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Australia, India, USA and Japan launch ‘Quad Cyber Challenge’ to improve online security

'Quad Cyber Challenge' to improve online security; Image Source: QUAD

'Quad Cyber Challenge' to improve online security; Image Source: QUAD

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or Quad comprising India, United States, Japan and Australia on Wednesday launched a public campaign ‘Quad Cyber Challenge’ to improve cyber security across their nations.

Governments, corporations, nonprofits, universities, and schools around the world are invited to take the Cyber Challenge. It’s a call to action for every Internet user to learn more about cybersecurity and protect themselves, their devices, or their customers from the growing threats of online attacks. 

Australia’s Minister for Cyber Security Clare O’Neil said, “Together with our Quad partners, we are launching the Quad Cyber Challenge to help everyone become more cyber secure.”

“With malicious cyber threats becoming more and more frequent, Quad countries including Australia are focusing on ensuring everyone has the knowledge and tools they need to best guard themselves against cyber-attacks.”

Minister O’Neil also urged the community to take the challenge and test their knowledge of safe and responsible cyber habits.

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil; Image Source: Twitter

Everybody knows the risks of being hacked, but few know all the simple steps they can take to prevent being hacked. That’s why we want millions of people around the world to learn more by taking the challenge and committing to safe and secure online practices.

The Quad has invited Internet users across the Indo-Pacific and beyond to become part of the challenge and practice “safe and responsible cyber habits,” India’s National Security Council Secretariat said in the press release.

The ‘Quad Cyber Challenge’ shows the continuous efforts of Quad nations to bolster cyber security awareness and action and to foster a more secure and resilient cyber ecosystem to benefit economies and users.

In an official release, India’s National Security Council Secretariat said, “The Internet users are being invited across the Indo-Pacific and beyond to join the Challenge and pledge to practice safe and responsible cyber habits.”

It further added,

“The Challenge reflects the continuing Quad efforts to strengthen individuals’ and communities’ cyber security awareness and action, as well as to foster a more secure and resilient cyber ecosystem to benefit economies and users everywhere.”

Cybersecurity (Image source: CANVA)

India’s National Security Council Secretariat noted, “Internet users worldwide are targets of cybercrime and other malicious cyber threats that can cost trillions of dollars each year and compromise sensitive personal data.”

“Many successful cyber-attacks can be guarded against by simple preventative measures. Together, Internet users and providers can take small steps to significantly improve cybersecurity and cyber safety.”

The steps include routinely installing security updates, enabling enhanced identity checks through multi-factor authentication, using stronger and regularly changing passphrases, and knowing how to identify common online scams, like phishing.

The Quad Cyber Challenge provides resources, including basic cybersecurity information and training for all users, from corporations to educational institutions, small businesses and individuals and will culminate in events during the week of April 10.

The action in India is being coordinated by the office of the National Cyber Coordinator with the National Security Council Secretariat.

The Quad nations are working to ensure everyone has access to the resources needed to make informed decisions while online and using smart devices, the National Security Council Secretariat said in the press release.

It further said that people and organizations can learn what they can do to foster a “safe, more secure, and resilient cyberspace so that the nations collectively be better protected from cyber threats.

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