign of unrestricted international travel

The most recent rankings for the world’s most powerful passports have been named.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions all over the world, it is unlikely travellers who hold them will be able to use its power as they were before the pandemic.

Japan has topped the list in the latest Henley Passport Index.

HPI ranks passports based on the number of countries travellers can visit without obtaining a visa or receiving one on arrival.

Japanese can visit 193 countries visa-free, followed closely by Singapore (192), Germany and South Korea (both 191).

Over the past years, the US passport has fallen from the number one spot to 7th place, a position it currently shares with the UK and New Zealand with visa-free travel to 187 countries.

Australia and Canada are both ranked at 9th place with access to 185 countries visa-free.

However, the 2021 rankings do not take into account COVID-19 restrictions around the world.

Dr Christian H. Kaelin, Chairman of leading residence and citizenship advisory firm Henley & Partners and the inventor of the passport index concept, says that the latest ranking provides an opportunity to reflect on the extraordinary upheaval that characterized 2020.

“Just a year ago all indications were that the rates of global mobility would continue to rise, that travel freedom would increase, and that holders of powerful passports would enjoy more access than ever before. The global lockdown negated these glowing projections, and as restrictions begin to lift, the results from the latest index are a reminder of what passport power really means in a world upended by the pandemic.”

India ranks at 84th place with visa-free travel to just 58 countries.

While over the last decade, China has climbed 22 places on the index, from 90th to 68th spot, increasing its access to visa-free countries from 40 to 77. 

Afghanistan was at the bottom of the passport list, followed by Iraq and Syria.

The world’s most powerful passports

  1. Japan (193 destinations)
  2. Singapore (192)
  3. Germany, South Korea (191)
  4. Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain (190)
  5. Austria, Denmark (189)
  6. France, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden (188)
  7. New Zealand, Belgium, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States (187)
  8. Czech Republic, Greece, Malta, Norway (186)
  9. Australia, Canada (185)
  10. Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia (183)

The least powerful

  1. Afghanistan (26)
  2. Iraq (28)
  3. Syria (29)
  4. Pakistan (32)
  5. Yemen (33)
  6. Somalia (34)
  7. Palestinian territories (37)
  8. Nepal (38)
  9. North Korea (39)
  10. Kosovo, Libya (40)

IPL 2021: Moeen, Jadeja spin web as CSK defeat RR by 45 runs

IPL 2021, Source: IPL Twitter
IPL 2021, Source: IPL Twitter

Moeen Ali and Ravindra Jadeja shared five wickets between them to dismantle Rajasthan Royals as Chennai Super Kings registered a 45-run victory here at the Wankhede Stadium on Monday.

A spirited batting performance by Chennai guided them to a total of 188/9 in their allotted 20 overs. In reply, Rajasthan only managed to post 143/9 despite getting a decent start. Chasing 189, openers Manan Vohra and Buttler provided a 30-run stand for the first wicket before pacer Sam Curran picked the former in the fourth over. Vohra departed after scoring 14 runs.

IPL 2021, Source: IPL Twitter

Skipper Sanju Samson (1) failed to leave his mark on the scoreboard and lost his wicket cheaply in the final over of the powerplay. It was again Curran who took the wicket of Samson and brought Rajasthan under pressure.
Shivam Dube joined Buttler in the middle and the duo stitched a 42-run partnership for the third wicket. In the 12th over, Ravindra Jadeja sent both the batsmen back to the pavilion.
First, he picked well-set Buttler, who played a knock 49 off 35 balls including two sixes and five fours, and then on the last ball of the over he grabbed Dube (17). Dube was caught in front of the wickets. However, the all-rounder reviewed the decision but the on-field umpire’s decision stayed firm.

The trouble did not end for Rajasthan after losing two wickets at quick succession as Moeen Ali bagged new batsman David Miller (2) in the next over.
Fiery Moeen was again brought into the attack. In the 15th over, England all-rounder dismissed Riyan Parag (3) and last-match hero Chris Morris on a duck. CSK totally took the control of the game as they dragged Rajasthan from 87/3 to 95/7 in no time.
Rahul Tewatia kept the fighting spirit alive for Rajasthan but failed to put his side over the line. He played a knock of 20 runs. Jaydev Unadkat too contributed with the bat and scored 24 runs.

IPL 2021, Source: IPL Twitter

For CSK, Moeen returned with the figures of 3-7 from his three overs while Jadeja and Curran bagged two scalps each.
Earlier, Faf du Plessis and Ambati Rayudu scored at a firing rate before Dwayne Bravo’s 20 runs off 8 balls came handy in the death overs as CSK posted 188/9 in their allotted 20 overs.
Despite losing wickets at regular intervals, CSK was right on track for a big score before Chetan Sakariya dismissed both Suresh Raina and Rayudu in his third over.
Sakariya in the 14th over broke CSK’s momentum and came back to dismiss skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Most CSK batsmen got a move on but weren’t able to convert it in a big score. In the final four overs, CSK scored 55 runs despite losing four wickets.

Put in to bat first, CSK got off to a decent start before it was undone by Mustafizur Rahman, who dismissed opening batsman Ruturaj Gaikwad in the fourth over.
But Faf du Plessis continued his onslaught as he pulled off two back-to-back scoops for boundaries. The South Africa batsman then sliced a six over long-off before smashing another four as he took on Jaydev Unadkat in the fifth over.
Chris Morris ended Du Plessis’ stint before completion of the powerplay to reduce CSK to 45/2. Moeen Ali continued from he left the other night as he whacked the ball right from the word go.
However, Rahul Tewatia dismissed the England all-rounder in the 10th over against run of play as CSK lost the third wicket at the score of 78.

In the 11th and 12th over, CSK got a move on as Suresh Raina and Ambati Ambati Rayudu clubbed 30 off 12 balls. However, Rajasthan Royals again made a comeback as Chetan Sakariya dismissed both the batsmen in the same over to reduce CSK to 125/5.
The next few overs saw CSK scoring a sluggish rate and Dhoni (18) tried to free his arms by smashing two boundaries but wasn’t able to middle the next ball. In end, Sam Curran and Dwayne Bravo’s contribution helped CSK get over the 180-run mark.

Brief Scores: CSK 188/9 (Faf du Plessis 33, Ambati Rayudu 27; Chetan Sakariya 3-36); Rajasthan Royals 143/9 (Jos Buttler 49, Jaydev Unadkat 24; Moeen Ali 3-7, Sam Curran 2-24, Jadeja 2-28).

Vaccinated Australians could be able to travel overseas “for essential purposes”, says PM Morrison

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said We are in no hurry to reopen our international borders and risk the country`s nearly coronavirus-free lifestyle.

Australia’s international borders were closed to all non-citizens and non-residents in March 2020 and have been permitting only limited international arrivals in recent months, mainly its citizens returning from abroad.

The border closure, together with snap lockdowns, swift contact tracking, and high community compliance with health measures, have made Australia one of the world`s most successful countries in curbing the pandemic, limiting coronavirus cases to under 29,500 infections and 910 deaths.

“Australia is in no hurry to open those borders, I assure you,” Morrison said at a briefing.

“I will not be putting at risk the way we are living in this country which is so different from the rest of the world today.”

For months now, except for some short snap lockdowns, Australians have been able to dine out, gather nearly freely and stop wearing face masks in most places.

They exchanged their international forays for local trips, with government figures showing big annual increases in intra-state travel in the first months of 2021.

From today (Monday 19th April), Australians and neighbouring New Zealanders will be able to travel in a babble between both countries without the need to apply for an exemption or spend time in mandatory quarantine.

New Zealand has had only 2,239 confirmed coronavirus cases and 26 related deaths.

Prime Minister Morrison flagged on Sunday that vaccinated Australians could be able to travel overseas “for essential purposes” and return via home quarantine in the second half of the year, but that possibility is only in “planning stages”.

Australia recently abandoned a goal to vaccinate nearly all of its 26 million population by the end of 2021 following advice that people under the age of 50 take Pfizer`s COVID-19 vaccine rather than AstraZeneca`s shot.

American actor apologises ‘to every Indian person’ in the world

Well-known 58-year-old American actor Hank Azaria has apologized “to every single Indian person.”

Azaria is famous for his portrayal of Apu in superhit animation TV series The Simpsons.

From 1989 to 2020, Azaria voiced the role of the Indian American shopkeeper Apu Nahasapeemapetilon.

He left the role last year amid criticism of racial stereotyping.

Speaking on the Armchair Expert podcast, Azaria said that though he believed the show was founded on good intentions, it contributed to the “structural racism” in the US and has taken him some time to realize that his portrayal was offensive to the Indian American community.

“I really didn’t know any better. I didn’t think about it. I was unaware how much relative advantage I had received in this country as a white kid from Queens. Just because there were good intentions it doesn’t mean there weren’t real negative consequences to the thing that I am accountable for.”

To Monica Padman, an Indian American host of the show, Azaria said:

“I really do apologise. I know you weren’t asking for that but it’s important. I apologise for my part in creating that and participating in that. Part of me feels I need to go round to every single Indian person in this country and personally apologise.”

In 2017, Indian American comedian Hari Kondabolu made a documentary – The Problem with Apu – as a look at “how western culture depicts south-east Asian communities.”

In tweets about the recent podcast interview, Kondabolu welcomed Azaria’s apology but saw it as a “comeuppance” – a punishment or fate that someone deserves – for the show.

“The ‘Apu Controversy’ is not real. Racism isn’t ‘controversial’, it’s a constantUnless you think People of Color finally standing up for themselves is ‘controversial’. However, I suppose a word like ‘controversy’ is more clickable than ‘comeuppance’.”

In another tweet Kondabolu called Azaria “kind and thoughtful”, which he said proved that “people are not simply ‘products of their time’ but have the ability to learn and grow”.

Last year, Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons, has announced that non-white characters would no longer be voiced by white actors.

He also told the BBC that hurting any ethnic minority is never the intention:

“All of our actors play dozens of characters each, it was never designed to exclude anyone.”

In the Armchair Podcast, Azaria said he had worked on understanding the issue with the help of his teenage son Hal.

“I was speaking at my son’s school, I was talking to the Indian kids there because I wanted to get their input. … [There was] a 17-year-old, he’s never even seen The Simpsons but knows what Apu means. It’s practically a slur at this point.”

