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Indian-American Neal Mohan to be new CEO of YouTube

Neal Mohan will be the next Chief Executive Officer of YouTube; Image Source: Twitter

Neal Mohan will be the next Chief Executive Officer of YouTube; Image Source: Twitter

An Indian-American Neal Mohan will be the next Chief Executive Officer of YouTube after Susan Wojcicki announced her resignation citing “personal projects.”

Neal Mohan is currently the Chief Product Officer of YouTube. Before joining YouTube, Mohan was the Senior Vice President (SVP), Display and Video Ads at Google.

In the message, Out going CEO Wojcicki announced that Neal Mohan will be the successor. She further stated that Mohan is an excellent leader who understands this community and its needs better than anyone.

Taking to Twitter, Mohan said, “Thank you, @SusanWojcicki. It’s been amazing to work with you over the years. You’ve built YouTube into an extraordinary home for creators and viewers. I’m excited to continue this awesome and important mission. Looking forward to what lies ahead…”

The YouTube Creators also shared Wojcicki’s message which stated, “Earlier today I sent an email to employees announcing that I’d be stepping back from my role as the head of YouTube to start a new chapter focused on my family, health and personal projects I’m passionate about.”

Wojcicki planned to stay around the office for a period of time to help Neal with the transition and will serve as an advisor to Google and Alphabet.

“It has been the honour of my career to have a front-row seat to the incredible YouTube community you have built. Your stories of perseverance, creativity, and inspiration were a daily source of motivation and inspired me to be an advocate and steward for this community you all created. It was a constant highlight of my job to sit down with you, hear how you were using the platform, and listen to feedback. Sometimes what you said was tough and candid, but it was important for me and the wider YouTube team to listen and do better. Today, the YouTube community is incredibly strong. You’re building businesses and following your dreams,” the letter further read.

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki announced her resignation: Image Source: Twitter

Wojcicki concluded her letter by thanking people and stated, “Finally, thank you for everything over the years. Thank you for welcoming me into your studios, your homes and your lives. Thank you for letting me be a part of the incredible stories you’re sharing with the world.” 

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