Skilled Indian migrants stuck in jobs below their qualification in Australia

Recently, the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) has revealed that nearly one-in-four skilled migrants in Australia are over-qualified for their current job.

The report analyses data from the Department of Home Affairs to analyse how skilled workers are losing wages by taking jobs they are over-qualified for. 

CEDA’s report estimates about 23 per cent of permanent skilled migrants in Australia are working in jobs beneath their skill level. 

According to CEDA, migration has been a core key feature of Australia’s economic development over the last century.

Skills mismatch is costing Australia, $1.25 billion per year.

According to CEDA, 26 per cent migrants have faced major difficulties in finding the job as per their qualifications.

These include accountants, civil engineers and chefs who migrated to Australia and were among the least likely to find work in their profession of choice. 

A lack of work experience, access to local networks in Australia, lack of jobs in the nominated field, and language difficulties are some of the most common reasons cited for the disparity in job market.

Of the migrants who cited not enough jobs as a reason for difficulty in finding a job in Australia, 28 per cent were state-sponsored migrants, 27 per cent were onshore independent and 17 per cent were offshore independent.

While, 53 per cent of permanent migrants surveyed appeared to have had no issues in finding their first job.

CEDA has suggested the following recommendations to help the migrants and economy:

  • Establish a new government-regulated online skills-matching jobs platform;
  • Comprehensively update the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations Codes (ANZSCO) to ensure that migrants with vital and cutting-edge skills can migrate to Australia;
  • More transparency from the Federal Government about the data and methods they use to assess what occupations are in demand and included on the skilled occupation lists; and
  • Reduce the Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period for unemployment benefits back from four years to six months.

CEDA believes that most of the new permanent migrants are younger than the Australian population.

This means that they are more likely to hold post-secondary qualifications and facilitate important foreign trade and investment relationships with their home countries.

CEDA chief executive Melinda Cilento said Australia’s skilled migration system has served the country well, but there are areas where it must be improved.

CEDA suggests that Australia needs a new system of skills matching.

In the new proposed Skills Matching visa would not require an occupation on the skilled occupation list, this is a requirement for both the Employer Nominated and Skilled Independent visas.

CEDA is hopeful this will improve the quality of job matches – both migrants skills and employers’ needs will be met.

Sikhs demand gun reforms and probe of possible ethnic hatred behind FedEx shooting

In the aftermath of the Indianapolis shooting attack, Sikhs from all over the world are in mourning and have shared messages of grief.

A Sikh advocacy group has called for an immediate probe of possible racial or ethnic hatred as a factor.

Law enforcement officials have confirmed that out of the total of eight people who lost their lives in the fatal shooting four belonged to the Sikh community.

Amarjeet Kaur Johal (66 yo), with some of her grandchildren.

According to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD), the eight victims include Amerjeet Kaur Johal (66), Karli Smith (19), Matthew R. Alexander (32), Samaria Blackwell (19), Jaswinder Kaur (64), Jaswinder Singh (68), Amarjit Sekhon(48) and John Weisert (74).

The police are yet to determine the motive of Brandon Scott Hole, the 19-year-old shooter.

Many Sikhs believe that the attack may be racially motivated – a possible hate crime against Asian Americans.

The Sikh community from New York has called for an investigation into the racial angle.

Channel News Asia reports that the organisation, in its plea, highlighted that a majority of FedEx employees in Indianapolis are non-English speaking Sikhs adding that the centre was known for hiring elderly Sikhs.

Members of Indianapolis’ tight-knit Sikh community have demanded strict action that would prevent such attacks from happening again.

Speaking at a gathering in Indianapolis park on Saturday evening, Aasees Kaur said:

“We must support one another, not just in grief, but in calling our policymakers and elected officials to make meaningful change. The time to act is not later, but now. We are far too many tragedies, too late, in doing so.”

Indiana has 10 gurdwaras and about 8,000 to 10,000 Sikh Americans.

IPL 2021: Dhawan fires as Delhi Capitals register easy win over Punjab Kings

Mayank Agarwal’s masterclass had put Punjab Kings on the course of victory but Shikhar Dhawan’s ferocious knock took the game away from the KL Rahul-led side as Delhi Capitals registered an easy win in the Indian Premier League (IPL) match here at the Wankhede Stadium on Sunday.

Mayank’s sensational knock and a final over cameo by Shahrukh Khan had propelled Punjab Kings to put an impressive 195 for four. In response, Dhawan’s firing innings and Stoinis’ onslaught helped Delhi Capitals get over the line with 10 balls to spare. Dhawan failed to score a century as he got out on 92 off 49 balls but the opening batsman ensured Delhi Capitals were right on track for a victory. After Dhawan’s departure, Stoinis’ cameo steered Delhi Capitals to a comfortable win despite the side losing skipper Rishabh Pant in the 18th over.
Chasing 196, Delhi Capitals got off to a solid start as openers Prithvi Shaw and Shikhar Dhawan fired the side to 57 in the first five overs.

However, Arshdeep Singh ended Shaw’s short stint at the crease as the opening batsman departed after scoring 32 off 17 balls in the sixth over.
Steven Smith, who came into bat at number three failed to leave a mark. The Australian batsman’s sluggish knock ended when he tried to break the shackles but was caught in the deep.
But Dhawan continued his onslaught and smacked a Mohammad Shami’s slower ball for six. The left-handed batsman three back-to-back fours in the 14th over but got out in the next over.
With Delhi Capitals still needing 44 in five overs, Rishabh Pant played a cautious knock but Marcus Stoinis bludgeoned the Punjab Kings bowling attack thanks to two no-balls from Shami in the 17th over.

Earlier, put in to bat first Punjab Kings got off to a flying start with Mayank and KL Rahul firing on cylinders right from the word go.
Mayank hit his first fifty of the season in just 25 balls as Punjab Kings got over the 90-run mark in 10 overs. However, Meriwala provided Delhi Capitals the much-needed breakthrough as he dismissed Mayank in the 13th over ending the 122-run partnership for the first wicket.
Rahul tried to change gears but Kagiso Rabada dismissed him in the 16th over as Marcus Stoinis took an easy catch. Six balls later Chris Gayle sliced the ball in the air but failed to get any distance as Chris Woakes took his first wicket of the day.

Deepak Hooda and Nicholas Pooran then whacked what came in their slot before Avesh Khan ended the West Indies batsmen knock in the penultimate over.
In the final over Shahrukh Khan scored 15 runs to take Punjab Kings close to 200 in their allotted 20 overs.

Brief Scores: Punjab Kings 195/4 (Mayank Agarwal 69, KL Rahul 61; Lukman Meriwala 1-32); Delhi Capitals 198/4 (Shikhar Dhawan 92, Prithvi Shaw 32; Jhye Richardson 2-41)

Family’s scenic route detour from holiday leads to $1 million lottery win

Dhrupal Patel was returning to Northern Virginia with his wife and child after a vacation in the Smoky Mountains.
Rather than drive the interstate, he decided to take some less-traveled roads and see the countryside.

That’s how he ended up at the Stop & Save on Riverside Drive in Tazewell, Virginia. He got some coffee, groceries, and snacks, and he also bought an Electric 7s ticket from the Virginia Lottery.

Later, when he got home to Herndon, he scratched the ticket and discovered he’d won the game’s $777,777 top prize.

“I was not able to talk!” he later told Lottery officials. “I couldn’t believe it!”

He had just become the first top prize winner in Electric 7s (game #2067), one of dozens of Scratchers available from the Virginia Lottery. The game features prizes from $10 to $777,777. Since he is the first person to scratch to win the top prize, two more $777,777 tickets are unclaimed. The odds of winning the top prize are 1 in 1,224,000. The odds of winning any prize in this game are 1 in 3.94.

Mr. Patel, who is an IT consultant, said he intends to take care of his family with the winnings.

“I feel very blessed,” he said.

Indian Pharma companies reduce prices of Remdesivir amid rising COVID-19 cases

Amid the shortage of the anti-viral drug Remdesivir in the wake of a spike in COVID-19 infections in the country, seven major pharmaceutical companies have reduced the maximum retail price (MRP) of the drug on the intervention of the Union government.

The announcement comes days after the Central government held a meeting with all-existing manufacturers of the drug and other stakeholders in order to discuss steps taken to increase production and supply and reduce prices of Remdesivir. In an office memorandum issued on Saturday, the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers said, “with reference to the ongoing efforts for enhancement of availability and affordability of ‘Remdesivir’ injection. On the intervention of the government, the major manufacturers/marketers of ‘Remdesivir injection’ have reported voluntary reduction in maximum retail price (MRP).”

As per the revised price of major brands of Remdesivir injection 100mg/Vial’, Cadila Healthcare Ltd’s REMDAC which was earlier available at Rs 2,800 have been reduced to Rs 899. The price of Syngene International Ltd’s RemWin is reduced to Rs 2,450 from Rs 3,950. Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd’s REDYX will be available at Rs 2,700 instead of Rs 5,400. Cipla Ltd’s CIPREMI will now be available at Rs 3,000 instead of Rs 4,000, Maylan Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd’s DESREM will be available at Rs 3400 instead of Rs 4,800, Jubilant Generics Ltd’s JUBI-R will be available at Rs 3,400 instead of Rs 4,700 and Hetero Healthcare Ltd’s COVIFOR will be available at Rs 3,490 instead of Rs 5,400.

Informing about the reduced price, Union Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertiliser Mansukh Mandaviya in a tweet thanks pharmaceutical companies for joining hands with the government in the fight against COVID-19.
“Due to Government’s intervention, the price of #Remdesivir Injection is now reduced! I am thankful to pharmaceutical companies for joining hands with the Government to fight against COVID Pandemic,” he tweeted.

IPL 2021: Rahul Chahar, Boult shine as Mumbai Indians beat SRH by 13 runs

 Pacer Trent Boult and spinner Rahul Chahar both picked three wickets each as Mumbai Indians registered an easy win over Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) in the Indian Premier League (IPL) match here at the MA Chidambaram Stadium on Saturday.
Quinton de Kock and Rohit Sharma played knocks of 40 and 32, but SRH managed to maintain a stranglehold as Mumbai Indians were restricted to 150/5. In response, SRH was bundled out for 137 despite a flying start given by Jonny Bairstow. SRH needed 47 runs in the last five overs and Vijay Shankar whacked back to back sixes in Krunal Pandya’s third over to reduce the gap. But SRH was again put on the back foot when they lost two wickets in the 18th over and the team’s hopes were finally down when Jasprit Bumrah dismissed Shankar with 17 required off seven balls.
SRH collapsed from 129/5 to 137 in nine balls as Boult and Jasprit Bumrah denied the batsmen any chance of slogging in the death overs.

Chasing 151, SRH had a decent start but opening batsman Jonny Bairstow took the charge and smashed 18 runs in the third over. The English batsman didn’t stop and continued his onslaught as he whacked two consecutive six in the fourth.
While David Warner played a sluggish knock, Bairstow was in top form as he hammered Mumbai Indians bowlers all around the park to take SRH over the 50-run mark before completion of the fifth over.
However, the England opener brought his own innings to an end as he disturbed the stumps while attempting to hit the ball towards the fine leg.
Manish Pandey failed to leave a mark as he hardly timed the slog down the ground and Kieron Pollard made no mistake. Warner changed gears in the second half of the SRH’s innings but a sensational direct hit from Hardik Pandya ended his stint leaving SRH reeling at 90/3.

The wicket of Warner triggered a middle-order collapse as SRH lost two quick wickets. Rahul Chahar, who had dismissed Manish, sent both Virat Singh and Abhishek Sharma back in the hut to pile further misery on SRH.
Shankar tried his best to take SRH over the line but was dismissed in the penultimate over by Bumrah. In the end, Boult cleaned up SRH’s tail to hand Mumbai Indians their second win of the season
Earlier, opting to bat first, Mumbai Indians got off to a brilliant start as openers Rohit Sharma and Quinton de Kock put on 53 runs inside the first six overs.
SRH got the much-needed breakthrough in the seventh over as Vijay dismissed Rohit (32). Suryakumar Yadav (10) played two stunning shots but that was what he managed to do in totality as he was dismissed by Shankar in the ninth over, reducing Mumbai to 71/2.
Ishan Kishan (12) failed to get going with the bat and at no point, he looked comfortable in his 21-ball knock.
In the final two overs, Hardik Pandya (7), Pollard, and Krunal Pandya tried their best to register big strikes, but SRH managed to keep them in check. In the final over, Pollard hit two sixes and as a result, he registered his 200th sixth in the IPL.
Brief Scores: Mumbai Indians 150/5 (Quinton de Kock 40, Kieron Pollard 35*, Vijay Shankar 2-19); SRH 137 (Jonny Bairstow 43, David Warner 36; Rahul Chahar 3-19)

The government keeps shelving plans to bring international students back to Australia. It owes them an explanation

Christopher Ziguras, RMIT University

Victorian universities recently re-proposed a previously conceived plan to get international students back under a similar model used to fly in tennis players for the Australian Open. Under the proposal, universities would help pay for around 1,000 foreign students to be flown into Melbourne every two to three weeks and placed into special lockdown arrangements.

Similar plans to get international students back have been considered in various states since borders closed in March last year – and then quietly shelved. So far, only the Northern Territory has been able to bring 63 students to Australia.

But 63 students is an almost negligible number compared to how many visa holders are still stranded outside the country — an estimated 30% of 542,106 (or around 160,000) student visa holders were outside Australia as of January 10 2021.

In February, Phil Honeywood, the CEO of the International Education Association of Australia, expressed uncharacteristic desperation in his monthly email to members. He wrote:

When we directly lobby our federal politicians to promote student return plans, we are told that state/territory governments have full control of quarantine and we have to persuade them first. However, our discussions with state and territory politicians invariably produce the response that because the federal government controls Border Force, the ADF and international airport arrival caps, they are the ones actually in control!

Victorian Acting Premier James Merlino last week also blamed Canberra for the lack of progress to bring students back:

If you don’t get that from the federal government then it doesn’t matter what other ideas, whether it’s the City of Melbourne, SA, NSW or ourselves, doesn’t matter what idea you have to deliver it, if you can’t get people [students] on the flights, it’s a no-goer.

But Federal Education Minister Alan Tudge is on the other side of the blame game, saying, at the end of March:

there is still the opportunity to bring students back in small, phased pilots. This could occur if an institution works with the state or territory government and presents a plan to us for quarantining international students […] I have discussed various plans with government and university leaders but to date have not received any concrete proposal.

This is all very confusing for the international education sector, which has come up with a number of concrete plans. Neither level of government seems to be able to either offer a sufficient explanation for why a plan it was considering was abandoned or, when an explanation is offered, when that plan may be resumed.

This creates the perception, among those working in the sector and international students, that no governments care about their fate.

South Australian and ACT plans shelved

The Australian Capital Territory and South Australia were the first jurisdictions to announce plans to bring back international students. In June 2020, they proposed pilots that would bring in 350 and 800 students to Canberra and Adelaide respectively. But both these plans were put on hold after Victoria’s second wave hit at the beginning of July.

The South Australian pilot was resuscitated in November — with preparations reportedly well advanced — before an outbreak later that month sent Adelaide into a snap lockdown and the pilot was again put on ice.

Not to be deterred, ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr announced in December he had requested Commonwealth approval to bring students back by February this year, but this too was quietly shelved with no explanation given.

Victoria and NSW try and try again

In Victoria universities and student accommodation providers have put a series of proposals to the state government, the first of which were scuppered when Victoria went into extended lockdown from July during the second wave.

In December the Victorian government was considering a plan to fly in up to 23,000 international students early in 2021, who would serve out their quarantine in student accommodation. By January the state government was upbeat saying it was “working closely” with the federal government to finalise the plan.

But that all changed in February. In a national cabinet meeting at which an international student return plan was to be agreed, Prime Minister Scott Morrison instead said:

It was agreed once again that the return of Australian residents is the priority in terms of arrivals to Australia. We must remember that our borders are actually shut. No one can just come to Australia.

Within weeks, a small number of cases of community transmission from a Melbourne quarantine hotel caused a snap lockdown and the cessation of incoming international flights, which only resumed in April.

Now that the dust appears to have settled once more, Victorian universities are trying again, with a proposal to fly in 1,000 students each fortnight. The state government’s response so far appears lukewarm at best.

New South Wales has also had its share of pilot announcements. A well-developed scheme to start returning 1,000 international students to Sydney each week was shelved in January after the outbreaks in the northern beaches and Western Sydney.

The NSW government subsequently tried for international NSW university students to quarantine in Tasmania before coming to Sydney. Unsurprisingly the idea was quickly quashed by the Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein.

So, what now?

Only 63 international students have come to Australia through the Northern Territory in November 2020. They were quarantined in the Howard Springs facility. In March 2021, Scott Morrison announced the Howard Springs facility’s capacity would increase to 2,000 people per fortnight. But there is no suggestion any of those places will be available for international students.

A recent study I was involved in identified nearly 12,000 beds in student accommodation facilities in the City of Sydney and nearly 19,000 in the City of Melbourne. Using some of these properties could provide a parallel quarantine pathway for international students – without taking hotel quarantine spaces away from returning Australians.

New South Wales recently launched the International Student Accommodation Quarantine program. The NSW government has invited student accommodation providers to apply to be assessed for eligibility (based on things like location and building layout) to house international students.

This is promising. We all agree bringing Australians home is a priority. But we have the capacity to bring back both. We know costs will be borne by students and education providers, and students will be subject to the same quarantine requirements and testing regimes already in place for returning Australians.

It’s just not good enough for the education minister to keep parroting the line returning Australians “remain the priority” over international students. If the government refuses to continue plans to bring students back, it must show them respect by providing a clear reason.

Christopher Ziguras, Professor of Global Studies, RMIT University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

COVID-19: India reports highest-ever one day spike with 2,17,353 new cases, 1,185 deaths

 India reported its highest-ever single-day spike in COVID-19 cases with over 2.17 lakh new cases and more than 1,100 deaths in the last 24 hours, according to the Union Health Ministry on Friday.

In the last 24 hours, 1,185 COVID-related deaths were reported in the country taking the death toll to 1,74,308. As many as 2,17,353 new COVID-19 cases have been reported in India in the last 24 hours. With this, the total number of cases has gone up to 1,42,91,917. The active number of cases stands at 15,69,743.

In the last 24 hours, 1,18,302 people recovered from the disease. With this, the total recoveries reached 1,25,47,866.
According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, 14,73,210 samples were tested on Thursday. And, as many as 26,34,76,625 samples have been tested across the country till April 15.

Meanwhile, the cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the country stands at 11,72,23,509 till today.
The Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) approved the use of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine against coronavirus in the country on Monday. Now, India has three vaccines Covishield, Covaxin and Sputnik V for its inoculation programme against COVID-19.

From April 2, the government started vaccinating all people above 45 years. India started its vaccination drive on January 16 with priority given to all healthcare and frontline workers in the first phase. The second phase started on March 1 where doses were administered to people above the age of 60 and those between 45 and 59 years with specific comorbidities. 

Canada becomes Best Country in World for ‘Quality Of Life & Social Purpose’

Canada has secured the number one position in the 2021 Best Countries Report.

This is a ranking and analysis project conducted by US News & World Report; BAV Group, a unit of global marketing communications company VMLY&R; and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

The ranking was based on cultural, financial, political, and technological influences, as well as two new parameters, social function, and agility. 

Japan and Germany secured the number two and three positions, whereas Switzerland, which is often on number one country, slipped to fourth over the course of the coronavirus pandemic.

Australia meanwhile was placed at number five, while the US and New Zealand gained sixth and seventh positions in the world on the report. 

According to the report, Canada was named the best country in the world for the high quality of life and social function.

It was also rated top in terms of the job market, human rights, and dedication towards social justice. The rate of corruption in the country was recorded as very low and the country was ranked high related to respecting the property rights of the citizens.

The report emphasized the parameter of social justice where most countries struggled.

The world’s largest democracy, India is ranked at number 25.

34-year-old Indian-origin Arora Akanksha running for UN Secretary-General

Arora Akanksha, a 34-year-old Indo-Canadian, has declared herself a candidate to be the next Secretary-General of the United Nations.

“people in my profession aren’t supposed to stand up to the ones in charge.”

She is challenging Secretary-General António Guterres, who is running for another five-year term starting in 2022.

She told New York Times that like many Hindus, her grandparents fled from Pakistan to India after the 1947 partition, a fact that colors her outlook on the world.

“Refugees have no plan B, hence I have no plan B.”

Arora Akanksha was born in Haryana and spent her early life in Saudi Arabia, where her parents, both doctors, had relocated.

From age 9 to 18 she was back in India attending boarding school and later she decided to move to Canada.

Here, after graduating from the prestigious York University with honours, she worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers Canada as an auditing manager.

In 2016, She was recruited from this firm to work as an audit coordinator for the United Nations Development Program for four years.

On February 17, Arora, submitted a formal letter of application for the 2022-27 term. 

To prepare for this position, she has also attended Columbia University’s graduate program in public administration.

Her campaign message is that the United Nations is sclerotic, wasteful, adrift, paternalistic and patronizing toward many of the younger members of its staff of 44,000 people around the world.

In an interview to the New York Times, she said:

“We spend our resources on holding conferences, writing reports. All these frivolous activities that are advertising. We have lost course on why we exist, what we’re supposed to do.”

No country has yet formally endorsed this self-nominated candidate but Arora is hoping to make her case to UN ambassadors in the next few months.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for Global Affairs Canada (the ministry of foreign affairs) told PassBlue that Canada’s top diplomats – Ambassadors Rae, Arbeiter and Blais – have met with Arora to discuss her potential candidacy.

It is believed that this meeting could be a game changer for her and Arora Akanksha’s campaign.

‘Where’s my house?’ Bishnu Aryal’s dream home cut down the middle

A Current Affair has highlighted how a Sydney family has been left in shock after discovering the home they invested hard-earned $700,000 into over a decade was only half of what they were expecting.

Bishnu Aryal, the father of two moved to Australia from Nepal, couldn’t believe his eyes when he realised that his dream home was cut down the middle.

In 2016, Bishnu employed the services of Zac Homes for a custom off-plan build worth $322,400.

In 2019, he checked the progress and admitted that he “nearly fainted.”

Bishnu realised his free standing build had been turned into a duplex taking up half the block.

As is visible in the photographs, his house sits on the right hand side of the block with a giant windowless wall facing the empty half.

Bishnu told A Current Affair:

“I called the supervisor and asked him what’s going on, why is the house like this? And he said “it’s a duplex, semi-duplex”, and I nearly fainted that day. Where’s my house? I want the rest of my house. It’s not a freestanding house, it’s not a duplex, it’s half a house. And it looks embarrassing.”

Zac Homes said the build initially began as a single freestanding home.

However, according to A Current Affair, they claim it later had to be altered to fit with Liverpool Council regulations.

The regulation stated the block had to be an attached dwelling.

A spokesman for Zac Homes told the Daily Mail:

“Zac Homes appreciates the frustrations of Mr and Mrs Aryal surrounding the delay in the issue of the Occupation Certificate, these delays are not caused by Zac Homes. Instead, Zac Homes has worked diligently and at its own cost to attempt to remedy the outstanding matters so that the Occupation Certificate can issue.”

Zac Homes claims Mr and Mrs Aryal were made aware of the change of plan and were given opportunities to pull out of the contract more than once.

The building company also said that they have done everything required to secure an Occupation Certificate for the block.

Bishnu told A Current Affair that his family was forced to move into the house with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic limiting their options.

He shared his story with the media to raise awareness to make sure no one has to deal with the same thing. 

However, since the A Current Affair episode went to air, Zac Homes has been bombarded with one star reviews.

Zac Homes has released a lengthy statement on their Facebook page.

They want to “provide some context to the dreadful situation”.

“The disagreement that’s causing the holdup is between the certifier and Liverpool City Council and we’re working hard with them both to try and rectify the situation as quickly as possible. The fact is the owners of the lot next door have failed to proceed with building their home and that’s why the certifier has continued to refuse to issue an Occupation Certificate. It’s a mess. We know that. Even though this situation hasn’t been caused by us, we are doing what we can to ensure that the right thing is done by Mr Aryal and his family. We feel for them.”

France to have 20,000 Indian students, while Australia unsure about the entry

 In order to boost the student exchange program, Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, on Tuesday said his country targets to enroll 20,000 Indian students in higher institutions by 2025.

“We set ourselves a target – it is to have 20,000 Indian students in higher education institutions in France by 2025. And we will make it. We will make it, thanks, in particular, to you, and to your dynamic experience and energy. And as you know, we will support these students during their stay in France so that as they may fully live this intellectual, cultural, and human experience,” Le Drian said while addressing student mobility and the appointment of 15 Alumni Ambassadors of Higher Education in France.

The French Foreign minister also stressed his relationship with Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and called it a strong bond.
“I apologise for arriving late but I was with my colleague, Minister Jaishankar, your External Affairs Minister, and we had so many things to discuss and our relationship is so strong that we got late. However, I very much wanted this latest visit, which is my 17th official visit to India. To begin with, you because the history, the background of our cooperation, of our partnerships has always been based on sharing knowledge, sharing ideas, and academic exchanges,” he added.

Mr. Drian is on an official visit to India from April 13 to 15.
On Tuesday, During his stay in New Delhi, Minister Le Drian held talks with Indian Minister Jaishankar on bilateral, regional, and international issues of mutual interest.
He will also meet Prakash Javadekar, Indian Minister of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change at a panel discussion on climate change. He will also participate in the Raisina Dialogue.
India and France enjoy a strategic partnership since 1998 which has been marked by regular high-level exchanges and growing cooperation in diverse areas. 

Melbourne truck driver Mohinder Singh jailed for 22 years after killing four police officers

48-year-old Melbourne truck driver, Mohinder Singh, responsible for the deaths of four Victoria Police officers on Eastern Freeway has been jailed for 22 years.

He was sentenced in Victoria’s Supreme Court this morning.

Justice Paul Coghlan has described the footage of the horror crash as “chilling” during the sentencing.

“I have viewed the footage on a number of occasions and it is chilling.”

According to reports in the Australian media, Mohinder Singh pleaded guilty to four counts of culpable driving causing death, three charges of trafficking a drug of dependence, and one charge of possession of a drug of dependence.

Mohinder Singh must serve at least 18 years and six months behind bars before he is eligible for parole.

On April 22 last year, he was high on drugs (ice) and stopped on his route to do a drug deal.

Later he veered into the emergency lane of the Eastern freeway near in Kew killing four officers.

Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor, Senior Constable Kevin King and constables Glen Humphris and Josh Prestney all died in this incident.

The officers had pulled over Porsche driver Richard Pusey for allegedly speeding at the time.

According to reports, CCTV cameras showed footage of Mohinder Singh “repeatedly drifting” into the emergency lane.

Justice Coghlan added that Mohinder Singh was clearly “unfit” to drive.

“It has been put that the threat to you was that you might lose your job. You were simply unfit to do the job and had little legitimate claim to keep your position.”In the sense you drove to keep your job – that decision was selfish.”

According to Nine News, Mohinder Singh, father of two, remained silent throughout the hearing.

He was led out of the courtroom directly in front of the victims’ families.

Andrew Prestney, the father of Constable Josh Prestney, read out a statement in court following the sentencing.

“We would like to thank the people of Victoria, the people of Australia, and those from around the world for their outpouring of love and for embracing us with their hearts. We are consoled by the fact that our four will not be forgotten as we continue to carry them in our hearts.”

Australian High Commissioner says he is “impressed” with PM Modi’s reform agenda

Barry O’Farrell, Australia’s High Commissioner to India, says he is “impressed” with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s reform agenda.

He said this in an interview session organised by the Indian Express.

The session was moderated by Associate Editor and Deputy Chief of National Bureau Shubhajit Roy.

Here are some of the key questions that they asked the Australian High Commissioner.

SHUBHAJIT ROY: Was China the glue that brought the Quad nations close?

Barry O’Farrell: I think the Quad was developed very nicely before China decided to change the way in which it interacted publicly with the world, and bilaterally with a number of nations. It is not that long ago that we had our foreign ministers’ meeting at the United Nations, and we have now had our first Quad meeting… It predates China’s changing posture. Power and wealth is shifting from the Atlantic to the Indo-Pacific. The Indian Ocean continues to be responsible for half of global trade, and it is important to each of the players in the Quad. China’s change of attitude in recent times probably has, to some extent, created an extra incentive, but I think the glue was there before.”

ANIL SASI: The negotiations between India and Australia on the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) have been underway since 2011. Will there now be an attempt to revive it perhaps through more strategic tools or even the Quad?

Barry O’Farrell: Yes, our two countries tried to negotiate what is colloquially called a free trade agreement. We got well down the path and then it stalled. We are now in 2021. The good news is that both our prime ministers, on June 4 last year, agreed to reengage on CECA. That essentially means in the language of politics that we are about to have another go at it. That reflects the commitment from both sides to try and improve the trade and economic relationship between both countries, because we understand that it is commerce, investment, business that underpins both our economies and determines the living standards of our citizens. A key part of the comprehensive strategic partnership was to promote trade investment between our countries and see opportunities in India, opportunities that have been opened up by reforms undertaken over the past 12 months, particularly around foreign direct investment… If India wants to have the world’s largest electric vehicle industry, if India wants to have a large battery industry, Australia has the critical minerals that it needs to develop those industries. And the good news is that some of those are already owned by Indian investors. The car world is looking for other opportunities to invest in similar sources of those minerals around the world, but equally in Australia.”

SUNNY VERMA: The Indian government has been raising tariffs on a lot of items in line with the ‘vocal for local’ and self-reliant India campaigns to promote domestic manufacturing. What has been the position of Australian companies on this?

Barry O’Farrell: Of course, industries that are affected by changes in tariffs or non-tariff barriers will always raise those concerns with their government. But, over the past four months, I’ve been impressed by Prime Minister Modi’s reform agenda… From time to time, there will be, even amongst the closest of friends, the odd difference of opinion, and through the World Trade Organisation and other vehicles we peacefully, harmoniously, have to resolve that matters. I don’t think any nation is without issues that sometimes irk other countries. But I have to say, I’ve witnessed since I’ve been here over the past 13 months now, a closeness in the relationship with Australia. I have been coming here for 10 years, I have been a critic of the lack of consistency of the Australian government in their dealings with India. And at the risk of perhaps exciting some interest back home by this comment, I say, genuinely, that in Prime Minister (Scott) Morrison, in foreign minister (Marise Ann) Payne, and in our commerce minister, we have three individuals who have shown a constancy to this relationship. And I believe in any relationship, private, business or government, constancy is a key.”

MANRAJ GREWAL SHARMA: Not many people know that Australia helped Punjab develop the happy seeder, which is a zero-tillage machine. Are we looking forward to more such initiatives?

Barry O’Farrell: I hadn’t heard of the happy seeder until six months before I came to India. When it was first mentioned to me by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, which has been cooperating here in India for over 25 years, I immediately thought they were talking about Lebanese cedar trees… What the happy seeder does is to do away with the need to remove stubble. It harvests and replants in the same movement. Having been to Punjab a few months ago and having seen it in operation and been told about the way in which it is slowly but surely moving across agriculture in India, I’m pleased by that. We know that change is hard in any organisation. And it’s hardest of all, I suspect, in agriculture in India and Australia. But hopefully, there’s some progress… I think what it reflects is that mining a relationship is often not just about the import of products to India but also about the provision of technology, services and expertise to assist India to develop its markets. In agriculture, we’ve been working together on research projects like the happy seeder. I think one of the lessons out of the past four months, and this has been reinforced to me by technology experts, investors and governments, is that two of the hot areas where I think we are going to see this (collaboration) happening is education and telehealth… or the remote to use of technology for people who… may not be close to a hospital, or a clinic.”

NIRUPAMA SUBRAMANIAN: Do India and Australia know each other any better beyond the three cliches of cricket, Commonwealth and curry? You have come up with the four Ds, which are dosti (friendship), defence, diaspora and democracy….

Barry O’Farrell: I think we have advanced because the size of the diaspora is now significant. One in 35 Australians are of Indian origin, either born in Australia or have a parent or grandparent who was born in India… Indians in Australia join us and participate in local communities and sports and the like. So that is people-to-people. Then at a business-to-business level, just as most US technology companies are run by people of Indian origin, we have similar experience in Australia. I think that has helped to open up the eyes of many in business in Australia to the opportunities that exist in this country. So yes, it (the relation) has progressed….The thing that frustrates me is the media. Firstly, because of the economics of the media, there is only one Australian news representative in India. That means, therefore, when I read Australian newspapers… I am more likely to read articles… that have come from the The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post written by, in many cases, people of Indian origin or citizens living in America or Britain… If Australian newspapers and media organisations can’t afford to have their own representatives in India, I’d like them to take copies from.”

IPL 2021: Chahar, Boult, Bumrah turn tide to hand Mumbai Indians a thrilling win over KKR

Rahul Chahar spun a web while Trent Boult executed perfect yorkers in the death overs to snatch victory for the Mumbai Indians from the jaws of defeat against the Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) here at the MA Chidambaram Stadium on Tuesday.

Andre Russell’s five-wicket haul had bundled Mumbai Indians out for 152 after batsman Suryakumar Yadav’s gutsy knock. In response, KKR was restricted to 142/7 thanks to an all-rounder bowling performance from Mumbai Indians. KKR were right on the track for an easy win but Chahar spun a web and removed the top four batsmen before Jasprit Bumrah and Trent Boult’s fiery spell handed Mumbai Indians the match.

Chasing 153, KKR got off to a perfect start as the openers Nitish Rana and Shubman Gill stitched a 72-run stand for the first wicket. The duo made full use of the powerplay and smashed 45 runs in the first six overs.
Chahar provided Mumbai Indians the first breakthrough as Gill in an attempt to go for back-to-back sixes got out in the ninth over.
Minutes later Chahar picked his second wickets for the day as he dismissed Rahul Tripathi for a paltry five in the 11th over to reduce KKR to 84/2.
Nitish and Eoin Morgan scripted a brief partnership of 20 runs. However, Chahar wreaked havoc and dismissed the KKR skipper in the 13th over.

With Nitish’s wicket, Chahar removed KKR’s top order to turn the game in Mumbai Indians’ favour in the 15th over.
In the next over, Krunal Pandya joined the party and dismissed Shakib Al Hasan as KKR lost half of their side with 31 runs still needed in 28 balls.
Andre Russell and Dinesh Karthik then played sluggish knocks in order to not lose any wicket but the batsmen still failed to get KKR over the line.

Earlier after being asked to bat first, Mumbai Indians suffered an early jolt as the side lost opener Quinton de Kock in the second over. Varun Chakravarthy bamboozled the South African batsman on the last ball of his first over.
Rohit played a cautious knock but Suryakumar dealt in boundaries as he brought up his half-century with a six. However, after smashing the fifty, ‘SKY’ got out in an attempt to whack the ball around but failing to get all of it.

And in the death overs, Mumbai Indians failed to get going and kept losing wickets at regular intervals. Russell dismissed Kieron Pollard and Marco Jansen in the 18th over as Mumbai Indians collapsed from 115/3 to 126/7.
Krunal Pandya tried to hit some shots towards the end of the innings but he faltered in order to whack every ball in the final over as Mumbai Indians touched the 150-run mark.

Brief Scores: Mumbai Indians 152 (Suryakumar Yadav 56, Rohit Sharma 32; Andre Russell 5-15); KKR 142/7 (Nitish Rana 57, Shubman Gill 33; Rahul Chahar 4-27)

Chaitra Navratri 2021: Delicious, easy-to-make dishes for 9 days of fasting

Chaitra Navratri or Vasant Navratri is celebrated during the spring season in India, however in Australia in autumn. This year, it will begin on April 13, 2021, and end on April 22, 2021.

Considered to be an important nine-day celebration for the Hindu community, the auspicious festival, much like Maha Navratri, is dedicated to the nine different forms of Goddess Durga, collectively known as Navdurga. While the festivity is all about heightening one’s spiritual credence by observing fast for nine consecutive days, it may turn out to be enervating for those who only stuff them up with the traditional aloo ki sabzi with kuttu or singhara atta puri.

During the pious days of Navratri, the Hindus skip or alter several ingredients from their meals, according to their family traditions. During the fasting process, people completely avoid onion, garlic, and more. From an ayurvedic perspective, these foods attract and absorb negative energies and should be avoided during this seasonal change as the human body tends to have low immunity around this time.

So as you prepare for the nine-day fasting period, here are some quick to make and yummy to eat recipes:

1. Sabudana Thalipeeth:
Sabudana Thalipeeth is crisp and soft pancake made with tapioca pearls, mashed potatoes, ground peanuts and spices. They are also called Upvasache Thalipeeth in the Marathi language and can also be referred to as Sabudana roti.

2. Millet Uttapam:
These uttapams are made from sama ke chawal or vrat ke chawal flour (barnyard millet flour). Sprinkle chopped tomatoes and serve hot with mint-yogurt dip.

3. Kuttu ka Dosa:
What can you relish more than having a crispy dosa with potato filling during your fast? Serve it hot with coriander chutney. Move over usual kuttu ki puri and rustle up something new this Navratri.

4. Aalu ki kadhi:
This is a unique dish that you can make by replacing the usual besan with singhade ka atta. All you have to do is to follow the usual steps that you do while making the besan ki kadhi, but replace the besan batter with singhade ka atta batter.
Few people don’t use red chili powder during Navratri so you can replace it with green chilies also. This is a light and yummy snack to satiate your cravings during fasting.

5. Dahi arbi (Taro):
This is the same as the delicious dish mentioned above. The only difference is that you have to add the soft arbi instead of potato while cooking this item. In contrast with the aalu kadhi, this dish is to be made with a thin gravy. This is a perfect dish for those who want to cut on carbs during fasting.

6. Sukhi arbi (Taro):
Crispy, fried, and tasty spiced arbi dish is all you need to satisfy your cravings during the Navratri fast. This arbi recipe is also known as Brindavani ghuiya. This dish is easy to make and is also equally yummy to eat. Follow the same steps that you do while preparing french fries. Just make sure to add only those spices that are permitted in your family while fasting.

7. Banana dry fruits lassi:
Tired of eating raw bananas? Try this Lassi made with the goodness of yogurt, bananas, honey, and walnuts. Drink up this healthy lassi and keep yourself energised through the day. This will also serve as a perfect smoothie for your summertime fast and will keep you full for the entire day.

8. Arbi (Taro) kofta with mint yogurt dip:
Bored of eating the traditional potato vegetable during Navratri fast? Make this Arbi kofta recipe which is the perfect tea time snack for you to try out during the festival. This dish, prepared with kuttu ka atta and accompanied with the ever-versatile mint-yogurt dip, will leave everyone asking for more.

9. Sama chawal idli:
Well, this dish is a perfect example of what can be achieved if you are well aware of the substitutes available to you. Who will not like to gulp hot idlis with the ever-versatile mint-yogurt dip? Just replace your usual rice batter with sama rice batter to make these idlis and you are ready to eat it as your ‘fast food’ for dinner or breakfast.
While observing fast and welcoming the deity in your house, don’t forget to pray for the healing of the world from the deadly coronavirus, this year. A very happy Chaitra Navratri 2021! 

Are you looking for a job, hurry up Australian Bureau of Statistics requires 20,000 Census Field Officers

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is currently recruiting 20,000 Census Field Officers.

These appointments are across the country to help deliver the 2021 Census.

These roles are among 38,000 temporary jobs created to successfully deliver the 2021 Census.

Field Officers are a crucial workforce that help people throughout Australia to participate in the upcoming 2021 Census.

Field Officers assist the ABS at a local level by delivering Census instructions and forms and by visiting households that have not yet responded.

The roles are short-term and available in all cities, towns and regional areas nationwide.

The ABS will recruit locally to ensure Field Officers are familiar with the local area.

The flexible working hours are variable and will include weekdays, weekends and evenings.

Andrew Henderson, Census Executive Director and National Spokesperson said;

“Field Officers play a vital role as they promote Census participation and answer peoples’ questions. Helping members of the public who need special support to complete the Census is a key role for our Field Officers. We want to recruit motivated people who are keen to tell their community’s story through the successful collection of Census data. Previous experience isn’t a requirement and training will be provided prior to commencing the job. We are also recruiting people who can speak a language other than English as part of the job.” 

Applicants are encouraged to view the applicant information kit and apply early as jobs are expected to fill quickly.

It takes approximately 15 minutes to apply at www.censusjobs.adecco.com.au.

The 2021 Census is on Tuesday 10 August 2021. It is Australia’s 18th Census.

Is Lentils As Anything, a pay-what-you-feel restaurant chain, in trouble?

Lentil As Anything has fed the disadvantaged and let customers pay whatever they feel a meal is worth for almost two decades.

It was was created by Shanaka Fernando for his local community in St. Kilda around.

Shanaka set up the first Lentil As Anything as “Australia’s first modern social enterprises.”

In 2007, Shanaka was also awarded Australia’s Local Hero/Social Challenger at Australian of the Year Awards.

It became famous as a restaurant that provided food to anyone who dropped in and payment was based on a contribution model.

Lentil as Anything encouraged patrons to donate what they could either through a gift of labour, skills.

But it was soon marred by investigations of Fair Work Ombudsman into wage underpayment and the Australian Tax Office into unpaid superannuation bill.

According to the Age, the enterprise owed staff at least $155,000 in unpaid superannuation.

In 2020, the enterprise was almost on the brink of insolvency.

It was luckily bailed out by a GoFundMe campaign.

Thousands of Australians donated over $370,000 via GoFundMe during October to save Lentil As Anything from closing their doors due to the economic uncertainty of COVID-19.

To give back to the community, Shanaka Fernando said:

“We’ve seen first-hand the impact of economic hardship faced by many Australians this year with the demand for our community outreach programs significantly increasing since the pandemic took hold.”

Shanaka quit the board last year and Megan Evans was made the new Chair.

Megan admitted to the Age there had been problems in the social experiment but they were working with the authorities.

“It’s been a very awful, tricky situation … lack of expertise or capacity to meet regulatory deadlines.”

According to Megan, the enterprise is staffed by volunteers and paid staff who were “short-changed because they were paid under the wrong workplace award.” 

On April 1, Lentil As Anything posted something on their Facebook page that raised many eyebrows about the enterprise.

People were devastated by this news and their comments showed the appreciation they had for this social enterprise.

This news of the St. Kilda restaurant closing down turned out to be an April Fool’s joke to raise awareness about the enterprise.

Due to the COVID pandemic, the number of Australians seeking food relief at least once a week has doubled.

Shanaka has rejoined the organisation and looking for all the support to help the enterprise.

With its core value to serve and create ‘healthy human community’, Lentil As Anything in Melbourne and Sydney is working on providing meals for the homeless.

Hindu New Year – History and significance of the festival

The Hindu New Year is celebrated in accordance with the Almanac or the Panchanga, that is, the Hindu Lunar Calendar. The Hindu New Year is also known as the start of Vikram Samvat. The current era of Vikram Samvat is believed to have begun in the year 57 BCE. This day also marks the end of one agricultural harvest and the beginning of a new one. Hence, this event is concerned with the sowing and reaping of crops.

On this day, the sun is found to be at the point just above the intersection of the equator and the meridians. This day also marks the beginning of the season of spring or the Vasanta Ritu.

The exact day of the Hindu New Year changes every year, in accordance with the calculations in the lunar calendar. Each state in India celebrates the New Year in its own unique way, following customs and traditions that are exclusive to that particular region. We now take a look at the way in which this event is celebrated in different parts of the country.

Legend behind the New Year Celebrations

The origins of the Hindu New Year revolve around the legend of the great Hindu King, Vikramaditya, who ruled in 57 BC. It is believed that King Gardabhilla, who ruled in 12th Century CE, once seized a sadhvi named Saraswati. She was the sister of the Jain monk, Kalakacharya. The monk then took the help of the ruler of Saka to conquer Gardabhilla. The former eventually defeated the latter.

A defeated Gardabhilla went to the forest, where he was killed by a tiger. His son, Vikramaditya, grew up to be a great King. He invaded Ujjain and defeated the Sakas. This new era of the King’s victory, it is said, is celebrated as the Vikram Samvat.

Lord Brahma - Photo Print
Lord Brahma – Photo Print

According to the Brahma Purana, the New Year marks the day when Lord Brahma recreated the entire world after the previous Pralaya or Great Deluge. Time, hence, was created anew on this day.

Let us now look at how each region in India celebrates the Hindu New Year.


Ugadi, Yugadi or Samvatsaradi as per the Telugu and Kannada Hindu calendar, is celebrated on the first day of the waxing phase of the moon in the month of Chaitra. This day is also called the Chitra Shukla Paksha Padyami – this falls in March or April, as per the Gregorian Calendar. In fact, this day is considered the New Year day for Hindus living between the Vindhya-Kaveri belt.

The name Ugadi or Yugadi is derived from the Sanskrit roots of Yuga or “age”; and Adi, which means, “beginning” – combined together, this word means “the beginning of a new age”. The term Yugadi especially refers to the start of the current epoch or Yuga we are living in now, the Kaliyuga. This Yuga is believed to have started the day Lord Krishna left his mortal coil and ended this particular avatar on Earth. Hence, the Kaliyuga is supposed to have commenced on the midnight of February 17, going into February 18, 3102 BCE.


The Kannada, Marathi, Telugu and Konkani celebrate this event with great verve. The day begins with an elaborate oil bath ritual, followed by a visit to the nearby temple. This is followed by a feast of a certain dish including all six tastes, called the Ugadi Pacchadi in Telugu and Bevu-Bella in Kannada. This is symbolic of accepting and enjoying life in the year ahead, which is a mixture of all different tastes or experiences, including happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust and surprise.

The inclusion of neem signifies sadness, as it is bitter in taste. Jaggery and ripe bananas indicate sweet happiness. Green chili and pepper are hot and therefore, indicate anger. Salt signifies fear and the sour tamarind juice indicates the emotion of disgust. Unripened mango is also added for its tang, adding that emotion of surprise.

A special dish called Bobbatlu (also called Bhakshyalu, Polelu or Puran Poli) is prepared on the New Year’s Day. In Karnataka, this is referred to as Holige or Obbattu. This is basically a filling of gram flour and sugar or jaggery paste, stuffed into balls made of flour, then given a roti-like round shape. It can be eaten either hot or cold and is served up with ghee, milk or even coconut milk.

Post the feast, people gather to listen to the recitation of the Panchanga of the new year, followed by a forecast of the year ahead. This is called Panchanga Shravanam. Telugu people greet each other saying, “Yugadi Shubhakankshulu” and Kannadigas wish each other saying “Yugadi Hubbada Shubhashayagalu”.

Gudi Padwa

Gudhi Padwa or Gudi Padwa also referred to as Samvatsar Padvo (among the Hindu Konkanis residing in Goa), is celebrated by Maharashtrians, on the day of the Chaitra Shukla Pratipada. This is also the first day of Chaitra Navratri and is known as Ghatasthapana or Kalash Sthapana. The word “Padwa” is taken from the Sanskrit word, Pratipada, the first day of the lunar month.

On this day, an ornamented Gudi is hoisted and worshipped, which is what gives the festival its name. This festival is celebrated at the very end of the Rabi season. It is one of the Saade-Teen Muhurtas, or the 3 and a half auspicious days of the Hindu Lunar calendar. The other similar Muhurta days include Akshaya Tritiya, Vijayadashami (or Dusshera), and Balipratipada.

Erecting the Gudhi

All over Maharashtra, the Gudi is prominently displayed in all households. A long bamboo stick is fixed onto the ground or a fixed surface and the tip is tied with a brightly colored brocade or zari cloth, and some gaathi (sugar crystals), neem leaves, mango leaves, and a garland of red flowers is tied over it. A copper or silver pot is placed in an inverted position over the tip of this stick. This is referred to as the Gudi.

Significance of the Gudhi

  • Maharashtrians consider this as the symbol of the victory of Chhatrapati Shivaji, as also the victory of King Shalivahana over Sakas.
  • It also signifies the Brahmadhvaja or Brahma’s flag, or the Indradhvaja, or Indra’s flag.
  • It indicates Rama’s victory over the demon King, Ravana.
  • People believe that it also wards off evil and brings good luck in the household.


Multicolor Alpana Print on Round Sticker - Paper Sticker

Multicolor Alpana Print on Round Sticker – Paper StickerPeople clean their households before the big day. Houses in villages are swept clean and are plastered with fresh cow-dung. Women create rangoli designs on the doorstep of their homes, using vibrant colors, which are associated with the abundant colors of spring. People take an elaborate bath and wear new clothes. This is also a time for family get-togethers.

A paste of neem leaves, tamarind and sugar or jaggery is made and all family members consume the same. This is believed to be capable of strengthening the body’s immune system. Women also make Pooris, Shrikhand and Pooran Polis on this day. Konkanis make Kanangachi Kheer, which is made of sweet potato, jaggery, coconut milk, rice flour and Sanna.


Putthandu, also known as Chitthirai-Tirunaal, is celebrated as the New Year day across Tamil Nadu. This day falls in mid-April and is usually celebrated around the 14th or 15th of April each year. incidentally, this is regarded as the first day of the Tamil New Year among all Tamil people living in Singapore, Malaysia, Reunion and Mauritius.

The Tamil people follow the vernal equinox or Nirayanam. According to this, the first day of the new year usually falls on 14th April, in the month of Chitthirai. On this day, people greet each other by saying, “Putthandu Vazhtthukkal” or “Iniya Tamizh Putthandu Nallvaazhtthukkal”, meaning, “best wishes for a sweet (prosperous) New Year”.


The people of Tamil Nadu celebrate this day in a big way. In the temple city of Madurai, the Chitthirai Thiruvizha is celebrated at the Meenakshi Temple there. A massive exhibition, called Chitthirai Porutkaatchi, is also held in the premises.

In some parts of Southern Tamil Nadu, this day is also called Chitthirai Vishu. The entrances to homes are decorated with elaborate kolams or rangolis and the women of the house get busy preparing a great feast. Some households also include neem flowers and raw mangoes, which symbolize growth and prosperity. In some regions, they also conduct a Car Festival during this time of the year.

In Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan Tamils celebrate this day, by performing a unique financial transaction of sorts, which is referred to Kai-vishesham. Here, elders gift money to the younger members of the household, particularly to children, as a blessing for their prosperity in the coming year. This event is followed by “Arpudu” or the ploughing of the ground in order to prepare for the brand new agricultural cycle. This time of the year is considered to be a Punya-kaalam or auspicious time to start any new activity or venture.

Beginning with a ritual herbal bath called the maruthu-neer, people visit temples to seek the blessings of the Almighty in the New Year. Youths play a game of “por-thenkai” or a “war with coconuts” and cart races are also held in some regions. People then get together with their family members for a sumptuous feast.

Incidentally, the Sinhalese New Year also falls on the same day, and hence, the entire country celebrates this day in a great way.


Vishu is an important festival for residents of Kerala, as also in Mangalore and Udipi. In fact, this day is second only to Onam for Malayalis from around the world. This day also marks the New Year day according to the Kolla Varsham or the Malayalam calendar.


The most important ritual on this day is the “Vishukkani”, which literally implies the “first thing seen” on the morning of Vishu. For this ritual, people arrange articles such as raw rice, fresh vegetables and fruits, coconut with betel leaves, arecanut, the sacred Konna Poo (the bright yellow Cassia fistula variety of flowers), sacred texts, gold, silver, coins and money; in front of a metal mirror. A nilavilakku or lighted lamp is placed beside this arrangement.

This Vishukkani is prepared the previous night, just before going to bed. The custom is to get up from bed before dawn and proceed towards the arrangement with closed eyes, only opening them to look at it. This is done so that one sees only good and auspicious things first thing in the morning, on the day of the New Year.


Malayalis take a ritual oil bath, after which they visit temples in the vicinity. Many of these temples also maintain a Vishukkazhcha for the devotees to take a look. Later, verses from the Ramayana are read out before a gathering of family members.

Then the day is celebrated with much fervor with people lighting the Vishuppadakkam or firecrackers, wearing and gifting new clothes (Puthukodi) younger family members and elders giving Vishukkaineettam (giving money) to youngsters, including children; even including the domestic helpers of the household.

Family members then assemble to partake of a grand Saddhya or feast, consisting of equal quantities of salty, sweet, sour and bitter food items. The Vishu Kanji and the Thoran are the two most important items served during the Saddhya. The Kanji, which is nourishing and very tasty, is prepared with rice, coconut milk and some select spices.

Maha Vishuva Sankranti

In Orissa or Odisha, the New Year day is referred to as the Maha Vishuva Sankranti or the Pana Sankranti. The Oriya month of Mesha starts from this day on and that is why it is also called Mesha Sankranti.


People fill a small pot with Pana or a sweet drink. There is a tiny hole at the bottom of the pot, which allows the fluid to fall from it. People first offer a mixture made of horse gram, banana and curd to the sacred Tulsi plant in their homes, before consuming the same. They then make special offerings to the Shivalinga, Shalagrama, Hanuman, the various forms of Devi Parvati and other deities as well. Many also undertake Jhaamu Yatras to major Devi temples in Odisha.

Goddess Kali - Photo Print
Goddess Kali – Photo Print

The tribals in Odisha perform a ritual called Danda Nata, Danda Nacha, or Danda Jatra, which goes on for a period of 13 days. This is one of their most ancient traditional forms of welcoming in the New Year. This ritual, dedicated to Goddess Kali, is a group event, where devotees invoke Her grace and blessings. People believe that performing this ritual destroys negativity and sin and brings peace and prosperity, along with a good harvest all year round.

The end of the last day is referred to as Pana Sankranti or Meru Sankranti. People undertaking this ritual completely avoid non-vegetarian food during these 13 days, even avoiding the intake of onion and garlic.

Cheti Chand

Cheti Chand is an important festival for Sindhis and is also celebrated as the New Year’s Day by Sindhis hailing from both India and Pakistan. This festival is celebrated by Sindhis from around the world as well. This day for Hindus falls on the second day of the month of Chaitra. Sindhis refer to this month as Chet, and hence the name, Chet-i-Chand.

The Sindhi community celebrates this day to commemorate the birth of their Ishtadeva, Uderolal, more popularly known as Jhulelal, who is regarded as the Patron Saint of the Sindhis. On this day, people worship water, the giver of life.

Many Sindhis take the Baharana Sahib to a nearby lake or river. The Baharana Sahib comprises a Jyot or oil lamp, Phota or cardamom, Misiri or sugar crystals, Fal or fruits and Akha. Behind all these sits the Kalash, with a coconut, covered with cloth, flowers and leaves. Sindhis also place an idol of their Pujya Jhulelal Devta and offer prayers to him.

Chaliho Sahab

Devotees of Jhulelal offer their obeisance to Chaliho Sahab. Traditionally, they undertook rituals for forty whole days and nights and stood vigil on the banks of the river Sindhu. The men did not shave, use soap or detergent and did not wear new clothes either. They would just wash their clothes, leave them to dry and then wear them again. in the evenings, they would worship Lord Varuna, the God of water and rain, singing songs in his praise, praying for salvation. Even today, those who follow the traditional ritual of Chaliho, celebrate this day as a day of thanksgiving to Jhulelal.

Chaitti and Basoa

Chaitti and Basoa are celebrated as part of the festivities to usher in the New Year in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. Chaitti is the first day of the Chaitra month and so, it considered to be very important and auspicious for people residing in this part of India. 

Basoa, also referred to as Bishu, is celebrated on the first day of the Baisakh month. On this day, the farmers and aboriginals living in this region participate in this festival with great joy and enthusiasm. Three days prior to this festival, people start making small cakes called Kodra, and then wrap them up in leaves, leaving them to ferment.

On the day of Bishu, they invite their relatives to break these cakes and eat them with honey and sweet water mixed with jaggery.

Pohela Boisakh/Juir-Sheetal

Pohela Boisakh, also called Poila Boisakh, is the Bengali New Year’s Day, which is celebrated all over West Bengal, extending to the Bengali people in Assam and Tripura; even crossing national borders and influencing the residents of Bangladesh.

This festival falls on the day after Vishuva Sankranti and is also called as the Choitro Sankranti in Bengali – hence, it usually falls on the 14th or the 15th of April. As seen above, this festival brings together all Bengalis, irrespective of their regional location.

In Bangladesh, this day has been fixed and falls on the 14th of April each year. This day has also been declared as a national holiday in this country.


Cheiraoba is the New Year’s Day festival, celebrated by the people of Manipur. This elaborate and joyous festival is celebrated with much verve all over the state. The name “Cheiraoba” is actually a combination of two words, namely, “Chahi” or “Year” and “Laoba”, which means “Declaration”. So this festival declares or announces the New Year, also bidding goodbye to the past year.

This day falls on the same day as Gudi Padwa, and so this state too celebrates the festival along with the rest of the Indian states.


Navreh is celebrated as the New Year’s Day in Kashmir. This day too coincides with the first day of Chaitra Navratras. The people residing in this part of India consider this day to be as sacred and holy as the Shivartri day. In fact, this day is even mentioned in the Nilamat Purana and the Rajtarangini of Kashmir.

The people here celebrate this second Navratra (the first one is during the 9 days of the festival of Navratri, concluding with the Dusshera) in commemoration of the victory of their great King, Lalitaditya. Navreh falls on the same day as Gudhi Padwa or Ugadi.

The Maithili New Year

Juir Sheetal, which is also referred to as Baisakhi or Pahil Baisakh, is observed as the first day of the Maithili New Year. This day normally falls on the 14th of April as per the Maithils residing in the Mithila region of India and Nepal. They also sometimes refer to this day as Nirayana Mesh Sankranti or Tirhuta New Year.

This day is also referred to as Hanumat Dhwajadanam; the day when Hanuman’s flag, that is, Mithila’s flag, is to be flown. Incidentally, people additionally consider this as the birthday of Raja Shailesh or Salhesh, the King of the Himalayan region of Mithila, who was victorious in several battles and also conquered several regions in that area. In fact, every village of Mithila even now, has a “Rajaji’s Gahwar”, which is worshipped by all the people, especially by the Paswans. This day, hence, symbolizes community harmony as well.

This day also holds great significance in the present-day Indian cultural milieu. The Maithili New Year has been declared as the Mithila Diwas by the Government of Bihar in India.

Significance for Other mythologies

According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Ganga had descended to Earth on this very day. In her honor, people gather along the banks of the river Ganga (Ganges) to take their ritual bath. 

Swami Dayanand Saraswati - Poster
Swami Dayanand Saraswati – Poster

Swami Dayanand Saraswati founded the Arya Samaj on this day, in the year 1875. Hence, this is a big day for that community as well.

Lord Buddha in Meditation - Glitter Poster
Lord Buddha in Meditation – Glitter Poster

Even Buddhists celebrate this day as Vesakha, Vesak, Wesak, or Vaisakha. It commemorates the Birth, the Awakening, and the Passing Away of Gautama Buddha.

Baisakhi (Vaisakhi)

Vaisakhi Festival of Punjab - Poster

Vaisakhi Festival of Punjab – PosterBaisakhi, Vasakhi or Vaisakhi is the festival celebrated in Punjab, by the Sikh community residing there.

Guru Govind Singh Ji - Glitter Poster
Guru Govind Singh Ji – Glitter Poster

This event is in commemoration of the establishment of the Khalsa. The 10th Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, had laid the foundation of the Panth Khalsa in the year 1699. The day is also celebrated by farmers as a way of giving thanks for the abundant harvest during that year, also praying for future prosperity.


In East Punjab, especially in Talwandi Sabo, in a Gurudwara in Anandpur Sahib and also at the Golden Temple at Amritsar, people celebrate this festival with great vigor and verve. In West Punjab too, the festival is widely celebrated by Sikhs.
Hundreds of Sikhs from all over the globe undertake pilgrimages to sacred Sikh places of worship including Nankana Sahib and Hasan Abdal. Even Sikhs living abroad celebrate the festival in an elaborate manner. They hold daylong Kirtans in their local Gurudwaras, with hordes of people pouring in to attend the same. Many communities also hold Nagar Kirtan, which involves the participants going around the streets, singing Kirtans. In some places, Vaisakhi Melas or fairs are also conducted in order to celebrate this festival with even greater cheer.
Sikhs living in India traditionally visit Gurudwaras prior to dawn, along with flowers and other offering. In rural Punjab, people get together to do the vigorous and very joyous Bhangra dance. Then revelers partake of an elaborate feast and make merry, while also praying for a fruitful and profitable year ahead.

Happy New Year!

Here is wishing all our readers a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. May peace, prosperity, joy and health abound and may you achieve all that you can ever desire for. Happy New Year!

Priya Viswanathan, a teacher/performer of Bharata Natyam, Classical Music, and Classical Instrumental Veena. A recipient of several awards for both music and dance, Priya is also a freelance writer online.

Cyclone damages Western Australian towns, Power cuts in 31,500 homes

Kalbarri damage: Courtesy 7NEWS
Kalbarri damage: Courtesy 7NEWS

A destructive cyclone damaged several towns on Australia’s western coast, shattering windows, snapping trees, and knocking out power. Tropical Cyclone Seroja crossed the Western Australia state coast south of the tourist town of Kalbarri with winds gusting up to 170 kph (106 mph) shortly after dark Sunday, officials said on Monday.

Around 70% of buildings in Kalbarri, a town of 1,400 people 580 kilometers (360 miles) north of the state capital Perth, had been damaged, Department of Fire and Emergency Services Commissioner Darren Klemm said. About 30% of that damage was “significant,” Klemm said.

Other coastal towns sustained less damage. Government utility Western Power reported 31,500 customers had lost power. There have been no reports of serious injuries Such powerful cyclones are rare in subtropical Australia. The damage was worse in some parts of Kalbarri than others, but the whole town had been impacted, local State Emergency Service manager Steve Cable said.

Powerlines and trees were toppled, homes lost roofs and streets were strewn with debris. “Some of the older buildings didn’t stand up very well. But even some of the modern buildings, they just couldn’t hold it,” Cable told Australian Broadcasting Corp. “Large trees with quite substantial limbs just snapped off like carrots,” he added.

Debbie Major weathered the storm in a room of a Kalbarri tourist trailer park that she manages, clutching a door to prevent it blowing open as broken tree limbs shattered windows. “I’ve never experienced anything in my life that we experienced last night,” Major said. ”It was terrifying.”

Cyclone Seroja lost power and was downgraded to a tropical low before blowing out to sea near Esperance on Monday. The same cyclone caused flooding and landslides that killed at least 174 people and left 48 missing in Indonesia and East Timor last week.

Does Australian Defence Force need to attract more multicultural talent to help them succeed?

Flight Lieutenant Soumya ‘Sam’ Chowdhury was born and raised in India and moved to Australia in 2007.

“Growing up in India has shaped my perspective and attitude to others.”

Flight Lieutenant Chowdhury is posted as an electrical engineer at the Defence Aviation Safety Authority (DASA).

The DASA is responsible for enhancing and promoting the safety of military aviation.

Flight Lieutenant Chowdhury works with people across Air Force and Defence in his daily work.

He told Defence News that he has always been encouraged to listen to others.

“When you hire people from diverse backgrounds, nationalities, and cultures, you’re bringing a fresh array of perspectives to the table. This can lead to benefits like better problem-solving and increased productivity.”

According to Australian Defence News, more than 25 per cent of the Air Force workforce identifies as being from a culturally and/or linguistically diverse background.

Flight Lieutenant Chowdhury says that it is important to use these varied experiences to help Air Force succeed.

“I think it is important to have a diverse workforce in Air Force as diversity helps us recognise and respect ways of being that may be different to our own. People from diverse cultures contribute language skills, new ways of thinking, new knowledge, and different experiences to our Air Force.”

Australian Defence forces offer roles across a variety of disciplines and professions.

It welcomes applications from all Australians as its selection processes are free from cultural, racial and gender bias.

Leaders slam New Zealand Prime Minister’s ban on travellers from India

Leaders have started questioning the decision of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s government to temporarily halt the travel from India.

Jacinda Ardern on April 8 announced that New Zealand would temporarily suspend entry for all travellers from India.

This includes its New Zealand’s citizens for two weeks from April 11 after India appeared to be gripped in the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic with cases suddenly soaring.

Leaders believe that this could possibly lead to or may promote racism and stigma against the Indian community in New Zealand.

According to a report in the Guardian report, Sunil Kaushal, president of the Waitakere Indian Association has questioned why the New Zealand government applied the rule to India.

“We don’t feel like a part of the ‘team of 5 million’ when Indians are singled out like this.”

He asked why not nations such as United States, Brazil, France and the UK who when compared novel coronavirus cases per-capita are way ahead than India.

Member of Parliament Golriz Ghahraman (Green Party) also took this opportunity to post a question on Twitter for Jacinda Ardern.

Mandeep Bela, of the Indian Workers Association, said that the restriction implies that New Zealand citizens in India had been “left stateless”.

“It’s quite shocking, to be honest. Since Covid started, we were told that New Zealand cannot shut its borders to its citizens, regardless of where they are, how many cases there are – they cannot stop them coming back to the country.”

New Zealand has recorded 23 new positive coronavirus cases at its border facilities as of Thursday, of which 17 were from India. 

On this Prime Minister of New Zealnd has said:

“If that number of people from any country were coming in with Covid that would give us cause to pause and look at mitigation to reduce that risk, so this is not country-specific, this is about the cases we are seeing currently from that region.”

The NZ Council for Civil Liberties said:

“While we recognise that the practicalities of managing an infectious disease can justify a limitation of this right, we also question whether the government has put in enough effort to avoid having to take this step.”

“Late-night snacks may affect workplace performance”

A recent study has found that unhealthy eating behaviours at night can make people less helpful and more withdrawn the next day at work.
The findings of the study were published in the Journal of Applied Psychology. “For the first time, we have shown that healthy eating immediately affects our workplace behaviours and performance,” said Seonghee “Sophia” Cho, corresponding author of the study and an assistant professor of psychology at North Carolina State University.
Cho added, “It is relatively well established that other health-related behaviours, such as sleep and exercise, affect our work. But nobody had looked at the short-term effects of unhealthy eating.”

Fundamentally, the researchers had two questions: Does unhealthy eating behaviour affect you at work the next day? And, if so, why?
For the study, researchers had 97 full-time employees in the United States answer a series of questions three times a day for 10 consecutive workdays. Before work on each day, study participants answered questions related to their physical and emotional well-being.

At the end of each workday, participants answered questions about what they did at work. In the evening, before bed, participants answered questions about their eating and drinking behaviours after work.
In the context of the study, researchers defined “unhealthy eating” as instances when study participants felt they’d eaten too much junk food; when participants felt they’d had too much to eat or drink; or when participants reporting having too many late-night snacks.

The researchers found that, when people engaged in unhealthy eating behaviours, they were more likely to report having physical problems the next morning. Problems included headaches, stomachaches and diarrhea.
In addition, when people reported unhealthy eating behaviours, they were also more likely to report emotional strains the next morning – such as feeling guilty or ashamed about their diet choices. Those physical and emotional strains associated with unhealthy eating were, in turn, related to changes in how people behaved at work throughout the day.
Essentially, when people reported physical or emotional strains associated with unhealthy eating, they were also more likely to report declines in “helping behaviour” and increases in “withdrawal behaviour.”

Helping behaviour at work refers to helping colleagues and going the extra mile when you don’t have to, such as assisting a co-worker with a task that is not your responsibility. Withdrawal behaviour refers to avoiding work-related situations, even though you’re at your workplace.
The researchers also found that people who were emotionally stable – meaning people who are better able to cope with stress because they’re less emotionally volatile – suffered fewer adverse effects from unhealthy eating. Not only were emotionally stable people less likely to have physical or emotional strains after unhealthy eating, but their workplace behaviours were also less likely to change even when they reported physical or emotional strains.
“The big takeaway here is that we now know unhealthy eating can have almost immediate effects on workplace performance,” Cho said.

Cho added, “However, we can also say that there is no single ‘healthy’ diet, and healthy eating isn’t just about nutritional content. It may be influenced by an individual’s dietary needs, or even by when and how they’re eating, instead of what they’re eating.
“Companies can help to address healthy eating by paying more attention to the dietary needs and preferences of their employees and helping to address those needs, such as through on-site dining options. This can affect both the physical and mental health of their employees – and, by extension, their on-the-job performance,” Cho further said.
The researchers also pointed to a variety of research questions that could be addressed moving forward.
“One confounding variable is that the way our questions were phrased, we may be capturing both unhealthy eating behaviours and unhealthy drinking behaviours related to alcohol,” Cho said.

“That’s something we will want to tease out moving forward. And while we focused on the evening diet, it would be interesting to look at what people are eating at other times of the day. Are there specific elements of the diet that affect behavioural outcomes – such as sugar or caffeine content? Can there be positive effects of unhealthy eating, such as when people eat comfort foods to help cope with stress? This promises to be a rich field of study,” Cho concluded.

Thousands of Hindu devotees and seers celebrate the Kumbh Mela

Thousands of Hindu devotees gathered by the river Ganges in Uttarakhand’s Haridwar on Sunday to offer prayers during the Kumbh Mela.

The Kumbh Mela is one of the largest religious gathering of Hindus in the world.

The Health Ministry has and the state government has made a negative RT-PCR result mandatory for those visiting Haridwar.

Hundreds of seers representing the thirteen Akhadas will also take the holy dip in the Ganges on Monday.

Monday is the day of the Shahi Snan which is considered to be an auspicious day to take holy dip in the river.

In Haridwar, there are 2056 active COVID-19 cases and SK Gunjyal, IG and Mela Police officer told NDTV:

”It’s a very challenging exercise to manage crowds. There are guidelines from the state and the Central governments. SOPs have also been issued to the general public that will be applicable till 30th April which require public to submit negative RT-PCR report, a medical certificate and identity card to generate e-pass to be able to access Haridwar Kumbh area.”

Held every 12 years, this year’s Kumbh Mela is taking place as India is gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Experts have urged the devotees and general public to avoid large gathering and maintain social distancing to avoid further spread of the coronavirus.
